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Jbt Masters je starija od 13ice. :blink: Masters - Amber Rose Tamblyn (born May 14, 1983)Olivia Wilde (born Olivia Jane Cockburn; March 10, 1984)

Edited by salerokada
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Ode Dr.Watson ;)

TVLine | You don’t really believe this is your last season, do you? I mean, House will eventually get renewed, and you’re a huge part of the show so they’re going to want you back. [Pauses] I. Love. Money. Very, very much. But I also love my wife and my daughter. And when this play first came up I knew the only way it could work is if the show was over because the run [would overlap] with House‘s shooting schedule. And when my contract was not renewed this season… The long and short of it is, I don’t know. I would love to make more money. Money is nice. I also really miss [living in] New Jersey. I also really miss theater. I miss my friends. Gabby misses her family. I’m sick and tired of living in a place I don’t feel at home. There are very pressing, strong things pulling us in both directions at the moment, so I really don’t know what we’re going to do. It’s going to be a family decision, but it’s not one we have the discomfort of making right now because we’re not being offered options. I assume they’ll make another year of House. And I assume I will do it. But I can’t say for sure. My wife and I are really strange people. We never spend any money. I got my first car when I got out here — a Jetta — and I’ve been driving it since the pilot. We haven’t spent much of the money we’ve made. Read more at ONTD: http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/58093604.html#ixzz1JK7ZJsFY

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Morali su da naprave srceparajucu epizodu o Mastersovoj, da bi konacno otisla. Taman kad se uklopila, ode.Nego, ako se gleda po proslim sezonama, ostale su nam jos 3-4 epizode maksimalno. Da li se zna da li je ovo kraj serije ili se planira i VIII sezona?

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josh uvek nishta nije potpisano, plus sam chitao neshto da se mozda nece dogovoriti sa foxom, pa da ce nuditi seriju NBC-u. trebalo bi da se zna valjda negde do sredine maja, tada se obichno objavljuje program za jesen.

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