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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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2 minutes ago, cedo said:

meni nije jasno kako je princ carls ozdravio za 6 dana

Podojila ga kraljica.


U Londonu je registrovano 7100 obolelih (jučerašnji podaci, današnje nisam našao) na 8,9 miliona stanovnika, što predstavlja 0,08% populacije, mada se svakako može pretpostaviti da u tamošnjim bolnicama leži i dosta ljudi iz okoline.

13 minutes ago, Budja said:

Ovakva je situacija u Gvajakilu.


Tražio sam snimke po Tviteru, baš je horor i ako je polovina od onoga što je tamo pokačeno autentično.

1 hour ago, borris_ said:

Da poludiš. Kako se to samo španiji dešava? Je li i drugi povjeravaju te testove?


U Madjarskoj isto. Kazu da je sva roba vrlo problematicnog kvaliteta.

(ne samo testovi vec i maske, rukavice, ventilatori)

1 hour ago, Zeleni sto said:

Šta ja propuštam kod tog procenta? Ako je tačnost manja od 50%, to znači da veću tačnost ima random rezultat? Ili se taj procenat odnosi na nešto drugo?

Ako testiraš 100 zaraženih ljudi test će prijaviti pozitivno kod manje od 50.

1 hour ago, Lancia said:

Podojila ga kraljica.


Meni se čini da on troši Kamilino mlijeko. :Jova:


Pitanje je ko će podojiti Borisa.


boris je mladji, nema brige

ali princ ... 71 godina i za 6 dana zavrsi rabota ... mhm


Apropo UK politicara na vlasti:



Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has become the fourth member of the UK cabinet to have self-isolated after showing symptoms of coronavirus.

Mr Wallace said he had now recovered and had continued to work throughout.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Secretary Matt Hancock are both in self-isolation after testing positive for the virus.

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack is also self-isolation after showing symptoms.



UK je stvarno sprdnja. Imaju sreću što su na ostrvu, inače bi verovatno bili najgori od sve dece kad se podvuče crta na kraju.


Danas nadjoh komentar na Guardianu:



This government is spending all its time managing the story when it should be managing the problem.


Mada se verovatno nešto slično može reći za dobar broj vlada u svetu.




Турска тренутно додаје преко две хиљаде заражених и педесет умрлих на дан. Време дуплирања је око два дана па рачунајте где ћемо бити следеће недеље...


Каква-таква утеха је да се и даље ради око 15 хиљада тестова на дан али дај боже да то нису они фалични.


Имам двоје глибавих на горњем спрату, закључани су после теста и чекају. Чике у скафандерима их обилазе сваког дана, ако развију симптоме водиће их у болницу.


Арчелик почиње производњу респиратора. Један мој клијент прави вентиле за њих, добио је хитну поруџбину за десет хиљада комада до краја месеца.


Од око 16 хиљада заражених, скоро две трећине је у Истанбулу. Стварне цифре можемо само да нагађамо. Градоначелник тражи локдаун у граду (не може самостално да га уведе) али мрка капа.


Уз вирусну бомбу добили смо и социјалну, то јест, стотине хиљада људи који живе од првог до првог, или чак од дневница, и тренутно су или без дневних прихода или комплетно без посла. Велики газда је апеловао на нацију да донира кеш у фонд солидарности. Турци у принципу јесу солидаран народ и још како хоће да помогну својима али баш нису претерано одушевљени када им то као моралну обавезу намеће екипа која је склонила милијарде и милијарде, и која троши силне паре на будалисање по Сирији а онда тражи од народа да попуни буџет за социјална давања.


Скрнав дан је заокружила ТВ станица која је снимала жандармерију како помаже сељанима у некој источноанадолској забити да засеју оно мало земље што имају. И тако жандарм носи корпе некој старици а она се грби и ломата, и то траје... У једном тренутку жандарм добије ничим изазван напад духовитости и са осмехом каже: "Бако, ако останемо још мало напољу мораћу да вам пишем казну". Онда га погледа онако мајчински и одговори: "Сине, писао или не писао исто ти се хвата јер ја ту казну немам чиме да платим..." 


