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Les malades bénins du coronavirus pourraient ne pas développer d'immunité, selon Salomon

Selon Jérôme Salomon, les malades du Covid-19 développent une immunité «deux ou trois semaines après l'infection». «Cette immunité semble pérenne», a-t-il déclaré, même si des formes mineures de la maladie (ORL par exemple) sembleraient ne pas déboucher sur une immunité, a-t-il ajouté. «Il va falloir du recul. Aucun malade n'a d'anticorps depuis plus de deux ou trois mois»


Moguce je da asimptomaticni bolesnici i oni koji imaju benigne simptome ne razvijaju anti-tjela. 
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21 minutes ago, Tresko said:

Kod mene u regionu danas:


24 nova obolela

6 preminulih

Ostalo je još 24 osobe u intenzivnoj nezi.

ovo izgleda dobro.

bice interesantno(ovo zvuci uzasno :s ) videti statistiku na kraju. verujem da je ogroman broj preminulih u Italiji bio stariji od 65 godina, i da je generalno dobar zdravstveni sistem koji je sve te ljude lecio i drzao u zivotu, na kraju, paradoksalno, ispao sam sebi najveci neprijatelj.

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1 minute ago, freakns said:

ovo izgleda dobro.

bice interesantno(ovo zvuci uzasno :s ) videti statistiku na kraju. verujem da je ogroman broj preminulih u Italiji bio stariji od 65 godina, i da je generalno dobar zdravstveni sistem koji je sve te ljude lecio i drzao u zivotu, na kraju, paradoksalno, ispao sam sebi najveci neprijatelj.

75% umrlih je 70+ godina

65% umrlih je 80+ godina

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Pregnant NHS nurse dies with coronavirus – but baby saved

Channel 4 News has learned that “fabulous” 28-year-old nurse Mary Agyeiwaa Agyapong passed away on Sunday

A heavily pregnant nurse who had tested positive for Covid-19 has died, Channel 4 News has learned.

Mary Agyeiwaa Agyapong, 28, underwent an emergency caesarean to deliver and save her baby daughter.

The little girl is understood to be alive and being cared for. But it’s not clear if she has tested positive for the disease.

Colleagues at Luton and Dunstable Hospital said Mary was “a fabulous nurse, and a great example of what we stand for”.

An internal email to staff explained the decision to perform an emergency cesarean was taken after Mary’s condition deteriorated. Doctors initially thought she was showing signs of improving afterwards, but her symptoms got worse again and she passed away on Sunday.

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China for the first time publicized a breakdown of people testing positive for the novel coronavirus without outward signs of being sick, revealing that those among them who remain symptom-free throughout infection are in the majority.

Among 6,764 people who tested positive for infection without showing symptoms, only one fifth of them -- 1,297 -- have so far developed symptoms and been re-classified as confirmed cases, China’s National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said at a briefing in Beijing Wednesday.


Some 1,023 are still being monitored in medical quarantine to see if they develop symptoms. The rest -- 4,444 -- have been discharged from medical observation after recovering from the virus.



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China secretly determined likely pandemic in January, didn’t warn public for six key days


In the six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, the city of Wuhan at the epicentre of the disease hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people; millions began travelling through for Lunar New Year celebrations.

President Xi Jinping warned the public on the seventh day, Jan. 20. But by then, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press and estimates based on retrospective infection data.

The delay from Jan. 14 to Jan. 20 was neither the first mistake made by Chinese officials at all levels in confronting the outbreak, nor the longest lag, as governments around the world have dragged their feet for weeks and even months in addressing the virus.

But the delay by the first country to face the new coronavirus came at a critical time – the beginning of the outbreak. China’s attempt to walk a line between alerting the public and avoiding panic set the stage for a pandemic that has infected almost 2 million people and taken more than 126,000 lives.

“This is tremendous,” said Zuo-Feng Zhang, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “If they took action six days earlier, there would have been much fewer patients and medical facilities would have been sufficient.”

