Posted October 11, 200717 yr from what the bleep - down the rabbit holeProto-consciousness, Platonic values, goodness, truth...exist at this fundamental level of space-time geometry...which can influence our actions if we're open to them...and interconnects us to all other the universe at large.The universe is very strange. There seem to be two sets of laws that govern the universe. In our everyday classical world, meaning roughly our size and timescales…things are described by Newton's laws of motion...set down hundreds and hundreds of years ago. And they work very well for billiard balls and cannonballs and gravity. However, when we get down to a small scale...when we get down to, say, the level of atoms...a different set of laws take over. These are the quantum laws, quantum theory, and quantum mechanics. And at that level...particles may be in multiple places at the same time. They may behave as waves smeared out spatially and temporally. They may be interconnected over great distances. They may, be unified into one quantum state- into one state...governed by one wave function. And the borderline, the threshold…this curtain between the quantum world and the classical really mysterious. It's called sometimes the collapse of the wave function...because at the quantum world, everything is in superposition and multiple possibilities. And in the classical world, these multiple possibilities...seem to collapse to particular, definite choices. So, everything is in one particular place. Quantum mechanics is really the play and display of information...the play and display of potentiality...waves of information, waves of potential electron. Edited April 28, 200816 yr by CowBoy
October 13, 200717 yr LA FUITE DE LA LUNE- Oscar Wilde -To outer senses there is peace,A dreamy peace on either hand, Deep silence in the shadowy land,Deep silence where the shadows cease.And suddenly the moon withdrawsHer sickle from the lightening skies, And to her sombre cavern flies,Wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze.
October 13, 200717 yr Black and orange stray cat sittin' on a fence / Ain't got enough dough to pay the rent / I'm flat broke but I don't careI strut right by with my tail in the airStray cat strut, I'm a ladies' cat, / A feline Casanova, hey man, thats where its at / Get a shoe thrown at me from a mean old manGet my dinner from a garbage canYeah, don't cross my path!I don't bother chasing mice around / I slink down the alley looking for a fightHowling to the moonlight on a hot summer night / Singin' the blues while the lady cats cry, "Wild stray cat, you're a real gone guy."I wish I could be as carefree and wild, / but I got cat class and I got cat style.
October 14, 200717 yr (iz y, the last man stripa, al uklopilo bi se u mnogi cheesy akcioni film)m: i'm not an evil man.y: you know what kind of people have to say that, right?
October 15, 200717 yr ...Adieu adieu adieu adieuaddio al mondoai ricordi del passatoad un sogno mai sognatoad un'attimo d'amoreche mai pi? ritorner?. ...R.I.PDOMENICO
October 16, 200717 yr Са Београдом, Дејвидом и Бриљантним дрвећемWhen you come to meI'll question myself againIs this grip on life still my ownWhen every step I takeLeads me so far awayEvery thought should bring me closer homeAnd there you standMaking my life possibleRaise my hands up to heavenBut only you could knowMy whole world stands in front of meBy the look in your eyesBy the look in your eyesMy whole life stretches in front of meReaching up like a flowerLeading my life back to the soilEvery plan I've made'sLost in the scheme of thingsWithin each lesson lies the price to learnA reason to believeDivorces itself from meEvery hope I hold lies in my armsAnd there you standMaking my life possibleRaise my hands up to heavenBut only you could knowMy whole world stands in front of meBy the look in your eyesBy the look in your eyesMy whole life stretches in front of meReaching up like a flowerLeading my life back to the soil Edited October 16, 200717 yr by Indy
October 16, 200717 yr jel to bese onaj album inspirisan Tarkovskim?u ovim stihovima se definitivno oseca uticaj Arsenija, oca Andrejevog, cak znam i tu pesmu.
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