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settings, apperance, show home button, change. ili settings, on startup, open a specific page or set of pages, set pages, ako homepage i sajt koji prvo otvara nisu isti (kao kod mene).

Edited by boshoku
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Sad ću to da proučim. Interesantno je da pretraga radi, ali već se nešto zbunjuje. Sad ću da izučim onaj link koji si mi poslao
Evo još bolje ovo ispod. Tražio sam malo duže, jer mi većina hitova iz googlea izgleda jednako sumnjivo kao i sam hijacker. Ovo je kosher izvor, direkt microsoft.

searchnu . com malwareApplies To: Windows Windows 7 Security, Privacy, and User AccountsHII have a persistent problem that i cannot get rid of....This is with Google chrome, with which a malware type nuisance search engine has latched on somehow and I cannot remove this at all whatever i do????The malware is called SEARCHNU . COM, no matter what i do i cannot get rid???Has anyone any ideas on how to get rid of this once and for all???Many thanksDave1 Person hadthis questionHAYABUSADAVEHAYABUSADAVEWas this helpful?Answer Try uninstalling in Safe Mode with Networking. Clean up the system (clearing out all the temp/tmp folders, and included all offline content, clearing the browser tif, delete cookies.<<http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/delcache.htm>>(Important: One of the normal steps in eliminating malicious programs is to entirely delete the contents of all Temp folders.1. Cookies2. Local Settings\Temp3. Local Settings\History4. Local Settings\Temporary Internet FilesDo a disk cleanup. click the start button. in the search box, typedisk cleanup, and then, in the list of results, click disk cleanup. Best and easier to use -ccleaner.Download the basic (slim) version via<<http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds>>The basic (slim) version does not contain the disgusted ToolbarThe standard build installs the Yahoo Toolbar as an option which is checkmarked by default during the installation. IF you do NOT want it, remove the checkmark when provided with the option OR download the toolbarfree Basic SLIM version instead.)DO NOT USE ANY Advanced cleaning options. DO NOT TOUCH THE REGISTRY OR TOOLS.At least not for now.Reboot.- and back to Safe Mode with Networking.Run this tool from Kaspersky: How to remove malware belonging to the familyRootkit.Win32.TDSS<<http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/solutions?qid=208280684>>Stinger Virus Remºver<<http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/>>Power Eraser<<http://security.symantec.com/nbrt/npe.aspx?lcid=1033>> You may also consider scan your computer using MalwareBytes' and SuperAntiSpyware to remove any traces that may still be present.A very good antimalware app are SUPERAntiSpyware (SAS) and MalwareBytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) .The recommendation is to use the intelligent quick scan routinely, and do full scans either on a longer periodicity--weekly, monthly--or only when something is found or you have some reason for suspicionRun a Quick scanThere is a fяee version (on demand scanning only),MalwareBytes Anti-Malware (MBAM)<http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free>SUPERAntiSpyware (SAS)<<http://superantispyware.com/superantispywarefreevspro.html>> Run SFC /SCANNOWSystem File Checker (SFC) checks that all Windows 7 files are where they shouldbe and that they are uncorrupted.WHY: You want to ensure that core operating system files have not been damaged or modified.How to Repair and Verify the Integrity of Windows 7 System Files with System File Checker : SFC /SCANNOW<<http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929833>>UTC/GMT is 10:46 on Friday, May 11, 2012

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Po mjestu tog servera, reko bih da je kapetanm objekt MOSSADove operacije... -_-Kapetane, kolko dugo već radiš na iranskom nuklearnom programu?

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Po mjestu tog servera, reko bih da je kapetanm objekt MOSSADove operacije... -_-Kapetane, kolko dugo već radiš na iranskom nuklearnom programu?
Blizu si kompromitovanog mesta.Mozgajući kako mi je to ušlo, a nikad do sad nisam išao na sumnjive sajtove niti imao virus, setio sam se.Dame u mojoj kući su zadnja dva tri dana preko mog računara gledale Sulejmana Veličanstvenog


, sa nekog sajta, ušavši u zaplete harema. Dakle nije Iran, nego osvajanje beogradske tvrđaveEdit: sad mi bio mali sestrić i ispodešavao na staro rekavši mi da pojma nemam. Plašim se da ovo nije nešto kao AIDS, da čuči negde i čeka neki okidač, uspavani virus.Hvala svima, posebno Indyu na angažmanu, videćemo da li će ovo potrajati

Edited by kapetanm
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šta je facemoodssrv.exe? da ubijam il da negujem? piše na nekim sajtovima da je trojanac, al drugi kažu da nije malware. našla sam ga u redžistriju, kod koleginice na kompu, sa kojeg je svima otišao mejl za povećanje penisa i drugih organa.

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veli da je neki add on za fezbuk chat. svakako je beskoristan, ali me zanima da li je i opasan. sad nađoh na trećem mestu da to sranje samo po sebi nije opasno, ali da se neki trojanci maskiraju kao facemoodssrv.exe naročito ako se nalaze na c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. ja ga tu ne vidim, kao ni u procesima u task manageru, ali ga vidim na hkey local machine u run folderu. pa reko bolje da pitam ovde ako je neko do sada imao susreta sa ovim sranjem.

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Moram ovde da postavim posto ce ovde videti vise ljudi a hitno mi je. Gde da skinem poslednje mape za Grcku za Tom Tom i Navteq navigacije. Imam instalirane na burazerovoj Prestigio navigaciji iz drugog kvartala 2011.

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Moram ovde da postavim posto ce ovde videti vise ljudi a hitno mi je. Gde da skinem poslednje mape za Grcku za Tom Tom i Navteq navigacije. Imam instalirane na burazerovoj Prestigio navigaciji iz drugog kvartala 2011.
My link
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halp!ulazim u svet bezicnog interneta [konacno]... pa sad kao treba da podesim ruter...uglavnom, ja imam cable net, neki cisco cable modem. modem prikljucen na wireless ruter, komp na ruter...i dolazim do dela koji me zbunjuje... teeheeeselect connection type:dynamic ipstatic ippppoewhich one do i choose?teehee

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halp!ulazim u svet bezicnog interneta [konacno]... pa sad kao treba da podesim ruter...uglavnom, ja imam cable net, neki cisco cable modem. modem prikljucen na wireless ruter, komp na ruter...i dolazim do dela koji me zbunjuje... teeheeeselect connection type:dynamic ipstatic ippppoewhich one do i choose?teehee
ajd sa dynamic ip
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i dont get it. A i ne shvatam ovo sve.No, akjde da zamislimo da ti imaš sbb ili telekom internet. Imaš modem/ruter koji nema mogućnost bezžičnog povezivanja, i ti si sada kupila ruter, i zakačila modem/ruter u za to određeni port. Zatim si zakačila i kompjuter i pristupila, preko setup diska i aplikacije ili browsera samom ruteru i počinješ da ga podešavaš za net.OK, ako je tako sve onda mislim da bi trebalo statička ip adresa, da modem/ruter i ruter povežeš i dovedeš net na njega.valjda...hajd to pa da vidimo dalje, nastavi sa izveštavanjem, uživamo, :) i čestitam na bežanju od žica, videćeš da nikada više kablova nećeš imati :D :P

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