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15 hours ago, Tale said:

Componovao mi je neki loop, gde bih mogao ovo da učitam i da čujem kako zvuči?

Ja se zezao sa chordchord.com (prvi koji sam nasao, ne preporucujem uopste, nije pravljen za unos akorada nego za neko AI generisanje), i evo sta je ispalo - elevator music 101, kao sto sam i ocekivao po akordima (kad se transponuje, bude Hm-G-D-A):



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Nova stvar koju sam danas saznao, opet putem postovanja sa ln od ljudi koji se isto igraju sa ovim.

Korisno je tražiti ChatGPT-u da se stavi u određenu rolu i/ili piše za određenu publiku.

As a coder...

As a storyteller...


Ja sam se takođe igrao sa "in style of..." pa sam tražio da nešto prepriča u stilu Ričarda Prajora, Lui C.K., Bill Burr-a i Dilana Morana. I generalno nije loš u tome, tj. barem mi se činilo da nije loš, malo mi je clouded judgement. Malo igra na svoje neke ideje, i koristi gotta kod svih recimo. Ali opet, ima opipljivih razlika.


how would Richard Prior tell this story

"Man, let me tell you 'bout this one guy, David. He in the hospital and he thinkin' he the only one left in the world. But the doctor, he tryin' to tell him that ain't true. But David, he don't believe it. He gotta go out and see for himself. So, he do a daring escape from the hospital. He like a cat, man. Jumpin' over obstacles and dodgin' security cameras. And he finally get out, and he find out the world ain't end after all. He feel like a million bucks, man. Just like me when I get outta the hospital"

How would Louie C.K. tell this story

"So, there's this guy David, right? And he's in the hospital and he's convinced that he's the only person left in the world. But the doctor, he's trying to tell him that's not true. But David, he's not having it. He's gotta go out and see for himself. So, he makes a daring escape from the hospital. He's like a ninja or something, dodging security cameras and jumping over obstacles. And he finally gets out, and he finds out the world hasn't ended after all. It's just a crazy idea he had in his head. But it's not true. The world is still here and there are billions of people living their lives. But David, he's feeling like a million bucks, because he's free and he can finally put this crazy idea to rest"

How would Bill Burr tell this story

"Alright, so there's this dude, David, right? He's in the hospital and he's convinced that he's the only person left in the world. Can you believe that? But the doctor, he's trying to tell him that's not true, that he's just having some kind of anxiety or something. But David, he don't wanna hear it. He's gotta go out and see for himself. So, he pulls off this crazy escape from the hospital. He's like some kinda superhero, dodging security cameras and jumping over obstacles. And he finally gets out and he finds out the world ain't ended after all. It's just some crazy idea he had in his head. But it's not true. The world is still here, and there are billions of people living their lives. But David, he's feeling like a million bucks, because he's free and he can finally put this crazy idea to rest."

How would Dylan Moran tell this story

"So, there's this chap David, right? And he's in the hospital and he's convinced that he's the only person left in the world. Can you imagine that? But the doctor, he's trying to tell him that's not true, that it's just some sort of a mental hiccup. But David, he's not having any of it. He's gotta go out and see for himself. So, he pulls off this audacious escape from the hospital. He's like a master criminal, dodging security cameras and leaping over obstacles. And he finally gets out and he finds out the world hasn't ended after all. It's just some mad idea he had in his head. But it's not true. The world is still here and there are billions of people living their lives. But David, he's feeling like a king, because he's free and he can finally put this mad idea to rest."


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21 hours ago, papapavle said:

Meni je od tog teksta koji magicno konvergira na neku srednju vrednost celokupnog internet teksta na zadatu temu, bez razumevanja problema (onaj klasican primer kad algoritam uporno ne provaljuje da mu je odgovor dat u pitanju, zensko ime cetvrte sestre) mnogo zanimljivije generisanje slika.


Buduci da sam od toga potpuno operisan, rezultati mi deluju milion puta kreativnije, mada znam da fali "umetnica je prisutna" momenat :)


Kao najbanalniji primer, kad smo primili treci gol od Kameruna, ja trazio da mi se izgenerise slika sa upitom "tears of mother of God over Serbia's soccer defending" - i dalje sam fasciniran:



Edit: mozda sam promasio temu, ovo je Dall-E a ne ChatGPT, ali mi se ucinilo da je ovo generalno prica o AI trendu.

Bas sam te hteo pitati gde si zadavao likovni zadatak posto je ovo text bot :)

thanx za link.

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2 hours ago, papapavle said:

Ja se zezao sa chordchord.com (prvi koji sam nasao, ne preporucujem uopste, nije pravljen za unos akorada nego za neko AI generisanje), i evo sta je ispalo - elevator music 101, kao sto sam i ocekivao po akordima (kad se transponuje, bude Hm-G-D-A):



Hvala, interesantno budući da sam ga jedva namolio da izmisli nešto.

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21 hours ago, Vapad said:


@Friend Pitao bih što to misliš, ali negde sam čitao (možda i ovde zapravo) da su najmlađe generacije dosta manje kompjuterske pismene, as in doing stuff a ne social media.


Pa dobro, ima covek pravo da se zapita kako ovo moze da bude stetno.... Po pravilu sve sto moze da bude mnogo korisno imace u realnosti stetan efekat ali puta beskonacno :fantom:



Edited by Friend
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7 hours ago, maheem said:

Bas sam te hteo pitati gde si zadavao likovni zadatak posto je ovo text bot :)

thanx za link.


Ne vidim link u papapavlovom postu, ali lajt verzija za likovne zadatke ima i ovdje, bez registracije ili instaliranja bilo čega. Zadaješ riječima ili crtežom, radi na telefonu i na PC-ju.



Tu pravim covere za svoje mikseve :happy:










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ChatGPT passes MBA exam given by a Wharton professor

The bot’s performance on the test has “important implications for business school education," wrote Christian Terwiesch, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
New research conducted by a professor at University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School found that the artificial intelligence-driven chatbot GPT-3 was able to pass the final exam for the school's Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.
  • Haha 2
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5 hours ago, Djuro said:

upravo ovo je dokaz da AI ne postoji. zar ne?


Niko ozbiljan ne misli da AI danas postoji, u pitanju je vrlo napredan chatbot i ništa više.


Kognitivno je ograničen, učio na datasetu zatvorenom 2017. godine, ali iznenađujuće ubedljivo komunicira u tom rasponu.


Turingov test je odavno prevaziđeno merilo.


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E da, to šta mu dozvoljavaju da piše a šta blokiraju, to je jedina novina od kako je pušten u rad. Originalno je hteo da kreira svakakve roleplaying scenarije, sad uglavnom odbija.

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1 hour ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Niko ozbiljan ne misli da AI danas postoji, u pitanju je vrlo napredan chatbot i ništa više.


Kognitivno je ograničen, učio na datasetu zatvorenom 2017. godine, ali iznenađujuće ubedljivo komunicira u tom rasponu.


Turingov test je odavno prevaziđeno merilo.


Odavno? Pa ne baš. Tek pojavom transformer modela 2017 su prve mašine bile u stanju da ga prodju (chatgpt takođe koristi transformer modele). 


Takodje, kad gledam i slušam ljude iz mog sela, rekao BiH da chatgpt daje bolje i smislenije odgovore na pitanja koja mu se postavljaju od bar 80% njih. Slažem se da Turingov test nije dovoljan kriterijum za inteligenciju, al me brine ko će od nas da položi neki budući praaavi test inteligencije ;)

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