January 21Jan 21 14 hours ago, dunja said: Exploring Italian identity and Mussolini's obsession with Rome In an effort to rebuild the city of Rome in a display of the fascist regime’s might and glory, many iconic monuments inspired by classical Roman architecture were created, often destroying entire Mediaeval quarters. This architectural direction was motivated by the goal to reestablish the grandeur of imperial Rome. Historians claim that this renewal project of the city aimed at founding a new, “third Rome”, after the “first Rome” of the Roman empire and the “second Rome” of the Catholic Church. Part of this overcoming of the Mediaeval character of Rome was rooted in the popular opinion, especially at the beginning of the 20th century, that the deep ties that Rome had with the ancient power of the pope and the moral bigotry of the clergy were in fact undermining the reunification of Italy and the liberation from corruption and foreign influences. Moreover, imperial Roman symbolism is clearly present in official ceremonies, imagery, and uniform. Even the so-called “Roman salutation” (which was later adopted by the Nazi regime itself in a slightly different form). All of this served the purpose to reprogram the self-conception of the Italian citizen. Italians would have to drop their traditional social identity of localism and Mediaeval divisions, inherited by the division of the peninsula into several states and communes throughout the centuries, and transition to a self-image of the Roman citizen-soldiers, eager to put their differences and local peculiarities apart to foster the greater good of the empire. itd. Tesko ljudi ovde shvataju sta je tih 20 godina pod Musolinijem znacio za Italiju. Obicno se sve pojednostavljuje na WW2 i ludarenje s Hitlerom. Fasizam je industrijski pa i civilizacijski izvukao Italiju iz kasnog latifundijskog srednjeg veka u modernu i industrijalizovanu drzavu. Nesto slicno onome sto smo mi doziveli pod komunistima od '45 do kraja 70ih. Niko od nas ne priziva povratak SKJ kao jedine partije, ali je tesko poreci neverovatne rezultate i transformaciju jedne toliko nerazvijene zemlje u samo nekoliko decenija njihove vlasti. Tako suvi italijani videli te 2 decenije u punoj transformaciji. Tako da za WW2 olako peru savest svaljujuci svu krivicu na Hitlera. Musoliniju se vise prebacuje sto je sledio Hitlera a ne recimo Franka.
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