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kad gledam klipove na youtube-u ili live stream neke utakmice stalno se koci slika na nekoliko sekundi. ton ide najnormalnije, ali slika secka veoma cesto. nije toliko strasno ali mnogo iritira. to mi se ne desava kada gledam filmove ili klipove u nekom plejeru. verovatno treba da instaliram neki kodek?

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kad gledam klipove na youtube-u ili live stream neke utakmice stalno se koci slika na nekoliko sekundi. ton ide najnormalnije, ali slika secka veoma cesto. nije toliko strasno ali mnogo iritira. to mi se ne desava kada gledam filmove ili klipove u nekom plejeru. verovatno treba da instaliram neki kodek?
Probao drugi browser?Drugo, a da nije malo do tvoje konekcije? Nisam siguran, ali mioslim da se zvuk i slika učitavaju razdvojeno, pa je moguće da štuca slik, a da je zvuk OK...
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kad gledam klipove na youtube-u ili live stream neke utakmice stalno se koci slika na nekoliko sekundi. ton ide najnormalnije, ali slika secka veoma cesto. nije toliko strasno ali mnogo iritira. to mi se ne desava kada gledam filmove ili klipove u nekom plejeru. verovatno treba da instaliram neki kodek?
Bitan, edit u letu:što kaže radisa, je tu i protok i sve ostalo (posebno na Telekomu), mada može flv da uguši svašta. Možeš probati flash ->http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/možda pomogne, mada ne verujem.
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Probao drugi browser?Drugo, a da nije malo do tvoje konekcije? Nisam siguran, ali mioslim da se zvuk i slika učitavaju razdvojeno, pa je moguće da štuca slik, a da je zvuk OK...
da, verovatno je problem do mozzile. jel postoji nesto sto bih mogao da uradim da resim ovo?sigurno nije do konekcije.
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@kojotU principu tvoj problem bi se mislim najbolje googlao sa ključnim rečima: youtube "choppy playback"Ovo sam izgooglao, pa možda pomogne...

The test can either lead to the conclusion that Youtube video playback is broken in all web browsers, in some or just in the one web browser that happens to be the default web browser that the user likes to use. The first conclusion seems to suggest either a hardware problem or Flash plugin problem while the last suggests a problem with the single web browser.Here are a few solutions that have been posted by users around the web (remember to restart Firefox after making those changes).

Firefox Session Restore: The Firefox web browser will save sessions every ten seconds. This is a great way to save data automatically in case the web browser crashes. If Firefox does not crash regularly then there is not a need to save sessions every ten seconds as this can also be one of the reasons why Youtube videos stutter in Firefox. The fix is simple: Enter about:config in the Firefox address bar, filter for the term browser.sessionstore.interval, double-click that term and enter a new time for the session restore interval. The time has to be entered in milliseconds and a session store interval of 120000 or higher is recommendedMoving the disk cache to another hard drive or location: This can usually be done in any web browser. The idea is to move the disk cache, that is a temporary storage of data on the hard drive, to another faster drive. The disk cache is usually on the same drive as the operating system. If the computer has more than one drive it might be a good idea to move the cache to the second drive. Firefox users need to add the parameter in about:config by right-clicking, selecting Add, pasting the value browser.cache.disk.parent_directory and entering a location on the local computer system, e.g. d:\cache\ in the second form.Disable hardware accelerator for Flash videos. This can be done by right-clicking a Youtube video, selecting Settings, switching to the Display tab (leftmost icon) and unchecking Enable Hardware Acceleration in the menu.Try playing Youtube videos in their own web browser window without additional tabs open.Increase the memory cache of the web browser. Open about:config, enter browser.cache.memory.capacity in the filter and change the default value to a higher memory cache capacity, e.g. 96000 (which would be 96 Megabytes).Open the global Flash settings here and to set “always deny” in global security settings, and to set to unlimited in both ’storage’ tabs. A restart is required. (Thanks Charlie M)Replace the Youtube Flash player with the default video processor of the computer system. This can be done using the Greasemonkey script No Flash Player. This can be the perfect solution for many users who only have problems with Adobe Flash and Youtube videos. This does however remove some of the controls like showing the code to embed Youtube videos in other websites.

