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The Wang et al. February 7 study published on JAMA found that the median time from first symptom to dyspnea was 5.0 days, to hospital admission was 7.0 days, and to ARDS was 8.0 days.[9]

Previously. the China National Health Commission reported the details of the first 17 deaths up to 24 pm 22 Jan 2020. A study of these cases found that the median days from first symptom to death were 14 (range 6-41) days, and tended to be shorter among people of 70 year old or above (11.5 [range 6-19] days) than those with ages below 70 year old (20 [range 10-41] days.[6]

Median Hospital Stay 

The JANA study found that, among those discharged alive, the median hospital stay was 10 days.[9] 

A study on 138 hospitalized patients with 2019-nCoV infection, published on February 7 on JAMA, found that 26% of patients required admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and 4.3% died, but a number of patients were still hospitalized at the time. [9]


Nisam siguran, ali bih rekao da grad srednje veličine (100.000 stanovnika) nema više od 10 mašina za veštačko disanje. Ako ima i toliko, i ako već nisu u upotrebi kod drugih pacijenata koji imaju potrebe za tim, nevezano za virus. 
Ne bih da zamišljam kako bi se kod nas odlučivalo ko će na mašinu a ko je već izgubljen slučaj...

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What are the best coronavirus treatments?

Here’s a list of promising drugs being tried on people infected with the virus.

by Antonio Regalado
Feb 25, 2020

The new coronavirus that has sickened more than 70,000 people in central China is spreading, setting off outbreaks in South Korea, Iran, and Italy, and now threatens to move around the globe as a true pandemic. The US Centers for Disease Control today said that its spread in the US is inevitable too, although how many people will get the disease is unknown.

“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said today.

If the disease known as Covid-19 does become a pandemic, one thing is for sure: billions of people will be hoping for a drug or vaccine.

While there’s no proven treatment yet for the virus and the pneumonia it causes, there are more than 70 drugs or drug combinations potentially worth trying, according to the World Health Organization.

Here are some of the most promising, fast-moving research projects.

Virus blockers

Although experimental, the injectable drug remdesivir, made by Gilead Sciences, is a broad-spectrum antiviral that Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, says he’s “optimistic” about.

The drug forms a misshapen version of a nucleotide that the virus needs to build new copies of itself, thus preventing it from multiplying. The same type of strategy led to Gilead’s blockbuster hepatitis C drug.

Remdesivir is a good prospect because it’s broadly active against viruses whose genetic material is made of RNA, like the coronavirus. It works well in mice and monkeys infected with MERS (a related germ), although it didn’t help very much when it was given to Ebola victims in Congo starting in 2018.

In January, remdesivir was given to a 35-year-old man in Washington state who caught the coronavirus during a trip to China and who then recovered. To find out whether it really works, the NIH said today that it would run a study of remdesivir at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, where some Americans with the disease are being cared for or are under quarantine.

According to the agency, the study will be blinded: some subjects will get the drug and others a dummy injection, or placebo. The first person to join the trial is an American who was on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, the site of a major outbreak.


Probably the best defense in the long term, a conventional vaccine has the drawback that such drugs usually take three or four years to reach the market, at the quickest. That’s because it takes time to prove they protect people from infection and manufacture them in large amounts. As well, it’s not unusual for vaccines to simply fail, sending scientists back to the drawing board.

Luckily, a bunch of prototype vaccines were developed against SARS, the coronavirus disease that killed more than 800 people starting in 2003. Though the vaccines were never needed after SARS stopped spreading, some of those approaches are being dusted off for the new virus.

One company developing a coronavirus vaccine is Sanofi. Its approach is to manufacture proteins called antigens from the virus; these can be injected into the bloodstream, training people’s immune system to recognized the germ. Usually that kind of vaccine is made in chicken eggs, but that’s a big bottleneck. Millions of eggs aren’t easy to come by. Sanofi has developed other ways to make antigens inside insect cells.

Faster vaccines

Some companies are experimenting with new types of vaccines that involve injecting short strands of genetic material from the virus directly into people’s bodies. That way, their own cells make the viral antigens. Although such vaccines haven’t had major success in medicine yet, they are among the quickest varieties to create prototypes of.

That became clear this week when one company, Moderna Therapeutics, said it had already shipped some doses of an RNA vaccine to the NIH. Those could be given to volunteers in a safety test starting as soon as April. “We have never rushed to intervene on a pandemic in this time frame before,” says Stephen Hoge, the company’s president.

Plasma from survivors  

A person who gets infected with a virus but beats it has blood swarming with antibodies to the germ. It’s been shown that collecting blood plasma from survivors and infusing it into another person can sometimes be life-saving. While plasma is not certain to work, more than 27,000 people are already listed as recovered from coronavirus in China, so there could be an ample number of donors. Doctors in Shanghai are among those trying plasma infusions.

