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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema

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Biću ciničan, no čini mi se da su neki jedva dočekali da im korona pohara staračke domove. Makar prema reakcijama, odnosno, po nedostatku istih. Ne vidim da je još u vreme kad je postalo jasno šta virus znači za starce učinjeno mnogo da se zaštite po takvim institucijama. Možda me vara osećaj za filing al jbg.




fali ti samo 5g u rezonu i imamo cijelu stvar

2 hours ago, Mos said:

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

Dakle, Amerikanci su trenutno na slicnim brojkama za mesec dana kao tokom H1N1 za godinu dana. Ako to nekim ljudima nije jos jasno ne znam sta ih moze ubediti da je situacija jeziva.

Ali Obama.......

USA danas na 1400 mrtvih a tu smo jos 10, 11 sati do kraja dana

32 minutes ago, kud u maglu Simoviću said:




fali ti samo 5g u rezonu i imamo cijelu stvar


Još od Vuhana bilo je jasno šta će biti sa matorcima po staračkim domovima ako se tu proširi. Čini mi se da su mere potpune izolacije uvedene tek pre nekih dve nedelje ili tako nešto, a negde nisu ni dan danas (Švedi valjda). Sad, moguće je i da su odgovorni toliko glupi, neposobni i bez ikakve mogućnosti predikcije.

25 minutes ago, NevenMan said:

Ali Obama.......


sta je sa obamom ?

1 hour ago, borris_ said:

Pisalo smo ovdje, neke zemlje broje za sada samo umrle u bolnicama (Pisalo je o UK i USA čini mi se ali vjerujem da ih ima dosta drugih), neke ubrajaju sve. Francuska od nedavno broji sve ali ističe koliko ih je umrlo u bolnicama a koliko u domovima.


E sada zašto odma ne ubrajaju umrle u domovima? Vjerovatno je razlog što žele da na kraju krize vide koliko je umrlo u ukupno u domovima i da usporedbe to sa predhodnim godinama i tako naprave računicu umrlih od virusa. 



mislim da sam ti na ovo vec odgovarala. u americi se broje staracki domovi. u ny state je pre par dana 20% (15% u domovima i 5% u domovima gde treba vise nege) prijavljenih mrtvih bilo u razlicitim vidovima domova. da li su prebrojali sve? verovatno ne jer jako stari pacijenti mogu da umru od komplikacija pre nego sto imaju jasne covid simptome i onda mozda ni ne budu testirani. puno pacijanata ima hronicnu obstruktivnu bolest pluca ili tesko disu i mogu brzo da umru bez dijagnoze. te nece niko nikad uhvatiti, u starackim domovima ili kod kuce. brojanje mrtvih je birokratski problem. bolnice imaju infrasturkturu da prijavljuju ovakve stvari a domovi mnogo manje. francuska je odlucila da ceka skroz dok ne konsoliduje podatke iz domova i racunala je 0 dosta dugo. u americi je kompleksno jer se ukljucuju, izmedju ostalog zato sto veliki broj domova pripada bolnickim sistemima i na istoj su IT infrastrukturi, ali ima puno domova koji nemaju infrastrukturu za prijavljivanje i ti ce sigurno u nekom trenutku da budu korekcija. francuska je odlucila da to uradi u par dana, u americi ce biti razvuceno. 

An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. "Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic," said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee [source]

24 minutes ago, gone fishing said:

An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. "Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic," said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee [source]


to su ti o kojima sam pricala koji nece nikad biti ubrojani. 

Da sada se sjećam. U fr malo drugačije broje. Do nedavno nisu ništa brojali van bolnica. Ove cifre iz domova su svi umrli za koje se sumnja da su imali virus. Znači tu ulaze i oni koji nisu testirani (velika vecina nije testirana). Pomislio sam se da oni ovdje i ne dovode pacijente iz stranačkih domova u bolnice ali pročitah da ih dovode.

1 hour ago, gone fishing said:

An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. "Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic," said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee [source]

Evo celog niza tvitova - nemaju više gde sa mrtvima, sahranjivaće ih privremeno po parkovima.


Mark D. Levine @MarkLevineNYC, Chair of New York City Council health committee:


NYC’s healthcare system is being pushed to the limit.

And sadly, now so is the city’s system for managing our dead. And it, too, needs more resources.

This has big implications for grieving families. And for all of us. 1/ 
NYC’s “city morgue” is the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), which luckily is the best in the world.

But they are now dealing w/ the equivalent of an ongoing 9/11. And so are hospital morgues, funeral homes & cemeteries.

Every part of this system is now backed up. 2/ 
A typical hospital morgue might hold 15 bodies. Those are now all full. So OCME has sent out 80 refrigerated trailers to hospitals around the city. Each trailer can hold 100 bodies. These are now mostly full too. Some hospitals have had to add a 2nd or even a 3rd trailer. 3/ 
Grieving families report calling as many as half a dozen funeral homes and finding none that can handle their deceased loved ones.

Cemeteries are not able to handle the number of burial requests and are turning most down. 4/ 
It’s not just deaths in hospitals which are up. On an average day before this crisis there were 20-25 deaths at home in NYC. Now in the midst of this pandemic the number is 200-215. *Every day*. 5/ 
Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. 6/ 
Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic. 7/ 
And still the number of bodies continues to increase. The freezers at OCME facilities in Manhattan and Brooklyn will soon be full. And then what? 8/ 
Soon we'll start “temporary interment”. This likely will be done by using a NYC park for burials (yes you read that right). Trenches will be dug for 10 caskets in a line.

It will be done in a dignified, orderly--and temporary--manner. But it will be tough for NYers to take. 9/ 
The goal is to avoid scenes like those in Italy, where the military was forced to collect bodies from churches and even off the streets.

OCME is going to need much more staff to achieve that goal. 10/ 
Thankfully the Dept. of Defense and the NY National Guard have already sent teams, and volunteer medical examiners have come from around the country. But we are going to need much more help if we're going to avoid disaster. 11/ 
As New York City continues to appeal to the nation for help, we need to ask not just for doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists. We also need mortuary affairs staff. This is tough to talk about and maybe tough to ask for. But we have no choice. The stakes are too high. 12/ 
To recap: Nothing matters more in this crisis than saving the living. But we need to face the gruesome reality that we need more resources to manage our dead as well. Or the pain of this crisis will be compounded almost beyond comprehension. 13/13


Edited by vememah

22 minutes ago, vememah said:

Evo celog niza tvitova - nemaju više gde sa mrtvima, sahranjivaće ih privremeno po parkovima.


Mark D. Levine @MarkLevineNYC, Chair of New York City Council health committee:


De Blasio demantovao:



sto je usa danas tako lose ponovo?  I dalje ny ili nesto novo?

Na worldometers 27,000 trenutno. Pre neki dan bilo je 34,000. Inače sutra je pick za Njujork. Za celu SAD tek za sedam dana. Tako da će biti ovih cifara danima 

Ukoliko su tacne worldometer brojke, USA ide danas na ~2.5k umrlih.Drasticno se uvecava broj umrlih u nekoliko states.

Deluje da ce to ici gore bar jos par nedelja i pretpostavljam da cemo videti kod njih u peaku 10+k preminulih dnevno.

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