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~ 3 din/minut u jakom i 1.5 din/minut u slabom saobracaju, pa ti izracunaj...(impulsni interval je 8 odnosno 16 sekundi (jak / slab saobracaj) a cena impulsa je 0.40 dinara bez PDV)

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kako najlakse da skinem autorun.inf virus sa kompa koji nema AV ni internet? Da pokusam sa hijackthis-om ili da instaliram neki softver?edit: probacu sa spybot-om. Najvise me smara sto moram da ga prebacim fleskom koja ce samim tim da pokupi virus pa ce opet ovde pure da me smara sa advanced dezinfekcijom :)

Edited by katamaran
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Hm, ali autorun.inf nije virus vec .inf fajl preko koga se isti pokrece.Pokusaj ovako, desni klik na fajl, pa Properties, pa na tab Security, pa pogledaj koje grupe i korisnici imaju koja prava nad tim fajlom. Ako mozes da dodas pravo brisanja sebi (klik na Advanced, pa Change Permissions dok ti je selektovan administrator), eto resenja.

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Nisam napomenuo da je xp na toj masini.Sinoc ga je spybot dva sata skenirao i nasao samo neke gluposti. Verovatno cu mu staviti kav + offline updates prvom prilikom.Interesantno da ne zarazi flesku automatski nego tek kad nesto kopiram na nju dobijem i bonus :)edit: ovo cudo sam zapatio (vidim po karantinu na ovom kompu)autorun.inf trojan.win32.autorun.genmflfok.exe trojan.win32.midgare.uik

Edited by katamaran
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Interesantno da ne zarazi flesku automatski nego tek kad nesto kopiram na nju dobijem i bonus :)
Kulturan neki virus, ne trpa se sam gde mu nije mesto :)
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meni je ovo resilo problem

Method 1:This may be caused due to the corruption of the gadget.You may try restoring the gadget.To do so:1. Right click on the gadget.2. Go to Properties.3. At the bottom of the window you will find a tab to Restore Gadgets Installed with Windows, click on it.This will restore it back to the default setting. This should get your weather Gadget working.Method 2:Try changing the system locale to English (United States). Sometimes, simply changing system language locale alone is enough to solve the Weather gadget issue.To change system locale,1. Open Region and Language by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Clock, Language, and Region, and then clicking Region and Language.2. Click the Formats tab, and then, in the Format list, select the locale to use for the display of the date, time, currency, and measurements.Refer the below link for more details:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Give-your-PC-some-personality-with-Sidebar-gadgets-from-Windows-Live-GalleryOnce the changes are made, refresh the Weather gadget by closing and re-adding the gadget to the sidebar.If the above steps do not fix your issue, run a virus scan and malware and spyware scan on your system.You may also run an online scan from the below link:http://onecare.live.com/site/en-au/default.htm?mkt=en-au
Edited by exTRaGluv
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instalirah fresh XP opet posle 4-5 godina... kako bese da mu objasnim da ne zelim da me posle restarta po defaultu loguje kao Administratora vec kao PP34?
run pacontrol userpasswords2
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