HIV drugs

To help patients in severe respiratory distress from the virus, doctors in China are prioritizing drugs they can get hold of, and these include several medications already approved for HIV. One hospital in Shanghai, for instance, tested a combination of the pills lopinavir and ritonavir in 52 patients. The company AbbVie markets this combination as Kaletra in the US. While they didn’t see any effect, more studies are planned or under way using other drugs, including Truvada, a once-daily pill taken by people who don’t have HIV but are at risk for getting infected through sex.


According to some social-media posts, the cure for coronavirus is already known, and it’s the old anti-malaria drug chloroquine. Actually, that’s not proven. But studies of the cheap, well studied, and readily available compound are under way in China, with patients getting 400 milligrams a day for five days. Initial laboratory tests suggest the drug, discovered in 1934, may be highly effective.


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Zvala me sestra iz Italije, kaže da su joj svi u kući bolesni sa simptomima gripa (+zet je zdravstveni radnik u bolnici), ali kao nije COVID 19 nego običan grip. Istovremeno, šef sa porodicom otišao na skijanje u Italiju. Kod kuće, keva tek što je izašla iz akutne faze hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća, žena lekar, deca idu u vrtić :ph34r:

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Simptomi Kovida-19

Za sada znamo da Kovid-19 možda u početku ne izazove nikakve simptome. Možete biti zaraženi virusom do dve nedelje pre nego što primetite simptome. Do sada poznati simptomi su: groznica, temperatura koja postepeno raste, kašalj, kratak dah i gubitak daha, otežano disanje.

Moguće komplikacije Kovida-19

Upala pluća, jak akutni respiratorni sindrom, oštećenje srca ili srčani udar, nepravilan rad srca (aritmija), kardiovaskularni šok, otkazivanje bubrega.

Koje su razlike između koronavirusa i virusa gripa

Infekcije koronavirusom i grip imaju slične simptome koji otežavaju dijagnozu. Virus gripa mnogo je češći i smrtonosniji od Kovida-19. Glavni simptomi koronavirusne infekcije su groznica, temperatura koja postepeno raste, kašalj i otežano disanje, dok grip često prate i dodatni simptomi: bolovi u mišićima i grlu, curenje nosa ili začepljen nos, kijavica, upaljeno grlo, glavobolja, umor.

RTS ceo tekst

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Poznanica došla avionom sa severa Italije pre neki dan. Radi tamo i ovde pola pola...

Nije u panici, nije takva osoba...

Paaa... Nakon sto je nas 150 prosetalo aerodromom do pasoske kontrole, pitala sam "a da nas pregledate, proverite, popisete..." i oni se zbunise toliko da sam crkla od smeha. Onda mi je neki covek rekao da on sve prati na nekoj termo kameri sta li je... Stampedo ljudi je on proverio tom kamerom???? I pita me da li imam temperaturu (laugh)
A onda kad nas je carinik pitao sta imamo da prijavimo, rekoh "znaci proveravate stvari, a ljude koji mozda imaju da prijave koronu nista"... Rekao mi je "dovidjenja". (laugh)
A stavila sam se u dobrovoljni karantin (u jednu praznu gajbu) jer necu da se ljudi oko mene tripuju...

... Shiit has hit the fan...

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12 hours ago, vememah said:

Virus gripa mnogo je češći i smrtonosniji od Kovida-19. 

ovo je u najmanju ruku čudno

te ređi, te manje smrtonosan, a takva drama oko njega

pa zašto onda nemamo dramu svake godine, oko običnog gripa, ako je već tako

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Protiv obicnog gripa postoji vakcina.


Ovakav jedn virus se sa zebnjom ocekuje kao onaj zemotljres u kaliforniji. Odma se prisjetimo Spanske groznice, kuge, i ostalih smrtonosnih virusa.


Em nismo imuni, em treba godinu dvije da se pronadje vakcina.

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21 minutes ago, dùda said:

ovo je u najmanju ruku čudno

te ređi, te manje smrtonosan, a takva drama oko njega

pa zašto onda nemamo dramu svake godine, oko običnog gripa, ako je već tako


Jedino ako su hteli da kažu da u ovom trenutku od gripa boluje mnogo veći broj ljudi i da je isto tako, u ovom trenutku, veći broj umrlih nego od korone. 

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Damage control kao takav!

Jedino sto je ovo stvar koja nije takva da se zavrsava saopstenjem Maje Gojovic ili onog klempavog Martinovica...kad krene biracko telo da im se osipa pred izbore bice kasno:cry:

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