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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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1 hour ago, ArleKino said:


Rodici otkazana odbrana diplomskog. Rafe u marketima se prazne, policija kažnjava one koji napuštaju teritorij ili pokušavaju ući u mjesta koja su u karantinu.

Kako kažnjava? Novčano, i onda ga pusti da odšeta?

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Šta misliš, koliko država/društava može učiniti istu stvar kao Kinezi?

Nijedno. Al nije u tome štos.

Štos je u tome što mi ostali nismo iskoristili tu šansu da se pripremimo i svedemo šanse za ozbiljno sranje na minimum.

Izgubili smo vreme skakutajući izmedju kurcobolje i plašenja.



Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока




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8 minutes ago, JozoMujica said:

Kako kažnjava? Novčano, i onda ga pusti da odšeta?

206 €  i nije sala. Alternativa zatvor. Drugog dana karantina u crvenoj zoni su grupe ljudi nonsalantno izlazile alternativnim manjim putevima do mesta van karantina u kupovinu u supermarkete jer je u crvenoj zoni bila guzva. Tek juce pojacali blokade. Italija jbg,

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3 hours ago, dùda said:

ovo je u najmanju ruku čudno

Izvini, ali to uopšte nije moj citat.


Usto je i netačan, u odnosu na broj zaraženih novi virus je višestruko smrtonosniji, procene idu i do 20 puta, što zavisi od uspešnosti lečenja i preopterećenosti zdravstvenog sistema zemlje u kojoj se širi. Pretpostavljam da su hteli da kažu da po sadašnjim podacima godišnje od običnog (sezonskog) gripa umre daleko više ljudi, ali to je pravljenje računa bez krčmara pošto epidemija novog virusa ne pokazuje znake da će stati, a ozbiljnije se prati tek nekoliko meseci.


A koliko je čest novi koronavirus tek ćemo videti pošto je nekoliko ozbiljnih epidemiologa i ljudi koji se bave modelovanjem zaraza reklo da uopšte ne bi bilo nerealno da bude zaraženo tipa polovina svetskog stanovništva, a postoje i tvrdnje da virus može potrajati nekoliko godina.


I molim da se prestanu prenositi domaći mediji kada su u pitanju opšte informacije o virusu nevezane za Srbiju, pošto oni samo unose pometnju poluinformacijama domaćih "stručnjaka". Svi valjda znate engleski (ili makar da koristite Google translate) u dovoljnoj meri da se informišete na mestu gde ljudi iz celog sveta donose najsvežije informacije.


https://www.reddit.com/r/COVID19/ (medicinske studije i naučna diskusija)

https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/ (praćenje širenja)

https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/ (najšire informacije uključujući i lična iskustva)


I na ovoj temi je otpočetka objavljena ogromna količina korisnih informacija, iščitajte to.


Takođe, čitajte informacije s ovog linka, oni se zaista trude da isprate situaciju u celom svetu i da raščivijaju dupla prijavljivanja obolelih u zvaničnim saopštenjima i izjavama zvaničnika kako bi pružili dobre informacije i ne objavljuju gluposti.



Edited by vememah
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Opinions on the coronavirus outbreak

Last updated: February 24, 01:05 GMT

Expert opinions listed in reverse chronological order. Click on a quote to expand.

 The director general of the WHO has recently spoken of a narrowing of the window of opportunity to control the current epidemic. The tipping point - after which our ability to prevent a global pandemic ends - seems a lot closer after the past 24 hours 
Prof. Paul Hunter
Professor of Health Protection
University of East Anglia
Feb. 23, 2020
 The number of reports from multiple different countries in the past 36 hours showing what is most likely community human to human spread of SARS-CoV-2 confirms fears that the virus is on its way to causing a pandemic 
Prof. Dr. Benhur Lee, MD
Professor of Microbiology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS)
Feb. 21, 2020
 All predictions are important. Most predictions are wrong. And I think we must be careful with that. 
[asked about prediction that Covid-19 could affect 2/3 of world's population]
Dr. Michael Ryan
Executive Director
WHO Health Emergencies Programme
Feb. 17, 2020
 I think it is likely we will see a global pandemic. If a pandemic happens, 40% to 70% of people world-wide are likely to be infected in the coming year. What proportion is asymptomatic, I can't give a good number
Prof. Marc Lipsitch
Prof. of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health
Head, Harvard Ctr. Communicable Disease Dynamics
Feb. 14, 2020
 I think this virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we'll get community based transmission and you can start to think about it like seasonal flu. The only difference is we don't understand this virus 
Dr. Robert Redfield
Director, CDC
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Feb. 13, 2020
 This is really a global problem that’s not going to go away in a week or two.

