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Pa odes u prodavnicu i nadjes neki bez mrtvaka :huh:


Metodom slučajnog uzorka teško da ćeš da nabodeš regularan. A ispod 3 ili 5 komada ne priznaju reklamaciju, pa ti vidi... Mada kome još smeta poneka tačkica :lol:


Znaci, bolje da uzme obican a razliku potrosi na budzenje ostalih komponenti? :unsure:


Kakav sad obican? Mislis na CRT? Nikako!Kao i kod svega drugog, koliko para, toliko i muzike. Moze, na primer, da odabere i neki jeftiniji 22" model. Nemaju DVI prikljucak, ali zato kostaju oko 220e. Sto se ostalih komponenti tice, preporucljivija Intel C2D varijanta od AMD-a, ali dosta zavisi i od namene racunara.

Posted (edited)
Metodom slučajnog uzorka teško da ćeš da nabodeš regularan. A ispod 3 ili 5 komada ne priznaju reklamaciju, pa ti vidi... Mada kome još smeta poneka tačkica :lol:
Pa trazis da ti ukljuce i da se proveri da nema bad pixela. Naci ces bar jedan dobar. Bolje tako nego da kupujes macku u dzaku. Edited by nbg4ever

Da mu treba CRT znao bi to i bez dvoumljenja. Samo neka gleda da uzme TFT sa garancijom od 3 godine. Čini mi se da to važi za Samsungove modele.

Pa trazis da ti ukljuce i da se proveri da nema bad pixela. Naci ces bar jedan dobar. Bolje tako nego da kupujes macku u dzaku.
Ako ima prodavnica u kojoj će da mi otpakuju redom kutije i uključuju dok ne budem zadovoljan ja ću tu vazda da kupujem. Mada preko veze sve može :wicked:
Jesi li probao Unlocker?
jesam :(i SDelete i brisanje iz drugih OS i brisanje iz Safe Modea i još neke programčiće
Kako da obrišem stari Windows folder?
Jesi li probao sa Disk Cleanup?1. Click Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click System Tools.2. Click Disk Cleanup.3. In the Disk Cleanup Options dialog box, click Files from all users on this computer.Note If the User Account Control dialog box appears, type the administrator password, and then click OK. Otherwise, click Continue.4. In the Disk Cleanup:Drive Selection dialog box, select the hard disk drive that you want to clean up, and then click OK. Wait while the system scans the computer for unnecessary files.5. Click the Disk Cleanup tab, and then look for the Previous Windows installations check box.6. If you find the Previous Windows installations check box, click to select it, and then click OK.If you do not find this check box, go to step 7.7. When you are prompted to confirm the removal of files, click Delete Files.8. Wait while the system removes the files. You have now removed the Windows.old folder.For more information about the Windows.old folder, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Jesi li probao sa Disk Cleanup?1. Click Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click System Tools.2. Click Disk Cleanup.3. In the Disk Cleanup Options dialog box, click Files from all users on this computer.Note If the User Account Control dialog box appears, type the administrator password, and then click OK. Otherwise, click Continue.4. In the Disk Cleanup:Drive Selection dialog box, select the hard disk drive that you want to clean up, and then click OK. Wait while the system scans the computer for unnecessary files.5. Click the Disk Cleanup tab, and then look for the Previous Windows installations check box.6. If you find the Previous Windows installations check box, click to select it, and then click OK.If you do not find this check box, go to step 7.7. When you are prompted to confirm the removal of files, click Delete Files.8. Wait while the system removes the files. You have now removed the Windows.old folder.For more information about the Windows.old folder, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
To je prvo što sam uradio. Problem je što je ovo neka glupa instalacija na drugom HD-u.

Kakvu grešku prijavi kad pokušaš da izbrišeš? Moguće da samo treba preuzeti vlasništvo nad folderom. :)


jedno pitanje u vezi laptopa, generalno. naime, dok je ukljucen u struju, prilicno se naelektrise. ono, pecka sve vreme. is that a bad thing?takodje, ako moze savet kako da to izbegnem (sta znam, uzemljim ga nekako, drzim noge u lavoru punom vode i tako to).

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