However, another epidemiologist, Benjamin Cowley at the University of Hong Kong, noted that it may have been a tricky call. If health officials raise the alarm prematurely, it can damage their credibility – “like crying wolf” – and may cripple their ability to mobilize the public, he said.

The six-day delay by China’s leaders in Beijing came on top of almost two weeks during which the national Center for Disease Control did not register any new cases, internal bulletins obtained by the AP confirmed. Yet during that time, from Jan. 5 to Jan. 17, hundreds of patients were appearing in hospitals not just in Wuhan – which finally reopened last week – but across the country.

China’s rigid controls on information, bureaucratic hurdles and a reluctance to send bad news up the chain of command muffled early warnings, experts said. Without these internal reports, it took the first case outside China, in Thailand on Jan. 13, to galvanize leaders in Beijing into recognizing the possible pandemic before them.

The Chinese government has repeatedly denied suppressing information in the early days, saying it immediately reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization.

“Allegations of a cover-up or lack of transparency in China are groundless,” said foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian at a Thursday news conference.

The documents show that the head of China’s National Health Commission, Ma Xiaowei, laid out a grim assessment of the situation in a confidential Jan. 14 teleconference with provincial health officials. A memo states that the teleconference was held to convey instructions on the coronavirus from President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, but does not specify what those instructions were.

“The epidemic situation is still severe and complex, the most severe challenge since SARS in 2003, and is likely to develop into a major public health event,” the memo cites Ma as saying.

In a faxed statement, the National Health Commission said China had published information on the outbreak in an “open, transparent, responsible and timely manner,” in accordance with “important instructions” repeatedly issued by President Xi.

The documents come from an anonymous source in the medical field who did not want to be named for fear of retribution. The AP confirmed the contents with two other sources in public health familiar with the teleconference.

Under a section titled “sober understanding of the situation,” the memo singled out the case in Thailand, saying that the situation had “changed significantly” because of the possible spread of the virus abroad.

“All localities must prepare for and respond to a pandemic,” it said.

The National Health Commission distributed a 63-page set of instructions to provincial health officials, obtained by the AP. The instructions, marked “not to be publicly disclosed,” ordered health officials nationwide to identify suspected cases, hospitals to open fever clinics, and doctors and nurses to don protective gear.

In public, however, officials continued to downplay the threat.

“The risk of sustained human-to-human transmission is low,” Li Qun, the head of the China CDC’s emergency centre, told Chinese state television on Jan. 15.

Under the new orders, on Jan. 16 officials in Wuhan and elsewhere finally got CDC-approved testing kits and a green light to start confirming new cases. Across the country, dozens of reported cases then began to surface, in some cases among patients who were infected earlier but had not yet been tested.

On Jan. 20, President Xi issued his first public comments on the virus, saying the outbreak “must be taken seriously”. A leading Chinese epidemiologist, Zhong Nanshan, announced for the first time that the virus was transmissible from person to person on national television.

The delay may support accusations by U.S. President Donald Trump that the Chinese government’s secrecy held back the world’s response to the virus. However, even the public announcement on Jan. 20 left the U.S. nearly two months to prepare for the pandemic – time that the U.S. squandered.

Some health experts said Beijing took decisive action given the information available to them.

“They may not have said the right thing, but they were doing the right thing,” said Ray Yip, the retired founding head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s office in China. “On the 20th, they sounded the alarm for the whole country, which is not an unreasonable delay.”

But others say an earlier warning would have saved lives. If the public had been warned a week earlier to practice social distancing, wear masks and cut back on travel, cases could have been cut by up to two-thirds, one paper later found.

“The earlier you act,” said Los Angeles epidemiologist Zhang, “the easier you can control the disease.”

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Главни лекар болнице коју је посетио Путин излечен од короне

Главни лекар инфективне болнице у Подмосковљу Денис Проценко, објавио је да се опоравио од вируса корона и да излази из самоизолације.

„Два негативна резултата теста. Изолација је завршена – пуно радно време. Детаљније ћу писати чим се вратим из црвене зоне“, написао је лекар.

