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1 hour ago, I*m with the pilots said:


Dok nas ne izbace, meni je ovo jedan od najsladjih animea, a generalno volim Hosodine filmove.



Od skorijih ne-Mijazakijevih anima iz studija mi se veoma dopao mili From Up on Poppy Hill (Gorō Miyazaki, 2011) koji me je tada vratio i na sopstvene djacke dane, one lepse. Secam se da je imao lose kritike u naslovima ali sam ipak otisla da ga pogledam i bas se nauzivala.



To kao kada su mojoj mami kolege preporucile Petparacke kao komediju pa me ona odvela u bioskop. Najbolja mama na svetu.


From... sam propustio. Smoren zlocinom Goroa nad Zemljomorjem. Mozda mu ipak dam sansu.


A za ovo na kraju- tako sam ja u nekom trenutku s police "komedije" u holandskom video klubu uzeo Solondzov Happiness. :cry:

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Igrao sam Yu-Gi-Oh sa sinom dok je bilo aktuelno - odlična igra! Pobeđivao sam u 1 od 47 partija, ali ni taj jedan poraz nije mogao da podnese.

Bio je klub društvenih igara na Topličinom vencu i tamo su organizovani turniri, razmena i kupovina karata i špilova. 

Edited by Ras
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Sad tek vidim, niko nije ni spomenuo The Wind Rises (osim u poslednjem YT videu).


Da, mislim da je Miyazaki čak u svom stilu rekao da su mlazni motori greška. :) Jel' ima to u ovom videu, ne mogu sada da odgledam?

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Fan, obožavalac i poklonik kulta Miyazakija!

Meni je najdraži Nausicaa a sinu Castle in the Sky.
Naravno imamo artbook za oba filma i prelepi su.
Nausicaa mi je kao manga jedan od najboljih stripova ikad.
Imam ga u dve verzije, kao boxset (u dva toma) i iz sedam delova.
Bolja je varijanta boxset jer je bolji i papir i kvalitet štampe. Priča je mnogo šira i kompleksnija nego u filmu.
Imam i knjigu o Miyazakiju "Starting Point, 1979-1996", koju sam za sada samo prelistao.
Postoji i katalog zajedničke izložbe Miyazakija i Mœbiusa "Miyazaki-Mœbius: 2 artistes dont les dessins prennent vie".
Nažalost nisam to uspeo da nabavim. Ima negde na netu skenirana verzija.
Joe Hisaishi se porodično sluša.
Muzički video koji je uradio Miyazaki.
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10 hours ago, klimt said:

Joe Hisaishi se porodično sluša.


Bas sam inspirisana temom ponovo slusala muziku za Princezu Kaguju - kakva ljupkost!







But we’re here, ostensibly, to talk about music, and specifically an album – today, the Original Soundtrack of The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. It was composed by Joe Hisaishi, who is well-known for his Studio Ghibli soundtracks, but this was his first for a Takahata film. Although his other scores have tended to focus more on standard Western classical and contemporary techniques (often including some interesting synthesisers), this one is a little different. A great score reflects the film, and that is the case here: the art style looks as if it could have been made by one artist and one brush, and so the music is entirely acoustic and usually focuses on quite intimate tones. The music is pleasantly understated and has a habit of sounding incredibly simple while being anything but. Almost the entire score is pentatonic, and there are many nods to classical Japanese musical forms such as gagaku and traditional instruments such as the koto zither and ritual bells; it even at points takes influence from Indian and Burmese music – which may sound a bit odd, but its use is completely natural in situ.

The film actually incorporates music into its plot in a couple of interesting ways. When she is young, the Princess sings folk songs with her friends in the countryside, but once she is moved to the city, she is obliged to learn the classical music of the koto. There is a real binary constructed between the two, which is especially evident in the way that the Princess performs the same piece of music in both ways: the earthy, simple but friendly tone of the folk style, and the intricate and elegant, yet resented, manner of the classical style. That can even be heard in the tonalities of each variation, with the folk version being in the major-sounding yo scale and the classical in the more complex, semitonal miyako-bushi scale. This album has the nice touch of putting them side-by-side as the closing track, entitled ‘Song of the Heavenly Maiden’.

One element of Joe Hisaishi’s genius that you will not be able to appreciate through this OST album is his masterful use of silence. He knows that not every scene needs incessant musical accompaniment, and these moments of quiet are always spot-on. When the first strains of strings come in after a long, reflective silence, it makes their impact so much more emotional and intense. I know this is a piece of writing about the album, but, you know, you wouldn’t have to listen to the album if you watched the film. Then you get to appreciate it in its full glory, sounded or otherwise. Plus, you also get to experience one of the most breathtakingly beautiful pieces of art out there. Just sayin.



Inace vise volim njegove radove za Takešija, pogotovo iz Dolls








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