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meni su pustili i film u njihovom bioskopu, gde su svi lepi i nasmejani, cveće cveta, a slavuji pevaju

a ima i fontana


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fora će biti u parkiću unutar bloka zgrada


teško da će da bude park, ispod prave nivo ili dva garaža.

parkić će da bude jedna ljuljaška za decu.

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ako se ne varam rekla je da je površina unutrašnjeg dela 26ari. mislim da je bolje reći uređene zelene površine, nego parka

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ranije su objavljivali 4 podzemna nivoa. svejedno, tehnicki bi mogli i sa podzemnim parkingom da nabace zemlju odozgo nego ko ce sa tim da se bakce



meni su pustili i film u njihovom bioskopu, gde su svi lepi i nasmejani, cveće cveta, a slavuji pevaju
a ima i fontana



ahaha, promo video.. treba ceniti po stanju i atmosferi zgrada (njihovih i inih) koje su vec u uporabi

Edited by prima
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i to što kažeš

išao sam da proverim situaciju imao neke naznake, doduše ne od istog prodavca, da mogu da se izboksuju ok uslovi

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ako se ne varam rekla je da je površina unutrašnjeg dela 26ari. mislim da je bolje reći uređene zelene površine, nego parka

povrshina svake velichine bice izgazena i sledece godine betonirana. ako vec nije, a realno je da jeste.

Edited by gospa buba
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  • 3 weeks later...

Four-bedroom house in Spain 'sold' in €10 raffle

Hindered by the country’s struggling property market, the previous owners came up with an ingenious plan to offload the house they inherited two years ago



The four-bedroom house in rural Valencia, as it appeared on www.lotohome.es/ during the raffle. Photograph: lotohome.es/lotohome.es

Ashifa Kassam in Madrid

Monday 6 April 2015 11.36 BST

A stone’s throw from a former palace and vestiges of a medieval wall, this four-bedroom house in rural Valencia boasts a prime location, 20 miles from the beach and 50 miles from the nearest ski hill.

And it is a steal – given that its newest owner paid just €10 (£7.35) for it in a raffle.

When the previous owners, the Bolumar family, first wanted to sell the house they had inherited two years ago in Segorbe, a town of 9,300, they tried to do it the traditional way, listing it for €90,000. But the struggling Spanish housing market yielded few potential buyers. “It was really complicated,” said Pepe Bolumar, 35.

The family began considering other ways to sell. Most ideas were dismissed quickly, save one. “Raffling it off seemed interesting – people would have the chance to acquire a home for a low cost and we would still end up covering the cost,” Bolumar said.

From there began a year-long project, with the family wrestling their way through seemingly endless amounts of red tape to obtain authorisation from the country’s tax authorities to be the first in Spain to raffle off a house.

The €10 tickets, sold from a kiosk in Valencia as well as online, offered the chance to win the 141 sq metre home, no strings attached.

As news of the raffle spread through Facebook and Twitter, 32,000 tickets were sold, the majority of them in Spain but also as far away as Australia and Canada. Those in Florida, he said, seemed to be particularly taken with the idea. “Lots of people from Florida called us, also from England,” said Bolumar.

Some of the calls that came in were heartbreaking, he said, from families who had been evicted from their homes or who had fallen on tough times and were desperately hoping to win the house.

As the family prepared to gather together with a notary to watch the numbered balls drop from a borrowed lottery machine, Bolumar was confident that the family had recouped the original sale price of the house, estimating it would walk away with further €10,000.

“It’s less than what it appears. We didn’t receive €320,000, because we have to cover our costs of the past year,” he said, pointing to publicity as well as the cost of servers and maintenance for the website. The family will also cover any taxes incurred by the winner from the transfer of the house. “The winner doesn’t have to pay a thing more.”

Throughout the process, Bolumar said the family regularly received phone calls from others interesting in raffling off their own houses. It now plans on keeping its website open to offer guidance to others looking to do the same. “It was a huge amount of effort. It took up a whole year and became a second job for me,” said Bolumar, who manages a small business in Valencia.

But it proved to be an effective way to beat the tumbling Spanish property market, he said. “If you’re trying to sell your home and its not working, this might be the solution for you.”




Kraljevi.  :thumbup:

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Sto kupujete novogradnje?


Mozda zbog povrata PDV-a?


Tri skorasnje kupoprodaje prijatelja/poznanika:  Bircaninova, blize Slaviji, 39m2 prodato za 60kE, a kupljeno pre 5-6  za 80kE [doduse bilo je hitno]. Bezanijska Kosa, 65m2 za 850e kvadrat [55kE] - ako prodje kredit kupcu. Poslednja je bila sok, novogradnja blizu TC Stadion, 1700e kvadrat, rezon - "ne moram nista da sredjujem, vracaju pdv".

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jeste to je.

ja da učinim kevi uslugu, kupio joj garsonjeru od njenih para na svoje ime i izbegao plaćanje poreza na prenos apsolutnih prava jer mi je to kao prvi stan i sada kada želim da se skućim sa porodicom nema prava na povraćaj PDV-a.


e sad, neki mi i spominju nekakvih 15 kvm po članu porodice i slične vratolomije ali to već moram da vidim sa advokatom i poreskom.

Edited by garcia
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jeste to je.

ja da učinim kevi uslugu, kupio joj garsonjeru od njenih para na svoje ime i izbegao plaćanje poreza na prenos apsolutnih prava jer mi je to kao prvi stan i sada kada želim da se skućim sa porodicom nema prava na povraćaj PDV-a.


e sad, neki mi i spominju nekakvih 15 kvm po članu porodice i slične vratolomije ali to već moram da vidim sa advokatom i poreskom.

ima po chlanu porodice, ako su pravno neskuceni dobicesh za njih, a za sebe ne. vidi sa sluzbama.

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