Workarounds if the above solutions to play Youtube videos without pauses did not help:

The Play and Pause trick: Hit the pause button once the Youtube video starts playing. The web browser will continue caching the video. Start playback again once the video caching has reached a comfortable lead.Download the Youtube videos: This is not a very comfortable solution and maybe not even practicable if many Youtube videos are watched throughout the day. It can however be the solution for individual Youtube videos that do not play normally on the site.Switch to another web browser for Youtube. If you discovered that another web browser does not have the playback problems when playing videos on Youtube you might want to consider switching to that web browser for playing Youtube videos.You could also try the Firefox add-on Media Player Connectivity which makes it possible to play Youtube videos in a separate media player that is installed on the computer system.

One of these suggestions and fixes hopefully helped fix Youtube video playback problems. If you know of another fix for this problem let us know in the comments. We would like to add it then to the article to make it a comprehensive resource for fixing Youtube playback problems. We would also like to hear from you if one of the fixes did solve your video playback problems.

Odavde... Edited by Ajant23
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hvala :)mislim da mi je ovo prvo resilo problem. odgledao sam nekoliko klipova i vise ne secka.

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koja je uopste ekstenzija tih fajlova? ako koristis xp (mislim da se u sedmici prikazuju po defaultu), namesti da ti se prikazuju ekstenzije od fajlova (otvori bilo koji folder - tools - folder options - view - otcekirati hide extensions for known file types). mozda su tu splitovani rar fajlovi, pa probaj da, ako nema nikakve ekstenzije, sam dodas redom .r01, .r02... onda otpakujes.

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Problem sa eksternim USB drajvom. Nije moj tako da ga (još) nisam video, ali rečeno mi je:1. Prilikom konektovanja u mašinu (juče), dobija se poruka "Cannot connect to K: drive" ili "Cannot read K: drive" ili tako nešto2. Danas prilikom konektovanja, na ekranu izađe "There were no pictures found in K:\Pictures"Probano je i na drugim mašinama, nije dakle do USB huba jednog kompa.Dakle, ne znam da su ove poruke baš 100% tačne, nisam ih video, ali ako odem da pogledam drajv, ima li ko neki predlog šta pokušati pod A, B, C kod ovakvih slučajeva (jer popravka, tj spasavanje podataka košta £300!), meni na pamet ne pada ništa osim standardnog, Disk Properties, CHKDSK, da se možda skine Partition Magic i da se vidi da li on vidi nešto, itd?

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Problem sa eksternim USB drajvom. Nije moj tako da ga (još) nisam video, ali rečeno mi je:1. Prilikom konektovanja u mašinu (juče), dobija se poruka "Cannot connect to K: drive" ili "Cannot read K: drive" ili tako nešto2. Danas prilikom konektovanja, na ekranu izađe "There were no pictures found in K:\Pictures"Probano je i na drugim mašinama, nije dakle do USB huba jednog kompa.Dakle, ne znam da su ove poruke baš 100% tačne, nisam ih video, ali ako odem da pogledam drajv, ima li ko neki predlog šta pokušati pod A, B, C kod ovakvih slučajeva (jer popravka, tj spasavanje podataka košta £300!), meni na pamet ne pada ništa osim standardnog, Disk Properties, CHKDSK, da se možda skine Partition Magic i da se vidi da li on vidi nešto, itd?
Koji OS? Malo su čudne poruke za PC. Pretpostavljam da je eksterni HD u pitanju. Probaj da nađeš neki od Data Recovery programa, recimo GetDataBack, R-Studio, Restorer2000. Svaki od njih ume da napravi 'imidž' problematičnog diska, tako da vraćanje podataka ne radiš sa USB drajva, već sa imidža (ne možeš ništa da upropastiš). U međuvremenu javi ljudima da taj drajv ne uključuju dok se tamo ne pojaviš.edit: i naoružaj se strpljenjem, procedura traje veoma dugo. Edited by Anonymous
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