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Evo i ja da podelim nešto što mi je pomoglo. Radi se po test za svaki aspekt posture što mi se dopada i zbog motivacije jer ga možeš kasnije ponoviti i zbog toga što se vidi na šta treba obratiti dodatnu pažnju a gde si ok. I onda jedan dan vežbice da se ojačaju mišići, pa jedan dan istezanja i tako naizmenično. 





Edited by Heaviside
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Amerikanci su opsednuti sa "posture". Nije mi se jednom desilo da neko prodje pored nas i kaze lik "Uh, kakav posture".


Ja nisam siguran sta je to tacno. Dugo sam mislio da je to na srpskom "drzanje" tj nacin na koji stojis.


Sad vidim da imaju i vezbe. 

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46 minutes ago, bags said:

Amerikanci su opsednuti sa "posture". Nije mi se jednom desilo da neko prodje pored nas i kaze lik "Uh, kakav posture".


Ja nisam siguran sta je to tacno. Dugo sam mislio da je to na srpskom "drzanje" tj nacin na koji stojis.


Sad vidim da imaju i vezbe. 

Jeste držanje, a vežbe služe da ga popraviš. Od sedenja i gledanja u ekran i telefon se vrat "izduži" i zakrivi, ramena poviju na napred, torakalna kičma ode u kifozu, pelvis se tiltuje na nazad, nekad čak i napred da pruži oslonac, kolena budu blago povijena kada se stoji i tako dalje. Neki mišići, obično napred se skrate, a neki, obično nazad postanu preslabi, bude na nekim mestima i obrnuto. Zbog toga držanje bude još lošije i tako u krug. Nije moguće odlučiti da se od danas lepo stoji i sedi jer telo za to više nije sposobno, ali ta želja tj. obraćanje pažnje jeste neophodan uslov. Mora da se jača i isteže. Ja sam imao tešku povredu kičme pa je kod mene sve to još naglašenije jer počne da boli ako mi je držanje previše loše, ali rekao bih da velika većina ljudi ima nezdravo držanje. Nisu to nikakve posebne vežbe, većina firmi tu kod tebe nudi zaposlenima wirbelsäulengymnastik ili tako neki kurs. To ti je u principu to, ali je po meni bolje svaki dan po 10 minuta posvetiti tome nego jednom nedeljno sat vremena. 


U principu je držanje tj. stabilnost postalo jedan od tri stuba fitnesa (u smislu da si zdrav i fit, ne mislim na takmičenje) uz kardio i trening snage pa je komentar posture postao ekvivalent komentaru da je neko jak kao životinja ili izdržljiv kao maratonac.


Imaš u ovom videu 4-5 vežbica koje služe kao test, trebaće ti možda 5 minuta ukupno pa vidi gde stojiš. Kapiram da nisi kritičan čim te muka nije naterala da saznaš da postoje vežbe.

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Ja sam pre nekih sto godina krenuo od ovog clanka - vrlo lako se identifikuje bad posture ako stojis uspravno i opusteno i palcevi saka ti pokazuju ka unutra (ka telu), a treba ka napred. Ima par vezbica koje mogu u kucnoj atmosferi da se odrade, mada je ovaj Athlean-X bolji (inace preporuka za njegov YT kanal). Jako cesto se javlja kada grudni misici postanu preteski, pa telo samo pokusava da balansira tu tezinu, kod sisatih zena ili kod likova koji previse pumpaju benc, a ne prate jacanjem ledja.


Da sam resio problem - nisam, ali sam on/off sa tim vezbicama i trudim se. Sve sto rece Heaviside mogu da potvrdim, lose drzanje ti posledicno sjebava i pelvis i neke druge delove tela koje pokusava da kompenzuje to. 


Bravo za temu btw.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I mene je joga ranije smarala, ali sad mi neke aktivnosti baš odgovaraju. Uvela sam sebi obavezno dnevno istezanje i mnogo mi prija, brzo se pokažu rezultati. A evo i vežbi za držanje...


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Mogu samo da kazem da otkako redovno vezbam i setam, "porasla" /ispravila sam se 1.5cm 


I sve me manje 90% manje boli (neki disk dole zaboravih mi je kao sjeban, kriva kicma...)

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  • 1 month later...

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explains how certain habits, like mouth breathing, can decrease attractiveness of men and completely change their lives and relationships. Andrew Huberman reveals truth about mouth breathing





Edited by eumeswil
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15x ponovi u minuti structure


Ja sam, otkako vezbam, porasla tj napokon sam se ispravila. Telo mi izgleda bolje nego kada sam imala 30godina. Ceo stav od glave do pete se rekonstruisao. Nije bas 100% al tu je. Vrat i brada ko u devojcice al to je mozda i zbog preparata sto mazem.  


Te facijalne vezbe jesu delotvorne, imam par prijateljica koje se zezaju sa time 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...







Start reading Jaws



This is a story about a vast and serious epidemic afflicting the developed world increasingly over the last few centuries, one that has gone virtually unrecognized. Jaws is about its origins, how it was discovered, and what we can do about it. The epidemic’s roots lie in cultural shifts in important daily actions we seldom think about; we just do them automatically. We don’t think about chewing, breathing, growing, or sleeping, or even the position of our jaws when we’re not eating or talking. Most of these actions we don’t acquire as habits, that is, by doing them repeatedly; they are inborn. A newborn exposed to air starts to breathe and cry. A baby presented with a nipple opens her mouth, starts to suckle, and after a bit may reward you with a grin. In the evening, after driving you nuts with screaming, your baby sleeps like a log, no training required.


Simple and normal actions, yes. But, we argue, if repeatedly done in certain ways, early in life especially, over time they can undermine your health and alter your appearance in some surprising ways. If you keep your jaws apart and breathe through your mouth rather than through your nose for a few days, bite your tongue once in a while, or have insomnia for a few nights, you are going to be just fine. On the other hand, if you from an early age develop the habits of perpetually mouth breathing, eating mostly soft foods that require little chewing, and sleeping restlessly, snoring and squirming through every night, that could lead to distorted development of your jaws, face, and airway (the passage through which air enters and leaves the lungs) and to serious health problems later on—even to an early death. You would be a victim of a growing epidemic.


Modern industrialized societies are plagued by small jaws and crowded, ill-aligned teeth, a condition that the dental profession refers to as “malocclusion” (literally “bad bite”). Malocclusion is often accompanied by mouth breathing. Together, not to mention their negative effects on appearance, the two tend to reduce our quality of life and make us more susceptible to disease. And they are increasingly common. William Proffit, author of the most widely used textbook in orthodontics, the part of dentistry focused on straightening crooked teeth, pointed out the scale of the epidemic in the United States in 1998: “Survey data reveals that about a fifth of the population has significant malocclusion, and irregularity in the incisors (crowding of the front teeth) is severe enough in 15% that both social acceptability and function could be affected. Well over half have at least some degree of orthodontic treatment need.”1 A study of people in Sweden in 2007 showed that about a third of the population was in “real need” of orthodontic treatment and almost two-thirds has real or “borderline” need.2 Orthodontist and clinical director of the London School of Facial Orthotropics, Dr. Michael Mew, asserts that 95 percent of modern humans have deviations in dental alignment; 30+ percent are recommended to have orthodontic treatment (half have extractions); and 50 percent have wisdom teeth removed.3 If industrialized societies are plagued by jaw problems, might it not be smart to consider what changes might be made in those societies to ameliorate the problems?


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