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U vezi sa redirekcijom Gugla, sa ES-a

FYI - Our company, which has a wireless ISP with 15 IPs, was also affected by the "Huo99.com or 123.huo99.com" Google redirection starting December 3rd 2010. After 6 weeks of intense scrutinization and scanning of all our servers and workstations, we were at our wits end trying to locate it.We then tested our Sonicwall TZ210W for possible contamination by restoring default settings, disconnecting out network and plugging a laptop to the Sonicwall - the redirection still occurred. We then bypassed the Sonicwall with the laptop and the redirection still occurred providing us with the confidence that our Sonicwall was clean. In addition we tested our Internet DNS servers from outside our office and found no trace of the redirection, thus indicating that it may be a contamination in our ISPs network. We then contacted our ISP. Tests by our ISP indicated that their router attached to our antenna was compromised (breached). Their tech reset their router/converter and the redirect issue cleared up. We hope this helps anyone who has this nasty rouge redirecting issue


jao, jel zna neko kada imas veliki excel file, i pokusas da promenis formatiranje na bilo cemu i izbaci ti 'too many diferrent cell formats' pa ti ne da nista da uradis, sta da radim? flipnucu...


Kaze Microsoft:This problem occurs when the workbook contains more than approximately 4,000 different combinations of cell formats. A combination is defined as a unique set of formatting elements that are applied to a cell. A combination includes all font formatting (for example: typeface, font size, italic, bold, and underline), borders (for example: location, weight, and color), cell patterns, number formatting, alignment, and cell protection.NOTE: If two or more cells share exactly the same formatting, they use one formatting combination. However, if there are any differences in formatting between the cells, each cell uses a different combination.Back to the topRESOLUTIONTo resolve this problem, simplify the formatting in the workbook. For example, the following are suggestions for simplifying formatting:Use a standard font.Using the same font for all cells reduces the number of formatting combinations.If you use borders in a worksheet, use them consistently.NOTE: If you apply a border to the right side of a cell, it is not necessary to apply a border to the left side of the cell that is to the right because the borders overlap.If you apply patterns to the cells, remove the patterns by clicking No Color in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box.NOTE: After you simplify or standardize the formatting in the workbook, save, close, and then reopen the workbook before you apply additional cell formatting.

Kaze Microsoft:This problem occurs when the workbook contains more than approximately 4,000 different combinations of cell formats. A combination is defined as a unique set of formatting elements that are applied to a cell. A combination includes all font formatting (for example: typeface, font size, italic, bold, and underline), borders (for example: location, weight, and color), cell patterns, number formatting, alignment, and cell protection.NOTE: If two or more cells share exactly the same formatting, they use one formatting combination. However, if there are any differences in formatting between the cells, each cell uses a different combination.Back to the topRESOLUTIONTo resolve this problem, simplify the formatting in the workbook. For example, the following are suggestions for simplifying formatting:Use a standard font.Using the same font for all cells reduces the number of formatting combinations.If you use borders in a worksheet, use them consistently.NOTE: If you apply a border to the right side of a cell, it is not necessary to apply a border to the left side of the cell that is to the right because the borders overlap.If you apply patterns to the cells, remove the patterns by clicking No Color in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box.NOTE: After you simplify or standardize the formatting in the workbook, save, close, and then reopen the workbook before you apply additional cell formatting.
hvala, indy, uvek drug u nevolji :)samo sto nece da mi dozvoli da simplificiram bilo sta, jer ako probam mi izbaci ono upozorenje (too many diferrent cell formats). jos nisam naisla nekog ko zna ovo da resi, izgleda da je neki bug, kad se jednom zakucas. i iopste, iskoristila bi ovu priliku da hejtujem firme koje koriste OS iz 2001 i office iz 2003 u 2011.

pazi, pomoglo je samo zatvaranje i otvaranje istog fajla. go figure :D

Da li neko zna kako da overrajdujem a hips security management?
ako mozes da udjes u bios promeni redosled bootovanja sistema u neki koji ti odgovara (cd ili usb flash) i onda iz linuksa prekopiraj fajlove.
ako mozes da udjes u bios promeni redosled bootovanja sistema u neki koji ti odgovara (cd ili usb flash) i onda iz linuksa prekopiraj fajlove.
Probaj sa 2 litra Coca-Cole administratorima, da ti skinu to što ti treba na usb.Ili butovanjem sa nekog Linux CD-a ako možeš da biraš boot device i ako taj HIPS ne zaključava fajl sistem.

vako, poveliki tekst treba kopirati iz pdf u worda.sto ucinim, medjutim ostane mi forma koju je imao u pdf, u smislu sirine kolone, koja recimo odgovara trecini word stranice. dakle, tekst zauzima samo jednu trecinu strane po sirini, i tu se lomi u novi red.postoji li fora da rasirim tekst na celu stranu?

Posted (edited)
vako, poveliki tekst treba kopirati iz pdf u worda.sto ucinim, medjutim ostane mi forma koju je imao u pdf, u smislu sirine kolone, koja recimo odgovara trecini word stranice. dakle, tekst zauzima samo jednu trecinu strane po sirini, i tu se lomi u novi red.postoji li fora da rasirim tekst na celu stranu?
a sta se desava ako kliknes na 'clear all formatting' dugme (u Word 2007, je na Home->Font, pa ikonica sa gumicom)? Edited by rajka
vako, poveliki tekst treba kopirati iz pdf u worda.sto ucinim, medjutim ostane mi forma koju je imao u pdf, u smislu sirine kolone, koja recimo odgovara trecini word stranice. dakle, tekst zauzima samo jednu trecinu strane po sirini, i tu se lomi u novi red.postoji li fora da rasirim tekst na celu stranu?
Неки едитори су имали фору да спајају редове (join lines) али ми се нешто јавља да Њорд није међу њима.Остаје да тражиш преломе редова и бришеш их, ручно (што и није неки проблем). То често морам да радим, прсти већ навикли... одем на претпоследњи ред у пасусу, енд, дилит, горе, енд, дилит, горе... па до врха пасуса.
Posted (edited)
a sta se desava ako kliknes na 'clear all formatting' dugme (u Word 2007, je na Home->Font, pa ikonica sa gumicom)?
bas nista, tojest, poveca se prostor izmedju redova, i to je to.
Неки едитори су имали фору да спајају редове (join lines) али ми се нешто јавља да Њорд није међу њима.Остаје да тражиш преломе редова и бришеш их, ручно (што и није неки проблем). То често морам да радим, прсти већ навикли... одем на претпоследњи ред у пасусу, енд, дилит, горе, енд, дилит, горе... па до врха пасуса.
ma to i radim, al ima gomila teksta, pa mi malo prekurcilo.edit: uspijo!ctrl h pa find ^p and replace with prazno mesto Edited by ToniAdams

Dakle, čudan problem na tudjem PC-ju koji bi da rešim:Na ne znam koju foru, postoje dve instalacije XP-Professional na istoj particiji C:Jednu bi da eliminišem?Kako da identifikujem kasnije instaliranu, i kako da istu eliminišem pa da mi ostane samo jedna (ona željena)?I jel posle moram da editujem boot.ini jer će i dalje da mi nudi dve opcije na boot-u, ili ne?


Iskren da budem, mislim da je daleko najjednostavnije rešenje format c: pa reinstalacija.A kasnije instaliranu ćeš da identifikuješ tako što ćeš lepo da otvoriš Total Commander (ili štagod) i da vidiš datume na oba Windows foldera.


ma tu je ko zna sta brljano, format c: i mirna bosna uvek oduzme manje vremena.

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