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F1 2022-

Ivo Petović

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Sad me kopka, da su normalno izvezli pocasni kurg, da li bi pokupio dovoljno ostataka guma da bude iznad limita..

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Pa u tekstu pise da se mere drained cars, bez goriva. Trebao da bude bolid 798 kg, on imao 796.5. 
Ko ga je tu zajebo? Zar ne proverava tim to na pocetku? Bizarno svakako

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Pri prvom merenju tim ga nije izdrenirao do kraja, znali su oni dobro da je lakši, i ispalo je da je težina OK, muvali su sa tegovima za balans , izgleda , pa su im naredili da do kraja izdreniraju tank i ispade kilo ipo lakši.
Čim se iz Merca nisu bunili, sve je jasno, APP, ovaj put, nije prošlo.
Na Autosport forumu neko špekuliše da kila ipo nosi oko 4 sekunde na celu trku.
Taman da u ovom gustom poretku imaš neku prednost.


Edited by Pegin
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Da l je realno da se lovi 0.2% razlike u tezini. Pre ce biti da su se zajebali sa tim tegicima

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Na svom Ig nalogu Max šalje pozdrave iz Belgije iz helikoptera, sa Rikardom pored :sleep: 


Da l je tizer ili slučajnost sasnaćemo uskoro, sutra je sastanak u RBR na temu Checovog sedišta.

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Ne bi me čudilo da kaširaju Pereza, realno se nije proslavio juče. Navodno Horner gura Rikarda, a Marko Tsunodu.

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Kakva šteta za Rasela, naravno da je imao prednost zbog lakše težine bolida, ali vrhunska taktika da izabere jedno stajanje. 


Ricciardo više ne zaslužuje da vozi u F1, muka mi je koliko ga i dalje guraju. 

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Kontam ako rade zamenu da će u drugi RB smestiti Rikarda. Treba im vozač koji će raditi sve u korist Maksa.

Što neko napisa za Srđana i Pavla, apsolutno se slažem. Ja Srkija mnogo gotivim jer je ložana i pravi zaljubljenik u moto sport. Podržavao sam i kad su pokrenuli podkast, ali nekako imam utisak da ih je taj podkast odveo na stranputicu. Razglabaju tamo tri sata gluposti, prave teorije neke, uživeli su se da mnogo znaju i da su pametniji od ljudi koji imaju masne ugovore u sportu koji mnogo košta. Jbte komentator si, tvoje je da kažeš koliko neko ima setova guma, da uputiš ljude u to koji je mogući scenario ako neko radi overcut ili undercut. Ali ne, oni su tu da ocenjuju strategije, da se smeju ekipama, proglašavaju na pola trke da je nešto užasno itd. Na osnovu kojih informacija, alo??
Totalno su postali kao onaj idiot Kuzma, ali identično. U podkastu neumorno razglabanje, u prenosu komentarišu iz pozicije pametnjakovića i cinika. Najgore je što mislim da su odlepili i da ih niko ne može zaustaviti.

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Were Russell’s worn tyres the cause of his Spa F1 disqualification?

But as the team begins its analysis as to how it ended up with a car that was 1.5kg underweight at the end of the race, there is already a suspicion that the main contributing factor could be Russell’s tyres – and the consequences of him doing the one-stop strategy that helped him take victory on the road.


That decision to run those tyres for 34 laps may, however, be the very thing that ultimately cost him the win because there were weight consequences from doing so – as tyres wear down (and therefore lose mass) the longer they are run.


This was something that Mercedes trackside engineering director Andrew Shovlin said had emerged as an early theory as to what went wrong.


“We don't yet understand why the car was underweight following the race but will investigate thoroughly to find the explanation,” he said.


“We expect that the loss of rubber from the one-stop was a contributing factor, and we'll work to understand how it happened.


“We won't be making any excuses though. It is clearly not good enough and we need to make sure it doesn't happen again.”


The missing weight of 1.5kg may sound like a lot, but we are only talking about 375 grammes from each corner.


And as Pirelli head of F1 Mario Isola has explained, that is well within the boundaries of how much a worn tyre loses.


Asked about how much weight a tyre sheds over the course of a stint, Isola said: “Usually, and we were talking about this a couple of days ago, it should be around one kilogramme.”


It is a well-known tactic in F1 to add extra weight before the car returns to the pits, just in case anyone has ended up sailing too close to the wind.


However, due to Spa being the longest lap on the calendar, there is no slow-down lap after the race to pick up rubber, as cars are sent back into the pitlane from the La Source exit straight after the race.


According to Isola, the lack of marbles could easily account for the difference in weight that meant Russell got disqualified.


“Considering that he is 1.5 kilos underweight, 1.5 kilos on four tyres is possible if you are just talking about the pickup,” he said. “If you have a lot of pickup, then for 1.5 kilos, it would be less than 400 grammes on each tyre. It’s a number that is possible.”

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Kako god bilo... iako mi nije previse simpatican, kapa dole Raselu za voznju i pobedu. Trka je bila spektakularna u odnosu na vecinu prosle sezone i daj boze da ih bude sto vise ovakvih da mi uzivamo. A oni posle nek mere i dele poene, nebitno je manje vise cim promenimo kanal.

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