Проценко је ове новости објавио на свом Фејсбук профилу.

Подсетимо, вест о томе да се Проценко заразио Ковидом-19 од пацијената саопштио је сам лекар 31. марта. Петог априла директор Научно-истраживачког института за хитну помоћ „Склифосовски“ Сергеј Петриков изјавио је да код је код Проценка примећен лакши облик болести.






Edited by NiZdr
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5 hours ago, borris_ said:

Svaka zemlja polako pocinje da broji i umrle van bolnica. Juce je NYC dodao jos ~3700 (probables) umrlih van bolnica. Na woldometers-u jos nisu dodali tu cifru (ali su najavili da ce je dodati). U UK, novine su pocele da pisu o umrlim izvan bolnica. U Francuskoj su poceli brojati umrle prosle sedmice (a sigurno da ih jos fali).

Ne znam kako Njemacka broji ali njihovi brojevi su mi nekako nerealni (da ne bude zabune, volio bih da su pravi).

U svedskoj, klijent sa kojim radim vec dvijegodine mi rece da je virus usao u staracki dom gdje se nalazi njegova mama :(. 

Kineske brojke su mi totalno nerealne. 


Tek cemo na karaju godine da vidimo kolika je bila smrtnost oovog virusa kada statisticari budu raspolagali sa svim ciframa.





Mi to brojimo, valjda te brojke nesto valjaju, poste je ostalo smehostresna olimijada, nit testiraju nit obradjuju rezultate pa su dnevne promene potpuno smesne i niko ne veruje u njih.


Ovako stojimo sa mrtvima:


Bolnice:  388

Van bolnica: 582





Bolnice:  369

Van bolnica: 436



Promena + 165


VIdi se gde je problem.

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5 hours ago, Tsai said:

nelogicno mi je to. kako se onda izbore sa virusom?  its magic?


Moje laičko razmišljanje (koje ne mora biti tačno, neka neko pametniji ispravi) je da su verovatno T limfociti rešili problem pre no što su se razvila antitela.

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10 hours ago, TdEII said:

Mislim, kad neko sagovornika optuži da je zagovornik lapota, mogu samo da kažem sledeće: I Think You'll Find It's A Bit More Complicated Than That. Ide u potpis.


Kako god, sa zaostatkom od praznika korigovanim ciframa: FHM 

11927 pozitivnih, kumulativno od početka februara (*)

954 prošlo kroz intenzivnu (**)

1203 umrlih

Smrtnost od preko 10% u odnosu na broj zaraženih (pre nekoliko dana je bila na 8%) uz pogled na brojeve u ostalim skandinavskim zemljama, plus apel za preispitivanje strategije potpisan od 2300 lekara, profesora i akademika vrlo jasno govore da tu nešto nije u redu.


8 hours ago, borris_ said:

Svaka zemlja polako pocinje da broji i umrle van bolnica.

U Australiji se od početka prijavljuju umrli u staračkim domovima - 4. marta su prijavili prvi takav slučaj (to je bila druga žrtva epidemije u Australiji), i dosad je u tom staračkom domu umrlo njih šest.



As of 15 April 2020, 63 people linked to COVID-19 have died in Australia. As at 14 April, at least 21 deaths across the country had been passengers on cruise ships.[212]