Лоше, суморно, туробно. Чак се и маске носе масовно. Кад се само сетим како су ме гледали пре три недеље на аеродрому...


3 hours ago, napadaj said:


LAPD bez ikakve zaštite.



btw, nigde na lokalnim stanicama i novinama nisi mogao da nadjes ovaj snimak! sad sam srela krav maga kolegu koji radi u holivudskoj stanici, nista im ne daju extra od zastite. kaze da nisu dobili ni rukavice da mere temperaturu beskocnicima!!! doniraju firme i pojedinci.

 srecom smenise danas glavnog za emergency, vilanevu...rodjak od prethodnog gradonacelnika, brate mili svi su povezani....



Chinese county goes into coronavirus lockdown as country tries to get back to work amid fear of second wave

- Authorities order residents of Jia county to stay home after reports of cases linked to the area’s hospital
- All but a few essential businesses and services shut temporarily, according to government notice

Guo Rui and Echo Xie in Beijing

Published: 10:31pm, 1 Apr, 2020
Updated: 11:44pm, 1 Apr, 2020

Henan province in central China has taken the drastic measure of putting a mid-sized county in total lockdown as authorities try to fend off a second coronavirus wave in the midst of a push to revive the economy.

Curfew-like measures came into effect on Tuesday in Jia county, near the city of Pingdingshan, with the area’s roughly 600,000 residents told to stay home, according to a notice on the country’s official microblog account.

Special approval was required for all movement outside the home, it said.

After months of restrictions to contain the spread of the coronavirus, China has reported a decline in domestic cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus. On Wednesday, the National Health Commission reported 36 new infections – all but one imported cases.

Chinese leaders are eager to restart the economy but have stressed that it must be balanced with containment measures.

During his recent inspection trip to Zhejiang province, President Xi Jinping emphasised that China must take careful steps to get life back to normal and warned officials to ensure “no loopholes” to prevent a return of the epidemic that has sickened more than 82,000 and killed over 3,300 people in mainland China alone.

According to the Jia county notice, residents must have special permits to leave their home and must have their temperature taken and wear face masks for those trips.

All businesses have been shut down, except utilities, medical suppliers, logistics companies and food processing firms. All shops except supermarkets, hospitals, food markets, petrol stations, pharmacies and hotels have been closed.

In addition, only people with special permits can go to work and cars can only be used on alternate days, depending on their plate number.

China imposed draconian measures in Wuhan – the initial epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic – in January, sealing off the city of 11 million people to prevent the disease from spreading.

An official of the county’s transport office confirmed the county had been put in virtual isolation.

“It’s better not to come to Jia county now,” the official said. “Nobody can enter or leave.”

Local residents contacted on Wednesday said they were notified by the government about the lockdown.

Wang Xiao, 23, said she was told by her village on Tuesday afternoon.

She said the authorities urged residents to stock up on vegetables and daily necessities to prepare for the isolation, adding that each family could also assign one member to go out for groceries once every two days.

“I’m worried because it’s so close to me,” she said. “The hospital is only about 2km [1.2 miles] from my home. I had no idea that there were confirmed cases [of infection].”

Wang was referring to news reports that the county reported three infection cases on Sunday. According to the reports, a doctor surnamed Liu who worked at the county’s hospital tested positive for the coronavirus on Saturday.

Liu returned to the county from Wuhan in January and resumed work at the hospital after completing two weeks of self-isolation, the report said.

However, Liu apparently passed the virus on to two colleagues at the hospital as well as a former classmate, with all of them testing positive on Sunday.

Although Henan is just north of Hubei province, where the coronavirus outbreak was first reported, it had only about a dozen confirmed infected patients as of Wednesday.

Wang Jun, a businessman in the county, said he had felt relieved because they could resume production and get back to work. But now he was very nervous about the lockdown.

“Previously no one knew what happened as there were rumours flying around of people have been infected and no one dared to go out,” Wang said.

“Now, we know that the doctors were sick but our daily life has been affected.”


1 hour ago, jms_uk said:

Apropo UK politicara na vlasti:



Ladno Ben Wallace sekretar odbrane. 

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