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NBA 22/23


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nismo ni na pola sezone a vec je bilo vise od 80 utakmica gde je neko dao 40+ poena. nikad nije bilo vise talenta, ali nesto je i do sudija, pravila, tendencije lige da olaksava napadacima. bilo bi dobro da se to malo zauzda u narednom periodu, da se malo nagrade i braniči

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Kapiram da je bas onako kako zele i da je za njihov biznis dobro da pljuste kosevi, obaraju se rekordi, pravi hajp u medijima i drustvenim mrezama.. Upravo kako bi furali taj narativ, nikad vise talenta, nikad bolja kosarka..

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ja bih rekao da je plejof kosarka takodje dosta dosadna. tacnije, jednolicna, svi igraju jednu istu pojednostavljenu kosarku sa besomucnim lovljenjem mismatch-a. 

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Jedna od stvari koja mene strasno nervira je kada nesviraju ocigledne korake/nosenu, jer prilicno obesmisljava igru. Dumars kaze da je prioritet da se te stvari ubuduce striktno sankcionisu, pa ostaje da se vidi da li ce uspeti. To bi bio mali ali opet znacajan korak da ne gledamo kompletnu sprdnju



CBS: People have been complaining about uncalled travels forever. Why is traveling a point of emphasis now? What's your perspective on this crackdown?

JD: So for me, coming to the NBA office, what you realize is there are always continuous conversations going on about rules and points of emphasis. And this was a point of emphasis: It's time to start calling that third and fourth and sometimes fifth step that a guy may take -- it's unacceptable. And as a point of emphasis coming into this season, the message in meetings with the referees was, "If you see it, call it. Don't make it up, don't look for it if it's not there. But if you see it, call it."


Some people ask, "What's up with the travel?" And I say, "You mean like the third and fourth step, why are we calling it? Because it's a third and fourth step [laughs], that's why we're calling it!" So it's just a point of emphasis, and the players will adjust. They always do.


CBS: How is that adjustment going? 

JD: So I was in a meeting last week and I was making a presentation about this. And what I said in this meeting last week, James, was this: Of all the points of emphasis -- freedom of movement, unnatural basketball moves, all of these different things -- the one that's going to take the longest will be the traveling. You've had guys doing these moves since they were teenagers, since they were young kids. They've been watching guys do these moves and they grow up doing these moves. So it's encoded in them to do these moves. And now you're saying, "You can't do that, you can't take three and four steps." 

So players will adjust, they'll get it right, but I firmly believe this is the one that will take the longest for the players to adjust. As you can see with the transition take foul, that's down, what, 85, 86 percent from last year. The unnatural basketball move, jumping into a guy after a pump fake -- you don't see guys doing that as much as they used to anymore. That's what I'm saying. When you put a point of emphasis or change a rule, guys usually get it. This one will be the one that's probably going to take a little bit longer. 


CBS: Carrying/palming wasn't mentioned as an official point of emphasis, but those calls have gone up, too. Was that connected to the traveling discussion?

JD: It is. For us it's a part of the travel. Look, James, you put your hand under that ball and you take two or three steps and then you put it down, that's traveling. And so that's a part of the travel as well. We don't see 'em differently. We see them in the same category. 


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Nikad vise talenta za kurcobolju na terenu, 250+ poena lagano, ajmo svi da damo po 30 poena i imamo tripl dabl i zaradimo ugovore od 700 miliona dolara. Samo neke brojke i rekordi, sprdnjica. 

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neće nika oboriti ofanzivne rekorde jer se krajem 50s i tokom 60s postizalo mnogo više poena nego danas.


fun fact: Bill Russell ni tada nije mogo vola da ubode, nikad nije mogao da prebaci 15-16 ppg, a još ga ga neki proglašavaju da je goat




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sasvim je logicno da ima najvise talenta, jer je tek poslednjih godina nba globalni proizvod

negirati to je prilicno besmisleno

meni uopste ne deluje jednodimenzionalno i svidja mi se sto ima vrhunskih igraca sa potpuno drugacijim sto fizickim sto igrackim karakteritikama

bilo ih je uvek naravno, ali sad je to raznovrsnije nego ikad


pisali smo vec, ovaj nivo "kurcobolje", odmaranja i slicno, je u velikoj meri posledica ogromnog broja povreda poslednjih sezona koje su bukvalno krojile rezultat takmcienja vise nego ista

Edited by pbg12345
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2 minutes ago, 1n54jd3r said:

Dobar ulazak u tekmu od strane Denvera. Btw, da li neko gleda i da li na svakom stream-u kasni zvuk?

Na ovom gde ja gledam kasni slika

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Ocajno sutiraju klipersi iz igre. Dzamal izgleda mnogo bolje i sigurnije no u poslednjih 10ak dana. Denver dominira prakticno bez poena Jokica, a sigurno ce izgurati svoje u nastavku.

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