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Zaostali smo. Mucna je realnost. 

Umesto vakcine kao sam normalan svet mi imamo ovaj pomor od korone, a na sve to alergijske reakcije i trovanja ovim konjskim lekom 






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Covid pass for double-jabbed ‘Adolf Hitler’ subject of Dutch inquiry

Working CoronaCheck QR code in any name offered on online hacker forum for €300

The Dutch authorities have begun investigating how cybercriminals have been able to produce an apparently genuine CoronaCheck QR code for Adolf Hitler, which indicates that he’s had both vaccine jabs and is clear to attend events requiring a Covid pass.

The fact that the Hitler code works when checked using a legitimate test-for-entry scanner indicates that it was made using real digital “keys” – and because these QR codes are part of an EU reciprocal arrangement, once they work in one country, they work in all 27.

The scam first came to light when the seller of the codes advertised on an online hacker forum to make a working QR code in any name for €300, although trading in the codes is illegal across the European Union.

When the seller was contacted by Dutch broadcaster RTL, he produced the Hitler code as an example. He said he could generate codes from France or Poland only – although they would, of course, work anywhere in the EU.

French or Polish keys
The Hitler code worked perfectly in the Netherlands even though its creator gave the dictator an incorrect birth date of January 1st, 1900, indicating that in all other ways it was the genuine article.

RTL passed the details of their contact with the hacker to the Dutch health ministry, which confirmed it was examining the possibility that this could mean that either the official French or Polish keys had been compromised or stolen.

If that turned out to be the case, the broadcaster was told, then all of the codes produced by the country involved could be rendered invalid. That’s because the fake codes would have to be blocked for safety but it would be impossible to tell the fake ones from the real ones.

There was no suggestion that the Dutch digital keys had been compromised, the ministry told the broadcaster.

Implications of fraud
The availability of the codes means that not alone could an unvaccinated person have a code made in his or her real name and use it to go to events restricted to those vaccinated, but it could also be used to work in catering, for instance, without vaccination or a negative test.

The codes show whether their holders are vaccinated against coronavirus, have recovered from an infection or have had a negative test within the previous 24 hours.

This isn’t the first time the test-for-entry system has been compromised. In the Netherlands, a 20-year-old man was arrested and several health service staff were suspended last month on suspicion of falsifying vaccination codes. “There’s a market for this; the instances are increasing”, said a health service spokesman.





Edited by vememah
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21 minutes ago, ragasto said:

Sve je to moglo da se spreči na vreme...ali o tome se pisalo x puta.

I zapatio se neki trend u narodu, cuveni dr Nestorovic, cuveni ginekolog ovaj, onaj, cuveni hirurg ovaj, onaj.. I ne samo za dr, nego i za druge profesije. 

Eto ko je taj Nestorovic, sad skapavaju oni levi doktori. Mozda je oduvek bilo tako, ne znam

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Bilo je uglednih lekara oduvek, koliko znam...nije u njima problem. Problem je u tome što niko nije nagazio uglednog lekara kada je počeo da lupeta a niko mu ništa ne radi ni sada kada trtlja o mrtvim bebama, nepunih mesec dana posle (izgleda) razrešenog slučaja krađe beba. U svakom slučaju bi bilo ljudi koji bi pili Domestos, samo što bi im svi govorili da su budale. Ovako ćemo se mrcvariti još nekih 6 meseci i možda lansirati naš soj. Ne vidim ja ovome skori kraj.


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U jednom trenutku kad je npr. pocela vakcinacija cesce sam sretala ljude (posao, komsije itd.) gde reaguju na moju kuknjavu sto me ne zovu na vakcinaciju kao da sam luda. Kao da nije najnormalnije da se vakcinises. Ista prica je bila za maske pre toga i tako dalje do danasnjeg dana 

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Tu je već lavina uveliko krenula; te biološko oružje, te nije to toliko strašno, te svi lažu, te odlučite sami...mislim da ni tada nije bilo kasno da se nešto uradi. Nestoroviću je morala da se oduzme licenca i da krivično odgovara po istom zakonu na koji se avaksi pozivaju. Ta skupina je morala da ostane u kanalizaciji.


Ja sam pratio prethodnu generaciju teoretičara zavera. Čini mi se da je najveći deo njih prestao da se time bavi posle 2012, tj. nakon što nije došlo do smaka sveta. Na tome su bazirali svoja uverenja i splasnuli su pošto planeta nije otišla u 3pm. U poređenju sa tim, cenim da bi takav događaj danas bio kraj pandemije, s tim što se to neće dogoditi tako što će neko reći "E gotovo je". A ni ne treba se uzdati u njihovo ponašanje nego u....sad bolje da ne meljem kako bi država trebalo duradi nešto.

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Najgore je sto je mnogo ljudi nastradalo zbog tih socijalnih stega. Toliko su svi skrenuli. Eto gledam iz svog ugla, odlucna da se vakcinisem, bez straha ikakvog, nisam imala promil dilemu oko vakcinacije i opet mi je komunikacija oko toga bila neprijatna. Vrlo je neprijatno kad te gledaju kao da si lud, to sam osetila vise puta.

Nismo spremni za slobodu koju smo dobili 

Edited by Sandradjer
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15 hours ago, pt 2.0 said:

Nemam nameru ni sada ni bilo kada da ogovaram hattorija ovde. Jednostavno - u ljudskom smislu tom čoveku neću okrenuti ledja nikada (ne poznajem ga lično, uzgred, i mislim da na forumu nikada i nismo nešto komunicirali ili barem ne tako da pamtim).

To je čovek koji mi je kad nisam znala gde se nalazim, na samom početku 2020. i pre nego što je većina bila svesna šta dolazi, rekao da nabavim makar maske.

Znam da se ponašao savesno i okej primenjivao mere u proleće leto 2020.

Takodje ne vidim apsolutno ništa sporno u njegovim tvitovima protiv SNS.

Malo sam komuniciral i na par drugih tema, od kojih su neke deo onoga što mi je posao - uvek mi je delovao jako dobro informisan i kao neko ko izvlači dobre zaključke iz onoga što čita.

Poslednjih par meseci uglavnom nisam saglasna sa njegovim tvitovima koji se odnose na pandemiju. 


Ovo ti je preblago, i pomalo odvratno, iskreno

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