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Kako svi mudro cutimo dok Dortmund radi ono sto se i ocekivalo, dominira bez vodjstva za sad. Tu je i crveni karton za domace pred kraj prvog, svi uslovi za epski zajeb su ispunjeni. 

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17 minutes ago, goofs said:

Ideeemooo. Kako se zove nemacki Skudeto? :huh:

MajsterŠale u narodu poznatiji kao “salatara”

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Pismo Predsednika Union-a drugarima i drugaricama clanovima/cama, samo sto sam dobio i provukao kroz translate. Ukratko, bundesliga pokusava da pronadje nacine da odrzi 50+1 ali da ipak pokusaju da uvuku neki novac u klubove. Izgleda su se nasli na 12.5% procenata kluba koje investitor moze da kupi i da ce da se funrejzuje oko 2 milijardi evra za finansiranje. Dugacko mi je da citam, valjda je to to :) Inace kao clan mogu i ja da idem na sastanke i da lupim sakom o astal i kazem: NEEEEEIN! ali jos kad bih znao Nemacki i kad me ne bi mrzelo.

dear unionists,
In recent weeks there has been a lot of discussion in German football - in the clubs, the fan scenes, at association level and in the media. It was about a topic that was unfortunately often inadequately titled "investor entry at the DFL".

I myself took a very active part in the discussion and explained in many discussions in larger and smaller groups what exactly it was about and which decisions had to be made and when. I would like to do this again at this point, because there is still a lot of incorrect information in circulation.

First, a few general comments:

Many clubs in the DFL see a considerable need for investment in the coming years in order to strengthen both their own competitiveness and the solidarity of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2. The 36 members of the DFL have been marketing their media rights together for many years, although FC Bayern Munich would earn much more with individual marketing of these rights, while SV Sandhausen would earn much less. We at 1. FC Union Berlin have also benefited from this community of solidarity and have been able to develop continuously.

In the past few months, the acting management of the DFL, on behalf of all 36 clubs, has examined in an orderly and factual process whether and how the proceeds from the joint marketing of the media rights with the help of a strategic partner, who should bring not only money but also content expertise, can be increased.

As a result of this process, a model was developed that provided for the establishment of a subsidiary of the DFL, in which a partner could share a limited share of 12.5% of the proceeds on the basis of a license model. For the 20-year participation, the partner should bring in around 2.0 billion euros. In addition, the famous "red lines" were also defined. Accordingly, all sovereign rights remained with the DFL and thus with the clubs. To put it simply, everything that we do not want in principle, such as interventions in the schedule design or influencing the stadium experience on the day of the match or even the venue, would therefore also be legally protected from a possible marketing partner.

The DFL had provided its members with extensive information in advance, which I am happy to share with you.

Contrary to widespread reporting, yesterday's meeting did not vote on the conclusion of a contract, but on whether the DFL management should be given the mandate to continue the process that has started and to negotiate a draft contract with interested partners.

As the executive committee of 1. FC Union Berlin, we voted yesterday to continue the process. A draft contract that was to emerge as a result of this process would only have been approved if the terms of the contract had corresponded to our values and our vision of football.

It is noteworthy that clubs that voted no yesterday also want more money. The alternatives put forward for increasing revenue range from debt through borrowing, to marketing the league's naming rights to - and this is hard to understand - further fragmentation of the game day by marketing an additional kick-off time.

These proposals are exactly what we as the presidency of 1. FC Union Berlin are “red lines” for: interventions in the sovereignty of the clubs and the league, in the schedule design and in the stadium experience – all things that have been considered in the past few weeks feared result of the influence exerted by a possible investor have been expressed by many fans.

Precisely because these points are non-negotiable for us, because we stand for our way of designing football, because we are in favor of the joint marketing of the media rights of the clubs in the DFL and the preservation of the 50+1 rule, we submitted yesterday's motion , to continue this process and bring it to the point of approval.

What I would like to reiterate at this point is that we will continue on the path that has led us to the Bundesliga and now to a European competition for the third time in a row. This includes moderating a permanent balance between the various interest groups. Members, fans, spectators, players, coaches, employees, sponsors, strategic partners - they all belong to 1. FC Union Berlin, and together we form the strong community that has been able to develop very successfully over a long period of time.

I also remain convinced that investment funds will support us on our “football for people” journey. That's why a yes to investors is not automatically a no to football for M

people. Our club is the best proof that the right use of funds is important.We will continue to stand up for our values and our ideas about football. A prerequisite for this, however, is a strong and independent 1. FC Union Berlin e.V

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