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Roger Sanchez

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16 hours ago, dragance said:

Ah, opet ti Trumptardi pokušavaju sa humorom i baljezganjem

Zaista, ne treba da se trude... samo treba da puste demokrate da se sami umažu gomnima... Voleo bih da može da se umre do posle ovih njihovih izbora, ja ovu količinu gadosti i imbecilizma sa obe strane neću izdržati.



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Ja sam se sokirao kad sam video da su Harris i Walz isto godiste. Ladno sam mislio da je Tim jedno 10-ak godina stariji. A to je valjda i deo imidza koji zele da stvore, da je on u neku ruku mentorska figura..

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Ja sam se šoknula kad sam videla da je Tim pola godine mlađi od Bred Pita, ali dobro, manje-više svi izgledamo kao skrndelji pored Bred Pita. :confused5:

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Posle midwesta, primetna promena i u sunbeltu




AZ Heris +5

GA Tramp +4

NC Heris +2

NV Tramp +1


Sa uključivanjem 3rd party ne menja se mnogo, poen dva tamo-vamo


Prelazak sa LV na RV screen takođe ne menja puno.. 


Ovo su 4 države koje Tramp MORA da dobije 

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Gruziju™ sigurno neće izgubiti, tamo su provedene temeljite pripreme da mu kad zatreba nađu™ tih 11 600 glasova

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Eto, bolje je ne davati Bezosovim novinama™ et al. nikakav materijal i umjesto toga laprdati kao Tramp


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kad smo kod Bezosovih novina, zanimljiv članak o Kamalinom političkom usponu.

pošto sam preletela, da podelim par zanimljivih momenata:


'She hand-edits her speeches with a pen and substitutes her favored words, and prefers to understand a policy down to its intricacies before weighing in on it, aides said. A former aide recounted Harris asking her team, an hour before she was set to deliver a speech for Veterans Day where she planned to mention the plot number of a veteran’s grave at Arlington Cemetery, to find the section number, too.'


Ceo članak je onako malo hagiofrafski, al moš misliti, hand-edits pripremljene govore pa još omiljene reči i još voli da se udubi u intricacies. How precious.


'The deliberations show how a cautious approach to decisions big and small became a defining characteristic of Harris’s vice presidency. She also was wary of offering her own policy views and in building out her political infrastructure. Much of her behavior has been driven by a desire not to overshadow President Biden and to demonstrate loyalty to a man she vigorously attacked during the 2020 Democratic primary.'


:rolleyes: how yes no.


'In the first meeting of the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2017, then-Chairman Richard Burr (R., N.C.) was going around the room to introduce new members when he got to Harris. Burr struggled to pronounce her first name, according to people familiar with the meeting. “I know you told me how to pronounce it,” he apologized. “Oh well, I’ll just call you Senator Harris." Harris, who had been a senator all of a few days at that point, shot back, “No problem. I’ll just call you Dick.” Burr didn’t respond to a request for comment.'


Huge if true :laugh:


'In 2021, an exchange between Harris and a student over Israel set off a cleanup effort at the White House. A student asked Harris about the “ethnic genocide” Israel was carrying out against Palestinians, telling her: “I feel like there’s a lack of listening.” Harris responded, “Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard.”


Harris’s staff, concerned about any hint of criticism of Israel, immediately began contacting the heads of top pro-Israel organizations, seeking to clarify that Harris wasn’t endorsing the student’s claim of ethnic genocide. Her spokeswoman issued a statement saying the vice president “strongly disagrees” with the characterization. Some activists now say those comments, showing empathy for Palestinians, are more in line with the views of key Democratic voters who have been frustrated with Biden.'


Kakve su veverice ovi aktivisti, ne znaju da "people-powered campaign" zapravo znači "Israel-lobby-powered campaign" :twak:

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Mogu da se puše i da ga puše. Ekonomija o kojoj oni pričaju može da postoji samo dok postoji konkurencija. Kad imaš firme koje organizuju stanodavce da podignu cene, da bi imali 10% praznih stanova, ali svejedno maksimalni profit, onda imaš problem. Zato što u normalnoj tržišnoj ekonomiji visoke cene privlače druge učesnike koji obaraju cenu. Pošto se to ne dešava i ne dešava se nigde na svetu trenutno otprilike, onda nešto ne štima. Nevidljivi monopoli dominiraju tržištem i od toga niko nema korist osim monopolista.


To je deo problema i u Srbiji i odlično je što se o tome priča. I Biden je imao jak fokus na ove teme, Kamala samo pojačava fokus, što je odlično.

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Evo, clear daylight između dvije društveno-ekonomske politike, jasno kao dan. Prezentira vam je tipični republikanski middle income kreten strašno zabrinut za bilance milijardera 



Edited by Roger Sanchez
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17 hours ago, Venom said:

Kad imaš firme koje organizuju stanodavce da podignu cene, da bi imali 10% praznih stanova, ali svejedno maksimalni profit, onda imaš problem. Zato što u normalnoj tržišnoj ekonomiji visoke cene privlače druge učesnike koji obaraju cenu. Pošto se to ne dešava i ne dešava se nigde na svetu trenutno otprilike, onda nešto ne štima. Nevidljivi monopoli dominiraju tržištem i od toga niko nema korist osim monopolista.

I jedni i drugi (D&R) podilaze glasačima kojima je u interesu negradnja dodatnog stambenog fonda. Optužbe na račun korporacija i inih ala je prosto način da se skrene pažnja sa pravog problema. Monopoli malo morgen.



I came across a good example of this the other day when thinking about the problem of housing affordability, which is a major issue in both Canada and the U.S. An important difference between the two countries, however, is that in Canada the problem has generated something that at least vaguely resembles a rational policy response. Most importantly, it has led governments at all levels to focus on building more housing. Anyone who has tried to drive anywhere in Toronto in the past few years will have noticed that these efforts are producing results. There’s a lot of construction going on!


Some quick math shows that Toronto and Calgary have more construction cranes than all of the listed U.S. cities combined (including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston!). What is mind-boggling about this statistic is not all the construction that is going on in Toronto, but all of the construction that is not going on in New York and San Francisco. (Also, just to be clear, almost all of those cranes in Toronto are doing residential construction. The commercial property market is glutted, having not yet recovered from COVID.)


I may be naïve, but I was surprised at how much resistance the residents of SoHo and NoHo in New York City gave to an “upzoning” plan to permit taller buildings and more residential construction in those districts. Just to be clear, these are people who live on the island of Manhattan, fighting tooth and nail against the construction of tall buildings in their neighbourhood.

Edited by Gandalf
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