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U minojskoj palati Knosos, na Kritu, nalazi se najstarije presto (prestona dvorana sa tronom od alabastera) u Evropi. Mnogi arheolozi veruju da je bio tron glavne sveštenice.
Palatu je svojim novcem rekonstruisao Artur Evans, britanski arheolog.  









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U Švedskoj se do 1967. godine vozilo levom stranom ulice. Prizori kada je od 3. septembra 1967. uvedeno pravilo vožnje desnom stranom:







U nedelju, 3. septembra, zabranjen je sav saobraćaj koji nije od suštinske važnosti na putevima od 01:00 do 06:00.
Vozila na putevima u to vreme morala su da poštuju posebna pravila: morala su da se potpuno zaustave u 04:50, zatim pažljivo pređu na desnu stranu puta i ponovo se zaustave pre nego što im je dozvoljeno da nastave u 05:00.

U Stokholmu i Malmeu, međutim, zabrana je bila duža – od 10:00 u subotu do 15:00 u nedelju – kako bi se omogućilo radnim ekipama da rekonfigurišu raskrsnice.

Putevi, prelazi, kružne raskrsnice, nadvožnjaci, itd. već su redizajnirani, a oko 360.000 putokaza je promenjeno tokom noći. Datumu je takođe prethodila intenzivna nacionalna kampanja koja je obaveštavala ljude o tome šta će se tog dana dogoditi.

Oko 130.000 znakova podsetnika bilo je postavljeno svuda duž ulica i puteva, a većina automobila je imala H-nalepnicu na instrument tabli ispred vozača kako bi ga podsetila.

Vrlo malo automobila u Švedskoj je u to vreme bilo sa volanom na desnoj strani, uprkos činjenici da su švedski učesnici u saobraćaju koristili levu stranu saobraćaja 233 godine.



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3 minutes ago, Klara said:

U Švedskoj se do 1967. godine vozilo levom stranom ulice. Prizori kada je od 3. septembra 1967. uvedeno pravilo vožnje desnom stranom:









Kad god pomislim na tu voznju drugom stranom, setim se pocetka iz onog poznatog svedskog filma od pre 15-20 godina, kad neki usputni lik vozi iz Svedske u Norvesku, pa izadje iz auta i kaze nesto u fazonu "kako ga vuce na onu drugu stranu". Imam sliku u glavi i uvek padnem od smeha.

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Od tih prica ko kako vozi, meni je najzanimljivije kako je Japan zavrsio na levoj strani. Naime prvu zeleznicu tamo su pravili Englezi i naravno postavili sve kao u Engleskoj. Ovo je kasnije uticalo da se i saobracaj na putevima okrene levoj strani.


Japan je i prvi poceo da koristi brzu zeleznicu:


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7 minutes ago, I*m with the pilots said:


Kad god pomislim na tu voznju drugom stranom, setim se pocetka iz onog poznatog svedskog filma od pre 15-20 godina, kad neki usputni lik vozi iz Svedske u Norvesku, pa izadje iz auta i kaze nesto u fazonu "kako ga vuce na onu drugu stranu". Imam sliku u glavi i uvek padnem od smeha.

i kako mu je muka od te voznje na kontra strani :lolol:


Kitchen Stories (2003)

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This animation was born from a recent visit to my grandparents, who are navigating the maze of memory loss.
The fragmented images, torn edges, and distorted faces encapsulate how time warps our recollections. 


Mike Parisella





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Material World: A Global Family Portrait, by Peter Menzel, 1994. 

Portreti porodica i njihove imovine, sjajan opis različitih kultura, životnih stilova i ljudskih težnji.









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Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio: Hungry Planet: What the World Eats (2004)


Germany: The Sturm Family of Hamburg. Food Expenditure for One Week: € 253.29 ($325.81 USD).
Favorite foods: salads, shrimp, buttered vegetables, sweet rice with cinnamon and sugar, pasta




Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily. Food expenditure for one week: 214.36 Euros or $260.11.

Favorite foods: fish, pasta with ragu, hot dogs, frozen fish sticks.




China: The Dong family of Beijing. Food expenditure for one week: 1,233.76 Yuan or $155.06.

Favorite foods: fried shredded pork with sweet and sour sauce.




Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City. Food expenditure for one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25.

Favorite foods: sashimi, fruit, cake, potato chips.




Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp. Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23.

Favorite foods: soup with fresh sheep meat.




United States: The Revis family of North Carolina. Food expenditure for one week: $341.98.

Favorite foods: spaghetti, potatoes, sesame chicken.




Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village. Food expenditure for one week: 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03.

Family recipe: Mushroom, cheese and pork.




Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo. Food expenditure for one week: 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53.

Family recipe: Okra and mutton.




Listajte dalje i uživajte: https://time.com/8515/what-the-world-eats-hungry-planet/

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Kafka’s Remarkable Letter to His Abusive and Narcissistic Father





There is only one episode from those early years that I remember directly, perhaps you remember it too.
I was whining persistently for water one night, certainly not because I was thirsty, but in all probability partly to be annoying, partly to amuse myself. After a number of fierce threats had failed, you lifted me out of my bed, carried me out onto the pavlatche (the Czech word for the long balcony in the inner courtyard of old houses in Prague) and left me awhile all alone, standing outside the locked door in my nightshirt.
I do not mean to say that this dearest father was wrong of you, perhaps at that time there really was no other way of having a peaceful night, but I mention it as a characteristic example of the way you brought me up and the effect it had on me.

This incident almost certainly made me obedient for a time, but it damaged me on the inside. I was by nature unable to reconcile the simple act (as it seemed to me) of casually asking for water with the utter horror of being carried outside. Years later it still tormented me that this giant man, my father, the ultimate authority, could enter my room at any time and, almost unprovoked, carry me from my bed out onto the pavlatche, and that I meant so little to him.

That was merely the beginning of things, but this feeling of powerlessness which still regularly overcomes me (in other respects admittedly a noble and productive feeling) stems in many ways from how you treated me. What I needed was a little encouragement, a little friendliness, a little help to keep my future open, instead you obstructed it, admittedly with the good intention of persuading me to go down a different path. But I was not fit for the path you chose. 



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