What makes this one perhaps harder to control than SARS is that it may be possible to transmit before you are sick.

I think we should be prepared for the equivalent of a very, very bad flu season, or maybe the worst-ever flu season in modern times.
Prof. Marc Lipsitch
Prof. of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health
Head, Harvard Ctr. Communicable Disease Dynamics
Feb. 11, 2020
 I hope this outbreak may be over in something like April
Prof. Nanshan Zhong
Leading epidemiologist, first to describe SARS coronavirus
Feb. 11, 2020
 It could infect 60% of global population if unchecked
Prof. Gabriel Leung
Expert on coronavirus epidemics
Chair of Public Health Medicine
Hong Kong University
Feb. 11, 2020
 It’s a new virus. We don’t know much about it, and therefore we’re all concerned to make certain it doesn’t evolve into something even worse
Prof. W. Ian Lipkin
Epidemiology Director
Columbia University
Feb. 10, 2020
 We are estimating that about 50,000 new infections per day are occurring in China. [...] It will probably peak in its epicenter, Wuhan, in about one month time; maybe a month or two later in the whole of China. The rest of the world will see epidemics at various times after that. (EXPAND FOR VIDEO)
Prof. Neil Ferguson
Director, Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics
Imperial College, London Feb. 6, 2020
 This looks far more like H1N1’s spread than SARS, and I am increasingly alarmed
Dr. Peter Piot
(Director, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Feb. 2, 2020
 It sounds and looks as if it’s going to be a very highly transmissible virus [...] This virus may still be learning what it can do, we don’t know its full potential yet.
Robert Webster
(Infectious disease and avian flu expert at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital)
Feb. 2, 2020
 Increasingly unlikely that the virus can be contained
Dr. Thomas R. Frieden
(Former Director of CDC)
Feb. 2, 2020
 It’s very, very transmissible, and it almost certainly is going to be a pandemic. But will it be catastrophic? I don’t know 
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci
(Director, National Inst. Allergy and Infectious Disease)
Feb. 2, 2020
 Until [containment] is impossible, we should keep trying
Dr. Mike Ryan
(Head of the WHO’s Emergencies Program)
Feb. 1, 2020
 The more we learn about it, the greater the possibility is that transmission will not be able to be controlled with public health measures
Dr. Allison McGeer
(Director of Infection Control, Mount Sinai Hospital)
Jan. 26, 2020


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U Hrvatskoj je zabilježen drugi slučaj zaraze korona virusom, nakon što je potvrđeno da je zaražen i brat mladića kojem je u utorak dijagnosticiran virus nakon što se vratio iz Milana, javila je Al Jazeerina reporterka Nikolina Zavišić.

"Tijekom noći je potvrđen drugi slučaj, to je bliski kućni kontakt, a treći bliski kontakt - prvi nalaz je negativan. Svi do sada koji su bili testirani su nakon negativnih nalaza pušteni kući", potvrdila je Alemka Markotić, direktorica Klinike za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević".

"Zaraženi imaju blagu kliničku sliku, dobivaju potrebne lijekove i ne očekuju se komplikacije", rekla je Markotić.

Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) potvrdila je potom da je druga osoba u Hrvatskoj kod koje je potvrđena zaraza korona virusom njihov zaposlenik s radnim mjestom na lokaciji sjedišta HEP grupe u Zagrebu.

