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17 hours ago, Zizou said:



ako ne bude nikakvo zamrzavanje poretka pred AO to onda znaci da novak dobija poklon za 8. mart :ziga:



Nek organizuju neku 250cu cisto da se ne zamrzava lista


Samo da sve bude ok, sigurno bi nedelju pre bio neki Brizbejn, Sidnej, bilo sta.

9 hours ago, W.F.C. said:

Samo da sve bude ok, sigurno bi nedelju pre bio neki Brizbejn, Sidnej, bilo sta.


navodno je plan da igraci dolaze 15.01 - 17.01, pa 14 dana karantin tokom koga mogu da treniraju. teoretski bi mogao da upadne neki turnir u nedelje pred AO, ali samo ako je u drzavi Viktorija. 

ima po rasporedu qatar open od 04.01 do 09.01


Dve nedelje duge ko dve godine -.-

-Players will be able to train during 14-day quarantine, but only after testing negative to COVID-19 on the second day of isolation.

-Testing will take place in each player's hotel room on days one, three, seven, 10 and 14.

-Players will be able to undertake quarantine from January 15.

-Players will be arriving via chartered flights between January 15-17 but quarantine won't start until the last player arrives.

-Once the players test negative to COVID-19 after the first day of isolation, they will be permitted to train with one other player from days two to seven.

-From day eight and after three negative tests, players will then be able to practise in groups of up to four.

-All players will be allowed out of their hotel rooms for a maximum of five hours: two hours on court, two hours in the gym and one hour to eat on site.

-According to the document, players will only be able to take one coach with them when they train.

Inace govori se da ce kvale za AO da se igraju u vise gradova diljem sveta, pa su tako za sada u opticaju: Doha, Dubai i LA
  • +1 1

Pa dobro jbg, treniraju od 4.godine,disciplinovani su ljudi, izgurace i ovo. Bolje ovo nego da ga nema.


Nek umuvaju i neku Dohicu pre toga taman da malo osvezi, doda 250 bodova


Mislim da ce te 250ice bas da ispastaju, da ih saseku max, mozda da popune eventualno neku rupu u kalendaru.


doha je svakako planirana za 4-9 januar. taman da se odigra pa u austrliju.

sumnjam da ce se igrati nesto u nedelji od 1.2


inace, u prve dve nedelje februara je trebalo biti 5 turnira koje ce se poklopiti sa AO. 


Moguca desavanja pred, oko AO, sada cemo imati i turnir 750 :D


Novak bezi Nadalu 2180

1640 AO + 500 = 2140 

1640 AO + 750 = 2390


da li je moguce da bi se dotle islo? :ziga:



Valjda bi i Novak mogao da uzme koji bod na tom ATP 750, šta god to bilo

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