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PPP vs. Coronavirus - tema za praktične savete i korisne informacije


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55 minutes ago, Jozef K. said:

Nemoj brufen. Na bazi paracetamola obaraj temperaturu.

zar nisu paracetamol navodili kao nesto sto treba izbegavati kod korone jos u onim prvim mesecima

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8 minutes ago, pbg12345 said:

zar nisu paracetamol navodili kao nesto sto treba izbegavati kod korone jos u onim prvim mesecima

Ne, rečeno je da je ibuprofen za izbegavanje u slučaju korone i da treba koristiti paracetamol.

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15 minutes ago, pbg12345 said:

zar nisu paracetamol navodili kao nesto sto treba izbegavati kod korone jos u onim prvim mesecima

Ne. Brufen se pokazao da šteti kod virusa. Paracetamol, hemomicin vitamini, tečnosti. Meni je frka da li unesem dva litra. Ali verujem da sam tu negde.

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Without a mask, droplets traveled more than 8 feet; with a bandana, they traveled 3 feet 7 inches; with a folded cotton handkerchief, they traveled 1 foot 3 inches; with the stitched quilted cotton mask, they traveled 2.5 inches; and with the cone-style mask, droplets traveled about 8 inches.



When the mannequin was not fitted with a mask, they projected droplets much farther than the 6-foot distancing guidelines currently recommended by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The researchers observed droplets traveling up to 12 feet within approximately 50 seconds. Moreover, the tracer droplets remained suspended midair for up to three minutes in the quiescent environment. These observations, in combination with other recent studies, suggest that current social-distancing guidelines may need to be updated to account for aerosol-based transmission of pathogens.

"We found that although the unobstructed turbulent jets were observed to travel up to 12 feet, a large majority of the ejected droplets fell to the ground by this point," said Dhanak. "Importantly, both the number and concentration of the droplets will decrease with increasing distance, which is the fundamental rationale behind social-distancing."


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Boli me uvo, ošišao sam se pre mesec dana, bio u javnom prevozu i tržnom centru (šugavom dekatlonu) pre dvadeset dana, za ostalo ćemo videti šta će se desiti.

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Jel ovo kumulativno? Juče sam ima 2 bašte restorana, frizera i 1 čekaonicu, prekjuče odlazak u šetnju, kupovinu namirnica i teretanu. Danas planiram benzinsku pumpu, prodavnicu, apoteku i šetnju.

Edited by Sammael
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Mjok, od svega toga je jedini realan rizik teretana, a taj rizik sam svesno odlučio da preuzmem jer mi je neophodno iz zdravstvenih razloga (nisam nikad pisao ovde na forumu, ali trenutno radim pripreme za jednu operaciju na jesen koja zahteva da budem u što boljoj fizičkoj spremi).

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10 hours ago, Anonymous said:

Daj izvor, tražiće mi.

To je prevod ovoga:



An analysis by MLive chose 36 American activities and asked four public health experts in Michigan to evaluate the risk of coronavirus exposure for each one. The doctors factored in whether the activity is inside or outside, proximity to others, length of potential exposure, likelihood of compliance, and personal risk level. 

The experts gave a score to each activity, with 1 being the least risky and 10 being the riskiest, and MLive averaged their scores to come up with a ranking. 






Na ovom linku ima i detaljno objašnjenje ocene za svaku od navedenih aktivnosti:


Edited by vememah
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Pitanje dal se to može prevesti za našu situaciju (osim jezički). Po objašnjenjima se dosta pominje nošenje maski. 


Sviđa mi se i što je srpska verzija izgubila tenis :lolol:

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