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Janikov trener se jos bukvalno podsmeva, kao, eto, decko je imao dobre advokate i pare, pa je izbegao neprijatnosti kao sto je suspenzija i sl.





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Kakav cirkus je ATP, oduzimamo ti poene zato što si bio pozitivan, ali ulaze u dosadašnji renking jer si slučajno to uneo u organizam kroz dodir ruku tvog namazanog fizioterapeuta (koji je koristio kremu za koju je mogao da zna da dovodi do pozitivnog rezultata na doping testu zbog posekotine na malom prstu) sa otvorenim ranama koje imaš na koži.

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Najjači deo priče je oduzimanje bodova i novca od osvojenog turnira, ali nema suspenzije jer nije kriv. Pa ako nije kriv što onda oduzimaju bodove i pare? Svinjarija

Edited by ducca
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fikarska posla.

ni u tragovimannema sampiona kakavi su nadal, federer ili djokovic. kakav alkaraz ili siner.

sineru ce ovo zapecatiti karijeru

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Alkaraz moze da bude, ali veliko je pitanje. To sto kao klinac kida, ne znaci da ce ostariti kao velika trojka. Siner je, bojim se, sa ovim zavrsio. 

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evo malo vise o ovoj (sve je ociglednije) sinerovoj svinjariji. ako se secate i u onom haosu kad je nolo falsifikovao pcr test bio sam protiv mracnih sila zla :fantom:, iako mi je omiljeni igrac, analizirao sam situaciju ni po babu i po stricevima.





An investigative doping journalist found systemic doping with Clostebol. In the last 4 years 38 Italian sportists have been tested positive on that substance.

Judging by this article, it's almost impossible to believe in Jannik's innocence.

First of all, it says HALF of the cases detected by WADA come from Italy, which suggests a systematic doping scheme in the country (with the help of local authorities ignoring it). The excuses of the players are always the same, cross contamination. Such claims become less and less credible when everyone uses it as their defense strategy.

Second: Clostebol-containing products come with clear warnings about their banned status in sports. For a team member of a professional athlete like Sinner, who would presumably be well-informed about anti-doping regulations, the use of such a product—even accidentally—would be almost impossible to believe. Why would a professional risk cross contamination? It makes zero sense.

The article also highlights clostebol's short detection window, which makes it perfect for athletes to use it strategically, hoping to avoid detection during testing, which could make Sinner's claim of accidental exposure seem less plausible.

The Trofodermin cream in question.

It literally has a huge red circle with the words DOPING in bright font on the packaging. It’s like labeling out of Looney Tunes. It’s comically obvious.

To say that the physio had no knowledge of this means that he’s either a) horrifically incompetent and incapable of reading or b) lying.




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The absence of a clear and consistent system creates obvious problems for players who are not the perceived ranking, gender and/or nationality of choice. The absence also undermines the tennis establishment’s credibility with fans and media. Clarity & consistency are hallmarks of what @ptpaplayers is pushing the tennis establishment to adopt across the board. For the benefit of all.




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Koliko sam ispratio, ovaj klostebol u Italiji ide kao dodatak na picu. Nema ko nije bio pozitivan, i svi redom slučajno uneli

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Ja sam čuo sledeću teoriju. Bogati se dopinguju i to kvalitetno prikrivaju za šta siromašni nemaju mogućnost. Na taj način bogati imaju prednost nad siromašnima. 

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