October 12, 2024Oct 12 12 hours ago, Heaviside said: Haha koliko je samo srao po lidaru i nemačkim kompanijama koje su od starta tvrdile da je on neophodan za autonomiju Ma dobro, prodaje muda za bubrege. Inace, u Kini robotaxi fercera odavno:
October 17, 2024Oct 17 Pazi sad kad porodica Anjeli kupi ceo Stelantis za šaku dolara. Kad je ono beše Krajsler hteo da kupi Fijat kad posle par godina bilo obrnuto
October 17, 2024Oct 17 11 hours ago, vememah said: Ovo za Sj. Ameriku nije ni cudo. Jeep gama se ofucala i novi Cherokee i Wagoner su bili demode i prije nego sto je pocela prodaja. A ostatak grupe su FIAT/Alfa Romeo krsevi.
October 22, 2024Oct 22 Volkswagen’s chief marketing officer and head of product strategy for China, Jochen Sengpiehl, has been deported from the country after testing positive for cannabis. The test, mandated by the Chinese government as part of a customs procedure, was conducted after Sengpiehl’s return from a recent holiday in Koh Samui, Thailand. The incident unfolded two weeks ago when Sengpiehl landed back in Beijing, where Volkswagen Group China is headquartered, following his vacation. He was subjected to a routine drug test, which revealed traces of cannabis in his system, a substance strictly forbidden under Chinese law, even if consumed abroad. Following the test results, Chinese authorities detained Sengpiehl for questioning, reportedly holding him for over 10 days.
October 22, 2024Oct 22 Random testiranje i sigurno nista drugo nije bilo iza scene sto su ga testirali.
December 25, 2024Dec 25 Honda, Nissan i Mitsubishi pod jednim krovom. Jos jedan Frankestajn posle Stellantisa. Prisustvujemo kraju auto industrije, kakvom smo je znali, ubise je ekolozi, Tesla i Kinezi. Za koju deceniju ni dugmici od nje nece ostati.
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