  • 1 March: the first death from COVID-19 was a 78-year-old Perth man, one of the passengers from Diamond Princess who was being treated in Western Australia.[33]
  • 4 March: the second death was a 95-year-old woman who died at the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged-care facility in Sydney.[37]
  • 8 March: the third death was an 82-year-old man, the second death at Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney.[42]
  • 13 March: the fourth death was a 77-year-old Brisbane woman who developed symptoms on a flight to Sydney and died the same day.[56]
  • 15 March: the fifth death was a 90-year-old woman, the third death at Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney.[57]
  • 18 March: the sixth death was an 86-year-old man being treated in a Sydney hospital.[213]
  • 20 March: the seventh death was an 81-year-old woman who had close contact with another confirmed case of COVID-19 at Ryde Hospital, Sydney.[214]
  • 24 March: the eighth death was a 77-year-old woman from the cruise ship Ruby Princess, which had docked in Sydney on 19 March.[215]
  • 25 March: the ninth death was a 68-year-old man from Toowoomba, Queensland, with a serious underlying medical condition, who had been infected on the cruise ship Voyager of the Seas.[216]
  • 26 March: four deaths were reported: three men in their 70s with pre-existing medical conditions died in Victoria.[217] A Perth man in his 70s who was a passenger on the cruise ship Celebrity Solstice died in Western Australia.[218]
  • 28 March: a 91-year-old New South Wales woman became the fourteenth death, and the fourth from the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged-care facility.[219]
  • 29 March: two deaths were reported, one a 75-year-old woman from Queensland who travelled on Ruby Princess,[220] and the other a man in his 80s from Victoria.[221]
  • 30 March: two deaths were reported, both women in their 80s linked to Ruby Princess, one from Tasmania and one in the ACT, bringing the national total to 18.[222]
  • 31 March: the 19th death was a man in his 80s also linked to Ruby Princess who died in Tasmania.[223]
  • 1 April: the 20th death was a 95-year-old woman who died at the Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney,[224] and the 21st was a 67-year-old woman in Orange, in the central west of New South Wales. This was the first New South Wales death outside of metropolitan Sydney and another that had been a passenger on the cruise ship Ruby Princess.[225][226]
  • 2 April: two people died in Victoria, one was a woman in her 70s[227] and another was a woman in her 60s.[228] A third death was a 85-year-old man in Queensland who had been a passenger on the Ruby Princess.[229]
  • 3 April: four people died: one was a man in his 80s in Victoria,[230] the second was a woman in her 70s in Albury, New South Wales,[231] the third was a 75-year-old man in Wollongong who had been a passenger on Ovation of the Seas[232] and the fourth was a man aged in his 60s in Western Australia, a European passenger from the cruise ship Artania.[233]
  • 4 April: two people died, a woman in her 70s in Victoria[234] and a man in his 80s in the ACT.[235]
  • 5 April: six men died in New South Wales (aged 91, 86, 85, 80, 76, and 61), three of whom had been passengers on the Ruby Princess,[236][237]and one man in Queensland (aged 78) who had also been a passenger on the Ruby Princess.[238]
  • 6 April: There were two deaths in Victoria, a man in his 50s and a woman in her 80s,[239] a man in his 80s died in WA who was a passenger on the Ruby Princess[240] and a 90-year-old man died at the Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney, the sixth resident of the facility to die.[237]
  • 7 April: There were seven deaths, including the first to occur in South Australia, a 75-year-old man,[241] two in WA, a man and a woman in their 70s,[242]a Tasmanian man in his 80s who was a passenger on the Ruby Princess,[243] a man in his 90s and a woman in her 80s in New South Wales[244] and a woman in her 80s died in Victoria.[245]
  • 8 April: There were two deaths, one in Victoria, a woman in her 80s,[246] and 62-year-old SA woman who was a passenger on the Ruby Princess.[247]
  • 9 April: There was one death in SA, a 76-year-old man.[248]
  • 10 April: There were three deaths, one in Victoria, a man in his 80s,[199] one in New South Wales, a 69-year-old man,[249]and a man in his 70s in Tasmania.[205]
  • 11 April: There were two deaths. One was a man in Victoria in his 80s, and a 91-year-old woman in New South Wales.[250]
  • 12 April: There were three deaths. One died in SA, a 74-year-old man who had been a passenger on the Ruby Princess, a second in New South Wales, and a third a woman in her 70s in Tasmania.
  • 13 April: There were two deaths. A 74-year-old woman and a 79-year-old man who were both passengers on the Ruby Princess both died in New South Wales.
  • 14 April: There was one death, a 91-year-old woman in Tasmania.[251]
  • 15 April: There was one death, a woman from the ACT in her 60s who was a passenger on the Ruby Princess.[252]



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