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Henry Gervex: Rolla (1878)




Slika, uklonjena sa prve izložbe jer je Edmon Tirke (Edmond Turquet), političar i državni sekretar zadužen za obrazovanje i umetnost smatrao nemoralnom, inspirisana je poemom Alfreda de Mizeja (Alfred de Musset) o mladom buržuju koji je protraćio sav novac i poslednju noć pred samoubistvo provodi sa prelepom prostitutkom.


Citat iz knjige Painted love: Prostitution and french art of the impressionist era (Hollis Clayson)





Gervex's painting had a lurid and well-known literary source: it was based on Alfred de Musset's poem "Rolla," published in 1833 and 1840.
The poem, a paradigm of July Monarchy romanticism, chronicles the disgrace that befalls Jacques Rolla, a son of the bourgeoisie, in the big city.
The narrative of his decline — he squandered his fortune and committed suicide — is interleaved with lamentations over the moral and spiritual decadence of contemporary life. Thenineteen-year-old Rolla becomes the "most debauched man" in Paris, "where vice is the cheapest, the oldest and the most fertile in the world."

The poem tells a second story as well, that of Marie (or Maria or Marion), a pure young girl who becomes a degraded urban prostitute.
Her story amplifies the poet's theme — a world in moral disarray - and provides the instrument of, and a sympathetic companion for, Rolla's climactic self-destruction.
Musset is clear about his young prostitute's status: she was forced into a 
prostitution de la misère by economic circumstances ("what had debased her was, alas, poverty /And not love of gold"), and he frequently distinguishes her situation from that of the venal women of the courtesan rank ("Your loves are golden, lively and poetic; . . . you are not for sale at all").

The segments of the poem from which Gervex drew his story — and which were published in press reviews of the painting — are these:

With a melancholy eye Rolla gazed on
The beautiful Marion asleep in her wide bed;
In spite of himself, an unnameable and diabolical horror
Made him tremble to the bone.
Marion had cost dearly. — To pay for his night
He had spent his last coins.
His friends knew it. And he, on arriving,
Had taken their hand and given his word that
In the morning no one would see him alive.

When Rolla saw the sun appear on the roofs,
He went and leaned out the window.

Rolla turned to look at Marie.
She felt exhausted, and had fallen asleep.
And thus both fled the cruelties of fate,
The child in sleep, and the man in death!

It was a moment of inaction, then, that Gervex chose to paint - that of weary repose for her and melancholic contemplation for Rolla, following the night of paid sex and just prior to his suicide.



Edmond Turquet



Pesnik Alfred de Mize bio je poznat po burnoj ljubavnoj vezi sa Žorž Sand.





Sve dok ona žena u Kraljevskom muzeju,
u naslikanoj tišini i usredsređenosti,
iz dana u dan sipa
mleko iz bokala u činiju,
svet ne zaslužuje
smak sveta.


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Interesantan potpis u vidu autoportreta na okrnjenoj ivici kamenog bloka (da nije vodiča ne bih provalio ni za tri života :fantom:)



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I'm a fish inside a birdcage
My brother always sings me songs
With his beak he tries to soothe me
He makes me feel that I belong

He has a wild imagination
And tells me things that must be true
Like there's a world where I can take flight
Where I can freely move

So carry me from these walls
Brother of mine
Show me the world outside
It has to be true
I'm counting on you
To be my wings and my eyes

As I breathe into our silence
There's a voice that comforts me
It's a voice of understanding
It's the voice of empathy

Wings of feathers, tails, and fin tips
We feel each rock so differently
You gave me more than I could ask for

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