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Treba mi programce za jednostavnu konverziju audio formata u mp3, kao i za konverziju mp3 iz viseg bitrejta u nizi, ima li neko neki simpatican predlog? Besplatni i "platni" dolaze u obzir.
dBpoweramp, pogotovo ako imaš procesor sa više jezgra, pa svako jezgo obrađuje po jedan fajl :)Ali obavezno PowerPack verziju! ("platnu")
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eo, da pikusam i ovde, poslednja nada pred omrazenu reinstalaciju windowsa. imam sledeci problem: ne mogu da instaliram nove igre, kao ni sp1 za win7. u prvom slucaju sve ide ok, instaliram, krekujem, poneki put krenu i filmici, al crashuje kad krene igra. crni ekran i "... has stopped working" nakon njega. i dalje:Problem signature:Problem Event Name: APPCRASHApplication Name: FalloutNV.exeApplication Version: Timestamp: 4c9808f2Fault Module Name: FalloutNV.exeFault Module Version: Module Timestamp: 4c9808f2Exception Code: c0000005Exception Offset: 0074f0b9OS Version: 6.1.7600. ID: 1043Additional Information 1: 0a9eAdditional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789Additional Information 3: 0a9eAdditional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789stvari koje su ranije instalirane rade i dalje perfektno, ovo vazi samo za nove. pokusao sam da pokrenem instalaciju kao admin, skinem najnovije drajvere za vidoja, instaliram u drugi folder, i nista. ima li neko ideju u cemu bi mogao da bude problem i kako da ga resim?

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Onda nađi bolji krek ili se isprsi za oriđinale :P Za sp1 već nisam siguran šta bi moglo da bude... probaj preko Windows Update-a pojedinačne zakrpe, pa možda kasnije jopet da probaš sp1. Ne znam, ne liči mi da je vredno reinstalacije, može doduše da se proba Repair sistema, ali je pomalo rizično, pošto ako ne prođe onda mu ne gine reinstalacija. Uglavnom, ne bih ništa veliko menjao, možda se kasnije posle par zakrpa sam problem sredi :)

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ama nije do kreka, pokusao sam 5-6 igara i nista. nesto se gadno sjebalo. pokusao bih taj repair, el to sa win7 dvd-a?e da, i koj si ti? bas sam se pito, vidim 1500 postova i nepoznato ime. kad ce vise da ukinu to menjanje nickova <_<

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Možda je ipak problem u tome što ne može da instalira sp1.Probaj prvo to da rešiš.

Problems installing Windows 7 SP1 64-bit: "Installation was not successful" DS_S_SUCCESS(0x0)Windows 7 Service Pack 1 finally installed successfully. I did a bunch of stuff all at the same time, including:1. Updated the chipset drivers for my laptop by downloading the latest from Intel for Windows 72. Updated the wireless network drivers by downloading the latest from Intel for Windows 73. Updated the wired/ethernet network drivers by downloading the latest from Intel for Windows 74. Re-downloaded the standalone Win 7 SP 1 install package, however I compared it with the previous, same size, same signature...5. I removed the only additional thing I could, which was a SATA hard drive in the second bay of the laptop.When I rebooted after the driver install, the previously failed SP1 install "kicked in" after the "log off" process. The PC rebooted and Windows now acknowledges that SP1 has been installed. My gut feeling is that the chipset driver update made all the difference.
Some Users Having Problems with Windows 7 SP1Service Pack for Windows 7 doesn't always install correctly for some users.By Stuart J. Johnston | March 14, 2011Share icon_stumble.png icon_twitter.gif icon_facebook.png icon_linkedin.png icon_email.gif icon_print.gif Microsoft began shipping Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) late last month, but while the vast majority of users appear to be having a successful experience putting the update in place, some subset of users is encountering fatal errors or other installation glitches instead.The release of the first service pack for virtually any Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) operating system has traditionally been considered the release that many corporate IT organizations wait for as the fully patched version.While that does not appear to have been the case for Windows 7 -- which originally shipped in October 2009 -- for some, the experience has been frustrating.After beta testing SP1 since last July, Microsoft released the final code to PC OEMs on February 22.According to posts on Microsoft's Windows 7 forums, some users have experienced installation failures that generate a fatal error."Your computer may freeze or restart to a black screen that has a '0xc0000034' error message after you install Windows 7 Service Pack 1," said the message that accompanies one error.Another error yields an "Error C000009A applying update operation 119595 of 334565 (\Registry\...) when loading SP1," message, according to forum posts."Windows update was stopping at that error and it wouldn't say to continue," said a post from one user with the screen name "gnucleargnat" on Microsoft's forum.While gnucleargnat found a successful resolution, that hasn't always been the case."[This has been] two OS service packs 1 screw-ups in a row [counting] Vista SP1," complained a user with the screen name "submarineshooter." "MS needs new management," the post said.In fact, for the number of licenses sold, Windows 7 has done phenomenally. In late January, Microsoft revealed it had already sold more than 300 million units in just over a year on the market.Additionally, by then 90 percent of enterprises had already begun the migration to Windows 7, even though SP1 was still a month away.With that many copies in use, a month into distribution of Windows 7 SP1, more glitches might be expected to have shown up by now.Indeed, many of the users on Microsoft's forums seem to have found one way or another to overcome roadblocks to successful installation.In addition, Microsoft has published a pair of knowledge base articles presenting ways to overcome some of the problems.A Microsoft spokesperson was not able to respond in time for publication.Stuart J. Johnston is a contributing editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of Internet.com, the network for technology professionals. Follow him on Twitter @stuartj1000.Keep up with security news; Follow eSecurityPlanet on Twitter: @eSecurityP.
Edited by cika tale
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+1To uvek bude jednostavnije i brže rešenje od drkanja sa njegovim kvarovima, a i kompjuter posle toga naprasno poleti.edit: ružan ti je avatar.

