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Probaj da diskonektujes svoj account od te email adrese, tj. da se prebacis na local account. (Control Panel, Users, Make changes to my account in PC Settings, pa pod Your Account).


Generalno nema neke prednosti od logovanja u Windows 8/10 na takav nacin (preko kombinacije email adresa/password) osim za komotniji pristup Windows app Store-u. 

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apdejt, upravo dobio sa account-update@amazon.com


Hello B. R,

This is an important message from Amazon.com

At Amazon we take your security and privacy very seriously. As part of our routine monitoring, we discovered a list of email address and password sets posted online. While the list was not Amazon-related, we know that many customers reuse their passwords on several websites. We believe your email address and password set was on that list. So we have taken the precaution of resetting your Amazon.com password. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused but felt that it was necessary to help protect you and your Amazon account.

To regain access to your Amazon customer account:

1.   Go to Amazon.com and click the "Your Account" link at the top of our website.

2.   Click the link that says "Forgot your password?"

3.   Follow the instructions to set a new password for your account.

Please choose a new password and do not use the same password you used with us previously. We also highly recommend that you chose a password that you are not using on any other sites. We look forward to seeing you again soon.



Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our website.


mislim, wtf?

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Nadam se da nije, ali moguce da je @Razzmatazz naslutio phishing u vezi sa onom prvom izmjena pass-a.

Prvo pristupiti top level osiguranju tog main email-a. Vjerujem da je jos dosta online account-a vezano za njega.

Potom, sve bitne sajtove/account-e update-ovati.

Ne mora da znaci, ali nije ni za zanemariti.

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evo zatim stize ovo


Hello B R,

You have successfully changed your default language for browsing, shopping and receiving communications from Amazon.de to "English".

If you wish to change your default language, you may visit Change Language Settings at Amazon.de.

Thank you for visiting us.


a nista nisam jebeno menjao

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Da li je link amazon ?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

nema linka, samo mejl sa account-update@amazon.com

u kome izmedju ostalog nema mog celog imena i prezimena nego kuke i kvake, sto mi ne lici na amazon i deluje nekako amaterski

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Aj ti sa nečijeg računara izmenjaj sve passworde pa kreni da čistiš...

a onda ako se ulogujem na recimo amazon sa ovog kompa, jesam li opet u opasnosti?

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upravo sam na amazonu, gledam da nema nekih narudzbina, i nema zasad.

nema govora o resetu pass-a

i dalje mi nije jasno zasto traze da odem na Forgot your password


ako neko nalazi bilo kakav link za kontakt na amazon.de, nek mi sibne, il sam ja glup il nema takog. samo Q&A

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