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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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39 states and the District of Columbia now requiring residents to stay home except for essential outings to the doctor or grocery store

White House medical experts have forecast that even if Americans hunker down in their homes to slow the spread of COVID-19, some 100,000 to 240,000 people could die from the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.

Since 2010, the flu has killed between 12,000 and 61,000 Americans a year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 1918-1919 flu pandemic killed 675,000 in the United States, according to the CDC.

A Pentagon official who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity said the U.S. Department of Defense was working to provide up to 100,000 body bags for use by civilian authorities in the coming weeks.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a news conference the city was contracting with hotels as part of a massive effort to add 65,000 additional hospital beds by the end of the month.

De Blasio, also a Democrat, said the city had arranged to add 10,000 beds at 20 hotels, which have lost most of their guests as travel has stopped.

“This is going to be an epic process during the month of April to build out all that capacity,” de Blasio said. “But this goal can be reached.”



Zvaničan izvor da u SAD godišnje od gripa umre između 12 i 61 hiljadu godišnje:


Edited by vememah
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Izgleda da su posade dva američka nosača aviona koji se nalaze u pacifiku zakačene virusom (3/4 posade). Počeće evakuacija ovih dana.

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 u cmeu je tajna male smrtnosti kanade?

msm broj umrlih, ne death rate


Edited by InvisibleLight
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NSW priraštaj od danas pao i dalje na 5.3%, za savezni još nema krajnjih podataka jer SA i WA još nisu saopštile,, ali bi trebalo da je oko 6%. Za NSW je i dalje broj zaraženih u odnosu na ukupan broj testiranih oko 2%, a smrtnost na saveznom nivou je i dalje oko 0.4% (broj umrlih prema broju zaraženih). Danas su izneli podatak da je petina zaraženih u NSW došla sa nekoliko kruzera:


Over 450 cruise ship passengers have tested positive for COVID-19 in NSW, in addition to eight crew members.

There are 456 cases from cruise ship passengers in NSW. These include 337 from the Ruby Princess, 74 from the Ovation of the Seas, 34 from the Voyagers of the Seas and 11 from the Celebrity Solstice.


Takođe su danas objavili malo više detalja o trenutnom stanju apcijenata na intenzivnoj nezi u NSW (ceo članak ovde);


One-third of seriously ill patients with COVID-19 who have been admitted to hospital wards and intensive care units are under 60, NSW Health data reveals.

Eleven patients among the state’s hospitalised coronavirus cases are under 40 - a stark warning to younger people who believe the virus is only a danger to older generations.

On Wednesday night, 115 COVID-19 patients were being treated in NSW hospitals, including 43 critically ill patients in ICUs. Another 116 were being treated in their homes, the first age-breakdown of NSW admissions shows.


U novinama je danas bio veći izveštaj prenet iz Vašington Posta o petodnevnom verskom skupu u Francuskoj odakle se virus proširio širom Francuske, kažu de je jedna medicinska sestra iz Strazbura koja ga je pokupila odatle posle zarazila 250 driguh ljudi (SMH članak ovde, preuzet iz WP). Još su preneli da je u US zabeležen najveći porast prodaje naoružanja u istoriji ...




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43 minutes ago, Ravanelli said:

Da se kladimo da kupujevsuplemente od Alexa Jonesa? 


Federal prosecutors allege train engineer Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro intended to hit the ship, saying he thought it was "suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'"


Gay frogs.

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5000 kutija, FBI iznosi i iznosi kutije i nema kraja .... ali komentari su zanimljivi - jeste on djubre, ali kapitalizam! Sto ga hapse, po kom osnovu, kako smeju da mu uzmu robu koju je posteno platio itd.

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Amerika preko 1000 mrtvih i 26000 novoregistrovanih u danu [emoji185]
Niko nije probio granicu od 1000 pre Amerike?

Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk

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Nažalost, ono čega smo se i plašili se počinje dešavati. Jutrošnji rezultati pokazuju da je 6 pozitivnih u Cazinu, 1 u Bihaću i 1 u Bosanskoj Krupi. :ph34r: 


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misliš ovo na sredini


izgleda da je to ovo govno od korone

jbg 5G tehnologija, vidiš kako je jača od ovih gripa izazvanih 4G



Edited by Ravanelli
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