„Taj zaposlenik u utorak nije bio na poslu, a danas je 15-ak zaposlenika za koje se pretpostavlja da su bili u bliskom kontaktu sa zaraženim, obaviješteno da ne dolaze na posao ili su vraćeni s posla", odgovorio je HEP na upit Hine.

Prvooboljeli mladić radi u kompaniji Ericsson Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu, a prošle je sedmice zajedno s djevojkom boravio u Milanu na utakmici Lige prvaka. Prvi nalaz njegove djevojke bio je negativan.




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Klinička slika obolelih iz još u stručnim časopisima neobjavljene i nerecenzirane studije koja je metaanalizom obuhvatila 50.000 pacijenata.



9 studies were included in Meta-analysis, including a total of 50404 patients with 2019-nCoV infection.According to Meta-analysis, among the clinical characteristics of patients with 2019-nCoV infection, the incidence of fever is 90.9% , the incidence of cough is 70.8%, and the incidence of muscle soreness or fatigue is 41%. The incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was 14.8%, the incidence of abnormal chest CT was 95.6%, the proportion of severe cases in all infected cases was 21.3%, and the mortality rate of patients with 2019-nCoV infection was 4.8%.



Edited by vememah
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The first case of a novel coronavirus (Covid-19) in Greece was reported on Wednesday, with the patient identified as a 38-year-old woman from Thessaloniki who had recently visited the north of Italy.

According to a health ministry announcement, the woman is being treated at a public hospital in Thessaloniki.

Her case was described as "mild", and previously asymptomatic. Additionally, people in her immediate family and close friends were voluntarily placed in a quarantine.



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Pulmolog Branimir Nestorović je posle sastanka sa predsednikom Vučićem, izrazio čuđenje što se narod koji je preživeo bombardovanje i sankcije sada plaši, kako je rekao, "najsmešnijeg virusa u istoriji čovečanstva".


Ај нек иде у Кину стручњак да помогне у борби.

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Evo po kojoj ceni broj zaraženih opada u Vuhanu. Iz današnje navodne ispovesti jednog stanovnika Vuhana koji je već nekoliko puta pisao o epidemiji na Redditu (ovde i ovde). Naravno, ne znači da je svima život tako organizovan.


As for food. They are being really really strict about people leaving the house now. The main entrance to my condo is blocked (as like most others), and you need a permit to drive around. But you won’t be given a permit for running personal errands like groceries. Mostly they’re granted to volunteers driving medical professionals for work, food delivery services etc We can’t go to the supermarket for food. We can’t even leave our apartment complex.

So basically, this is kinda how it works. We order food from the supermarket, or vendors who have the travelling permit, then they will deliver it to our condo, and residents will go and collect them. There will be a couple of different “packages”. Like option A includes 6 potatoes, 2 cabbages, 500g beef, option B has 5 carrots, 4 broccoli etcetc I’m just giving an example. So basically you don’t really get to choose what you wanna buy. It’s whatever they have available and you choose from limited options. Which I’m not complaining about. I’m grateful that we still have food.

The thing is, we order in WeChat groups. Which means some older folks who are not good w technology might not be able to get food. So there are volunteers in each neighbourhood to help w they, among other things. My mum is one of them. The volunteers collect the food, weigh and package them and deliver them to the elderly who might be immobile or too weak to leave their house. The volunteers will also visit the chemist periodically w a list of medication that the residents need.

It’s actually really heartwarming to see everyone helping each other. Like for example one of our neighbours was running out of flour, so we gave them some of ours. People are really looking out for one another and exchanging/giving goods and stuff. There was a baby who didn’t have enough baby formula and someone else gave some of theirs. It’s all pretty cute actually haha. My mum is a champ tho. She’s running around everywhere (within our neighbourhood) weighing, packing, delivering goods to people. It was her bday 2 days ago and she literally got home at 10pm. I’ve been helping her weigh and pack stuff at home too it’s small but it’s something I guess.

I really didn’t realise how convenient our lives were before this. You gotta plan meals and use everything strategically. It’s crazy how many small details I’m aware of now that have never crossed my mind before.



Edited by vememah
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