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Evropski superklubovi i njihova superliga


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Gary Neville: “I feel slightly complicit. I’ve stayed pretty quiet in terms of the Glazer family over the years. I stayed pretty quiet because I thought when the club became a plc, you knew it could be bought. I believe in free market, generally in life, and I’ve always thought: what’s the answers to the Glazers? Who takes them out: Russia, China, state money?

“I’ve stayed quiet on the basis that it’s still Manchester United, I can still watch the lads play, I can still be happy and sad. If they take dividends out, I can live with it slightly. But what I can’t live with is them attacking every football fan in this country. They have stepped over the mark. They are scavengers. They need booting out of this football club and they need booting out of this country.”

“This is an attack by six wealthy families on the integrity of our national sport, and it must be stopped.”


(Britanci ko Britanci, ceo svet se vrti oko njih i njihovog nacionalnog ponosa...)


Jamie Carragher: “I think supporters up and down the country can stop this, and I think at the forefront of this will be Liverpool, because I’ve seen it before. Football fans: get together, all of us, and stop this. This cannot be allowed to happen.”


(Zlatibore, širi svoje graaaneee...)

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Just now, Milosh76 said:

Ako je istekao ugovor, nemas osnova da ga drzis u klubu.


Pre Bosmana je moralo da se plati obeštećenje da bi potpisao za nekog drugog, makar mu istekao ugovor.


Zvuči bizarno iz današnje perspektive, ali jebiga.

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3 minutes ago, omiljeni said:

@Peter Fan

jel tu ima nešto nelegalno ili ne?

ima li skupština mesne zajednice nešto za šta može da se uhvati pa da im kida meso komad po komad? ili je u pitanju samo najobičnije reptilsko žongliranje novcima?

Vjerujem da je sve legalno i po propisima, ali ga ne cini nista manje lihvarski.

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Klopp: “My feelings about a Super League haven’t changed. I heard about it for the first time yesterday. We’ve got some information, not a lot to be honest. It’s a tough one. People are not happy, I can understand that, but I cannot say a lot more because we were not involved in any processes: not the players, not me. We will have to wait and see how it develops.”



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Just now, Weenie Pooh said:


Pre Bosmana je moralo da se plati obeštećenje da bi potpisao za nekog drugog, makar mu istekao ugovor.


Zvuči bizarno iz današnje perspektive, ali jebiga.


Zar nije Bosman pravilo, da pola godine pre isteka mozes da potpises za drugi klub? U tom slucaju tvoje  "treniranje sa rezervama" ima smisla :D

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3 minutes ago, Milosh76 said:

Zar nije Bosman pravilo, da pola godine pre isteka mozes da potpises za drugi klub? U tom slucaju tvoje  "treniranje sa rezervama" ima smisla :D


Prior to the Bosman ruling, professional clubs in some parts of Europe (but not, for example, in Spain and France) were able to prevent players from joining a club in another country even if their contracts had expired. In the United Kingdom, Transfer Tribunals had been in place since 1981 to resolve disputes over fees between clubs when transferring players at the end of their contracts. The Bosman ruling meant that players could move to a new club at the end of their contract without their old club receiving a fee. 


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13 minutes ago, John Coltrane said:

Od sinoc 12 strane do 56!!!pas mater :isuse: sad moram čitati 40 strana i hendlovati vesti, izjave, MNF, a taman sam tukao Chelski u polutki novoformirane lige Svetskog Fudbalskog Prvenstva u sezoni 2025.



Geri Nevil, u MNF, poziva na revoluciju, lokalne zajednice, MPs, ujedinite se svi :D Oduzmite bodove govnarima, PL pokažite muda.






12 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Srećno ti bilo čitanje kako je leveraged buyout u stvari super, i kako su Glejzeri svoje pare sipali u Man Utd :D 

I kako je za sve kriv PSG 😁

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Caragher vlasnike nazvao mafijom. Šteta što je Gary ćutao kao pička kad su ti isti Glazeri preuzeli Utd i na način na koji su to uradili, tad mu je to bilo ok. Da je nešto rekao tad sada bi njegove reči bile poduprete sa malo više integriteta.

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6 minutes ago, Peter Fan said:

Vjerujem da je sve legalno i po propisima, ali ga ne cini nista manje lihvarski.

odnosno cela priča se svodi na kmečanje navijača koji su očekivali da će ovaj u svakom prelaznom roku da dovede Ronaldinja i Mesija, a on im dovodio neke pacere.

tužno :violin:

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3 minutes ago, ducca said:

Caragher vlasnike nazvao mafijom. Šteta što je Gary ćutao kao pička kad su ti isti Glazeri preuzeli Utd i na način na koji su to uradili, tad mu je to bilo ok. Da je nešto rekao tad sada bi njegove reči bile poduprete sa malo više integriteta.


Bili su u prajmu, postali prvaci Evrope 2 godine posle preuzimanja, nije smetalo Fergiju, a Geri Nevil će se buniti. Čovek je bio pod ugovorom, promenjen mu je poslodavac, ne vidim kakve to veze ima sa 15 godina kasnije stvaranjem Super Lige?

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