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SAD mole Saudijce da stabilizuju trziste nafte. Problem je sto Saudijci to nece bez Rusa a Rusi za sada odbijaju.



WASHINGTON. DC 20510 March 16, 2020H.R.H. Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Crown Prince. Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Your Royal Highness. As the United States and the rest of the world -including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -are dealing with COVID-19 pandemic response. mitigation and prevention efforts. the added impact of unsettled global energy markets is an unwelcome development. The United States has been a strong and reliable partner to the Kingdom for decades. In light of this close strategic relationship, it was greatly concerning to see guidance from the Kingdom· s energy ministry to lower crude prices and boost output capacity. This has contributed to a disruption in global oil prices on top of already hard-hit financial markets. Senior Saudi government leaders have repeatedly told American officials. including us, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a force for stability in global markets. Recent Saudi actions have called this role into question. We urge the Kingdom to asse11 constructive leadership in stabilizing the world economy by calming economic anxiety in the oil and gas sector at a time when countries around the world are addressing the pandemic. We look forward to the upcoming meeting with your Ambassador to the United States, Princess Reema bint Bandar Al Saud to discuss these issues further, and encourage continued dialogue and action on this vital issue. Sincerely.

Copy to: Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Princess Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia John P. Abizaid

U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo

U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette

U.S. National Security Advisor Robert o·Brien

U.S. National Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow


https://www.sullivan.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FINAL LETTER U.S. Senators to HRH MBS 031620 1.pdf

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Ameri pumpaju kao ludi, uzimaju market share i sada prakticno mole saudijce da smanje proizvodnju da njihovi prežive, a onoliko su kenjali protiv karelizacije i OPECa


Aj pa cemo videti

Al ne mere bez Rusa

Edited by Ravanelli
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Ovo postaje bizarno. iz Vasingtona prete Rusima da ce biti pod pritiskom ako ne pristanu na mere koje ce podici cenu nafte.



U.S. Considers Intervention in Saudi-Russia Oil Standoff

Efforts aim to get Saudis to cut production, as U.S. oil prices rebound from lowest level in 18 years

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is considering intervening in the Saudi-Russian oil-price war with a diplomatic push to get the Saudis to cut oil production and threats of sanctions on Russia aimed at stabilizing prices, according to people familiar with the matter.





Ovo je bilo nezamilsivo. Rusi su uvek stiskani nizom cenom nafte a sada oni stiskaju SAD, posredno zapad, obaranjem cene nafte.

Edited by pasha
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Poslali ameri nekog envoya na makar vise meseci u saudijsku arabiju

Krece da se krcka deal

Treba ocekivati patos na 40 imho

Moji misle da rusi nema sanse da pristanu i da ce ici na bankkrot americke shale industrije


Jedna od jacih partija pokera u istoriji

Edited by Ravanelli
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Postoje veci problemi od Severnog toka. Taj posao bi ionako trebao biti zavrsena jer su Rusi poslali sa Dalekog istoka brod koji je specijalizovan da zavrsi posao samo treba mnogo vremena da se dogega do Baltika.



Nord Stream 2 in the hands of Akademik Cherskiy

It appears that the Russians have finally decided on the method of completing Nord Stream 2 construction works. The Russian pipe-laying vessel, Akademik Cherskiy, is moving towards Europe and if nothing unexpected happens (the AIS location of the ship has been disabled), it may ultimately reach the Baltic Sea as soon as April.





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Spremaju se za cut u Texasu

Nasli su zakonsku mogucnost

Sad samo da ih neko ne tuzi za kartelizaciju


Al da mi je neko rekao da cu videti amere da kresu proizvodnju




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izleda da su ameri na granici popizda


kongres pisao pompeu da su rusija i saudi ušli u ekonomski rat protiv amerike



The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation have embarked upon economic
warfare against the United States. We choose that term carefully and understand the full weight
of its meaning



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pa realno kako da shvate draugacije?
nadam se da ce se nesto razumno uciniti u nekoliko narednih dana. ne razumem se u tematiku al radoznao sam koliko ce rusi izdrzati ovo nadigravanje oko cena I kolicina.
izvestavaj sta se desava ako pratis.
btw iz neproverenih izvora cujem da sledece nedelje Primorsk nece tociti naftu. iz kog razloga tacno ne znam

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Nikome. Al ako bankrotira americka nafta koja ima vece operativne troskove, onda profitiraju svi ostali dugorocno, rusi i saudi pogotovo


Aj pisacu veceras. Danas sam se bas drkao sa materijalima oko toga

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Kupuje se nafta upravo zbog niske cene pa skladisti. Rava je pomenuo koliki su kapaciteti svetskog skladista i cini mi se da ce ga ubrzo napuniti. Nije ni meni sve jasno al sa ovim cenama ameri ce morati obustaviti svoju proizvodnju i verovatno je to namera rusa. Ali ruska drzava u mnogome zavisi od nafte tako da ova niska cena je udarac za ruski budzet. Sigurno imaju zalihu u budzetu za ovo ali pitanje je za koliko dug period. Zanima me sta ce iz ovoga na kraju da izvuku.

Arapi mogu duze da izdrze ovakvo stanje ali ni njima ne odgovara ova cena naravno. Kakva je igrarija izmedju njih i rusa voleo bih da znam. Nadam se da Rava ima neko objasnjenje ili teoriju. 

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