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doneli mi novi passport (starog sam nekako uspela da ubijem u roku od 15 minsa) pa sam sad oprezna.treba da bekapujem meka. ukljucila sam Time Machine, on trazio da prvo pobrise sve sa passporta (presnimila fajlove i rekla: - sad brisi) i sad valjda bekapuje moje gigabajte.ko se mlekom opece i u jogrut duva, pa bih samo rekreativno da pitam: ne moze se pogresiti nesto sa ovim Time Machine, zar ne?samo s vremena na vreme kad prikljucim passport on onda bekapuje?ako ima iskustava za deobu, hvala.

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Imam nemački windows, da ti konkrento pejstujem path, ne bih ti mnogo pomogao.evo, kucam napamet:<user dir>\local settings\application data\GoogleUnutar njega je chrome, ali ja bih taj kompletan google dir ubio.
To je ubiveno prvo, ne pomaže :(
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To je ubiveno prvo, ne pomaže :(
Evo još jedan dodatni:
Google Chrome doesn’t store any Windows Registry, instead of creates a 0KB file called First Run at the root of installation directory. Chrome checks existence of this file, when it run. If the First Run exists, Chrome bypasses the Run first time wizard and launch browsing window, Else follow the Run first time wizard to customize settings. So we can restore first run by simply deleting this file, the file can be found at root of installation directory or default locations:

For Windows XP
C:\\Documents and Settings\\
\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\Application
For Windows Vista or later

In addition, Google Chrome creates a folder User Data to store personalize settings including preferences, history, download list etc.To Reset them, just delete all the fiiles and folders from User Data and the locations are:

For Windows XP
C:\\Documents and Settings\\
\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data
For Windows Vista or later
\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\User Data

NOTE: You may all program settings, Bookmarks etc after deleting User Data.

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Pošto je končno došla verzija kojoj su ispravljeni svi bagovi, želeo sam da sprečim dalji auto update (ne postoji opcija za to u postavkama), zamolio kolegu da pomogne. On je našao neko uputstvo gde je u registry bazi promenio value za update na 0 (nije napravljen prethodni back up registry-ja), nije sačuvana stara vrednost (šestocifrena).
Kolega ti je idiot, trebalo je da promeni DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue na 1, a ne to. :isuse:Probaj ovo step-by-step, pa restartuj, pa installiraj opet, pa javi kako je prošlo.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00; WARNING, this file will remove Google Chrome registry entries ; from your Windows Registry. Consider backing up your registry before; using this file: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756; To run this file, save it as 'remove.reg' on your desktop and double-click it.[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ChromeHTML] [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\chrome.exe] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications]"Chrome"=-[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\ChromeHTML] [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\chrome.exe] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications]"Chrome"=-[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Chrome][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Update\Clients\{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Update\ClientState\{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Update\Clients\{00058422-BABE-4310-9B8B-B8DEB5D0B68A}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Update\ClientState\{00058422-BABE-4310-9B8B-B8DEB5D0B68A}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Update\ClientStateMedium\{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Update\Clients\{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Update\ClientState\{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Update\Clients\{8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}]

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Da, švapske firme imaju tu nezgodnu naviku da na laptopovima isporučuju švapske verzije windowsa. Džabe bombardovanja.No, ne smeta meni lično, pošto kao Luke Skywalker koristim Force i šibam po njemu napamet.

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Igrom slučaja, radio sam na italijanskim, srpskim i turskim verzijama Windowsa. Turska je najhorror, i za ono što tačno znaš gde je 3x moraš da razmisliš. :ph34r:

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Ja sam se vala nekako nosio sa svim lokalnim verzijama, dok nisam naleteo na Thai. A onda je bilo :blink:Deo stvari završavaju meniji i toolbarovi koji imaju svoju ikonicu ili se mogu preko prečica na tastaturi odraditi. Ali sve preko toga je bilo :wacko:

Edited by Razzmatazz
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doneli mi novi passport (starog sam nekako uspela da ubijem u roku od 15 minsa) pa sam sad oprezna.treba da bekapujem meka. ukljucila sam Time Machine, on trazio da prvo pobrise sve sa passporta (presnimila fajlove i rekla: - sad brisi) i sad valjda bekapuje moje gigabajte.ko se mlekom opece i u jogrut duva, pa bih samo rekreativno da pitam: ne moze se pogresiti nesto sa ovim Time Machine, zar ne?samo s vremena na vreme kad prikljucim passport on onda bekapuje?ako ima iskustava za deobu, hvala.
Ne može. Nego, kapiram da ti baš onda i nije sigurno da ti bekap bude samo na Passportu, ne?
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Ne može. Nego, kapiram da ti baš onda i nije sigurno da ti bekap bude samo na Passportu, ne?
wrong. moze.nece da bekapuje do kraja, prijavljuje neki error i kaze: pokusajte kasnije. pokusala kasnije. opet nista. mozda nesto nisam formatirala, ali i ne vdim kako bih. ne nudi te opcije, i TM je odmah poceo da radi.nije sigurno, ali je sigunije nego da je samo na laptopu. plus, i nemam bog zna sta u ovoj fazi. Edited by PointTaken
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Bato, ovo gore sam sve pobio još u startu. Džaba.Moram da brišem, pa ću večeras da probam Okismoronovo rešenje. Javljam jel pali. Hvala u svakom slučaju.

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Zato sam ti i pričao o Passportima. A koju poruku prijavljuje?
"The backup was not performed because an error occured while copying files to the backup disk.The problem may be temporary. Try again later to back up. If the problem persists, use Disk Utility to repair your backup disk."
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"The backup was not performed because an error occured while copying files to the backup disk.The problem may be temporary. Try again later to back up. If the problem persists, use Disk Utility to repair your backup disk."
Kad se poruka ukuca u Gugl, jedan od rezultata je i ovo:
The first thing I did was just plug in the drive, it mounted correctly and I tried backing it up. It started and then eventually failed saying "the backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the backup disk". No fix was able to correct this. I erased, re-partioned and still same problem over and over. I then tried erasing the new drive and copying the Backup.Backup folder from my old drive to the new drive (after correcting the permissions and reformatting). That worked fine. The problem is that after transferring the old backups, I tried selecting the drive and using it as the new Time Machine backup and I get this..."Time Machine Error - The problem may be temporary. Try again later to back up. If the problem persists, use Disk Utility to repair your backup disk."I haven't been able to do any new backups and the drive is mounted and has over 500GB available. It starts the backup and then fails at some point. I have tried turning off the screensaver and power functions and still the same problem. I'm completely lost. This is the 4th or 5th drive I have tried and always the same problems.
As far as your backups failing, you seem to have focused on the external HDDHave you checked the integrity of your internal HDD?I would run Disk Utility to verify your internal HDD (and boot from the DVD to repair if necessary)Also, you might want to repair permissions while you are at it
Ahh thanks a bunch. Had the same problem and was solved by disk repair. Also had permission issues.
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