Edited by Anonymous
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ok dopizdelo mi vise. imam prilicno dobar net za nase uslove (12/1 mbit). ako uploadujem nesto, bilo gde, punom up brzinom i skidam bilo sta sa httpa punom down brzinom, sasvim normalno mogu da surfujem i dalje. kada ukljucim prokleti utorrent i skidam/seedujem kakvom god brzinom, surfovanje mi je potpuno cao. ping mi je potpuno normalan i tipa ako igram bilijar online ili sta god, sve radi normalno, samo mu treba 1000 minuta da ucita stranu ili prosto tajmautuje. probao sam da mu zadam vise portove u utorrentu ali ne vredi. cak i kad ubijem utorrent proces treba mu jedno 2 minuta da opet normalno surfujem. ustanovio sam da ako odmah posle ubijanja torrenta uradim disable/enable connection onda proradi odmah kako treba. koji qrac ?

Edited by 8-walker
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ok dopizdelo mi vise. imam prilicno dobar net za nase uslove (12/1 mbit). ako uploadujem nesto, bilo gde, punom up brzinom i skidam bilo sta sa httpa punom down brzinom, sasvim normalno mogu da surfujem i dalje. kada ukljucim prokleti utorrent i skidam/seedujem kakvom god brzinom, surfovanje mi je potpuno cao. ping mi je potpuno normalan i tipa ako igram bilijar online ili sta god, sve radi normalno, samo mu treba 1000 minuta da ucita stranu ili prosto tajmautuje. probao sam da mu zadam vise portove u utorrentu ali ne vredi. cak i kad ubijem utorrent proces treba mu jedno 2 minuta da opet normalno surfujem. ustanovio sam da ako odmah posle ubijanja torrenta uradim disable/enable connection onda proradi odmah kako treba. koji qrac ?
Probaj da ograničiš brzinu torenta, naročito upload, nemoj mu dati sve da ti zauzme :)
ama nije do kreka, pokusao sam 5-6 igara i nista. nesto se gadno sjebalo. pokusao bih taj repair, el to sa win7 dvd-a?e da, i koj si ti? bas sam se pito, vidim 1500 postova i nepoznato ime. kad ce vise da ukinu to menjanje nickova <_<
Jeste sa DVD-a... ali budi potpuno spreman za mogućnost da posle tog neće raditi uopšte/sačuvaj bitne fajlove i tako to :) Uzgred, nisam neka forumska veličina, tako da nije velika šteta što sam promenio nik. :P Edited by Time Crisis
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Probaj da ograničiš brzinu torenta, naročito upload, nemoj mu dati sve da ti zauzme :)Jeste sa DVD-a... ali budi potpuno spreman za mogućnost da posle tog neće raditi uopšte/sačuvaj bitne fajlove i tako to :) Uzgred, nisam neka forumska veličina, tako da nije velika šteta što sam promenio nik. :P
kao sto rekh nije do BRZINE uploada. kapiram da ima veze sa hiljadu p2p konekcija koje napraviedit : poenta je da mi se ranije to nikada nije desavalo. pocelo je od pre par meseci da stuca Edited by 8-walker
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Okej, znači nije neko ko ume da namerno sjebava torrent manijake.Koliko si mu dao Global maximum number of connections? Stopiraj sve i poteraj još jednom Setup Guide, ako već nisi...
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