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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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45 minutes ago, halloween said:


Around 80% of the coronavirus supplies that Russia has sent to Italy are “useless,” the country’s La Stampa daily reported Wednesday, citing high-level political sources. 

Russia sent 600 ventilators and 100 military virologists and epidemiologists to Italy following talks between President Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte last Saturday. Footage of Russian military trucks en route from Rome to the coronavirus epicenter of Bergamo circulated online this week.



vazda su Talijani bili govnari. 

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59 minutes ago, cedo said:


jbg ... jasno je od pocetka kako cemo ziveti sve do vakcine

zdravstveni sistem se mora odrzavati sposobnim da umanji zrtve



u lockdownu 18 meseci?


poludece ljudi do leta maks, nema teoretske sanse

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15 minutes ago, Tsai said:


u lockdownu 18 meseci?


poludece ljudi do leta maks, nema teoretske sanse


zavisi sta podrazumevas pod lockdownom

kineski nije moguc, definitivno nigde osim u kini ... severnu koreju da ne racunamo :)

ali za stavljanje stvari pod kontrolu, da bi zdravstveni sistem mogao da funcionise, morace da se stegne tamo gde stvari izadju van kontrole

posle toga, ne znam, proredjen broj ljudi na radnim mestima ...  eto, banecare je pisao kako je kod njega

bitisati smanjenim kapacitetom, da zivot ne stane ... cuvati stare i rizicne ... sta drugo preostaje ? popustati i stezati kako se pojavi zariste ?

alternativa je krdo

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24 minutes ago, Ivo Petović said:

Da li postoje negde apdejtovani podaci o broju testiranja na COVID 19 po državama? Poslednje što sam našao je 20. mart.

Uradili su ažuriranje, ali sad više nemaju sve one države što su imali 20. marta, sad imaju samo nekoliko.



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3 hours ago, cedo said:

boris je mladji, nema brige

ali princ ... 71 godina i za 6 dana zavrsi rabota ... mhm

pa on je oborio svjetski rekord u brzini ozdravljenja.

nikad nece umrijeti.

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1 hour ago, Host said:



Ovo je za minijature, ali normalci ne bi razumeli.


Pre par meseci guglao nešto o Benu i naiđem na profesiju ovog drugog. Carski :lolol:

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Ako racunamo da je dan po Pacific time zone danas je bilo ocajno

5000 metvih u svetu of kojih 1050 u US . Us isto danas 26K novozarazenih.

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Bolsonaro urges no more virus quarantine


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says no more quarantine measures can be imposed on the country than those already in place to combat coronavirus because jobs are being destroyed and the poor are suffering disproportionately. Speaking to Rede TV, Bolsonaro criticised self-isolation and other measures imposed by local authorities to limit the spread of the virus, a view that again appeared to put him at odds with Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mendetta.


Mendetta on Monday urged Brazilians to maintain maximum social distancing to ease the strain on the fragile health system and said 200 million personal protective equipment items would arrive from China next month.

"You can't impose any more quarantine than there already is," Bolsonaro said, adding the question people ask him most was when they could return to work.


Brazil's Senate passed a bill on Monday evening guaranteeing some of the country's poorest citizens income of 600 reais ($A187) month for three months, a package that could cost almost 50 billion reais.

According to Bolsonaro, all measures to combat the crisis could cost 800 billion reais, and the economy, which is expected to contract this year, could rebound and be back on track within a year.

Earlier on Monday, Bolsonaro had stepped up his stand-off with state governments, branding governors in the hardest-hit states "job-killers" and suggesting democracy could be at risk if the coronavirus crisis led to social chaos.

The right-wing populist last week warned that Brazil could break with "democratic normalcy," citing the risk of rioting and suggesting "the left" could capitalise on any chaos, without elaborating.

The coronavirus outbreak has resulted in 4579 confirmed cases and 159 deaths in Brazil.

On Sunday, Bolsonaro visited a market area outside the federal capital to stress the message that lockdown measures should be relaxed.

Twitter took down two videos from the tour of Brasilia, saying it violated its standards on health misinformation, and Facebook later followed suit.


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Da se kladimo da kupujevsuplemente od Alexa Jonesa? 


Federal prosecutors allege train engineer Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro intended to hit the ship, saying he thought it was "suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'"


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