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Ro18nd Garros 2020


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3 minutes ago, Ras said:

Čini se, ali kada je to bilo dobro?

 A dobro ... realno ne treba da se ozbiljno oznoji do finala. Jeste sljaka najnepredvidljivija u smislu da uslovno losiji igraci defanzivnom igrom mogu da namuce favorite (ako nista, vise ih istrose), ali Novak nije imao ovakav zreb do sada. Pokusaj ti da ga sastavis, neces moci laksi :) 


Verujem da smo prizeljkivali samo da Tim ne bude u Novakovoj polovini ... 

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France has neither winter nor summer nor morals--apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. - Mark Twain


anywhere is better than Paris. Paris the cold, Paris the drizzly, Paris the rainy, Paris the damnable. More than a hundred years ago somebody asked Quin, "Did you ever see such a winter in all your life before?" "Yes," said he, "Last summer." I judge he spent his summer in Paris. - Mark Twain

Edited by ObiW
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sad stvarno, bas je idiotski da se na osnovu jednog testa izbacuju bez zalbe... jel moguce da tolko sluha nemaju pa da trazi npr dva ili tri vezana.. jbt, ti testovi ionako grese ponekad. zao mi je verdaska i dzumhura bas

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Nadam se da su I Dzumhur, Verdasko i Djokovic odmah uradili test na nekom drugom mestu i da je bio negativan - bez toga mogu samo da im pljunu pod prozor.

Dobro, brishi Djokovic... :)

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