February 23, 20187 yr Author Opusteno pravo ime i prezime? Mora da bi mogao da digne lovu? Koja smo mi banana drzava... edit: https://www.blic.rs/aleksandar-jelic https://www.blic.rs/vesti/hronika/otkrivamo-na-sms-prevari-uzeo-20-miliona/b7escb4 U najsvezijem tekstu kazu da sad kao trazi samo 800 dinara https://www.b92.net/biz/komentari.php?nav_id=1359014 Edited February 23, 20187 yr by katamaran
March 1, 20187 yr Author Probase da mi phishnu paypal (strelice su tu samo da cenzurisu moj mejl) U prvom trenutku smetnuhs uma da mi pp nema nikakve veze sa ovim mejlom Posle vidim seems legit adresu sa koje mi pisu. Hover misem preko ovog "login to paypal" i vidim da vodi ka nekoj goo.gl adresi.Ono "Dear" pa mejl adresa umesto imena i prezimena... Da znam da je samo phishing poslao bih im par stotina laznih username/pass kombinacija Tarzan english mi je tek sad upao u oci
March 7, 20187 yr Author I iluminati me se setise... The illuminati <[email protected]> To:Recipients Mar 5 at 5:53 PM Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire. Bringing the poor, the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically! All these you will achieve in a twinkle of an eye when you get initiated to the great Illuminati empire. Once you are initiated to the illuminati empire you will get numerous benefits and reward. Note: that this message was created solely for the purpose of our recruitment scheme which will end next month and this offer is for unique ones only, if you are not serious on joining the illuminati empire, then you are advise not to contact us at all. This is because disloyalty is highly not tolerated here in our organization. Do you agree to be a member of the illuminati new world order? If YES! then kindly reply us back on our direct recruitment email only at: [email protected] Please note, Kindly make sure all your respond/reply are send directly to the email stated above only at:> [email protected] For more instructions on our membership process. The Illuminati.
March 7, 20187 yr jbt, kako meni niko ne piše takve stvari? Od koga ću da tražim mojih hiljadu evra? Sećam se jednog lika koji je kod Hrama (ona bogomolja kod Narodne biblioteke) žickao pare koristeći priču da je iz Novog Sada a ostao bez benzina ili tako nečeg bitnog za vožnju. A bio je fino obučen i rečit pa sam mu, smešeći se, dao 200 dinara. Pa sam ga par meseci kasnije opet sreo na istom mestu, s istom pričom, i opet sam mu dao pare, smešeći se. E, treći put kad sam ga sreo, rekao sam mu da je vreme da promeni priču, već smo se navikli. I baš sam mislio da mu predložim da delimo troškove ali se on zgrcnuo i otišao. Jbg. Nije ni čudo što Srbija propada, više niko nije dobar business entrepreneur.
March 7, 20187 yr Author Pokusavam da nadjem Bruska za majku a preporucuju mi ovo Vec se proculo das am postao deo novog svetskog poretka.
March 17, 20187 yr Author Ja uglavnom ovakve gluposti dobijam na backup yahoo mejlu koji sam ostavljao svuda. Mada pre neki dan me pronadje Canadian pharmacy i na glavnom mejlu (alternativni mi odavno bombarduju). Srecom samo jedan mejl za sada...
March 29, 20187 yr Author Slatko se ismejah sinoc na poslu. Petljam nesto sa eksternim plejerom neke opskurne radio stanice kad Kaspersky odjednom zavristi da je blokirao phishinhg link. Uglavnom umesto muzike neki opasan glas me upozoravao da cu gadno da nadrljam ako zatvorim tu stranicu a ne javim se mikromekanom™ na taj i taj broj. Ponekad volim da pogledam na yt kako tovare te indijske "majkrosoft" scamere. Dignu virtuelnu masinu pa se prave blesavi. Ima dobrih klipova.
March 31, 20187 yr Author Brat Ahmed se pobrinuo da mi popravi raspolozenje pred spavanje. (podugacak je pa mora u spojler) Spoiler Dr.Mohamed Ahmed. MINISTER OF FINANCE(MOF) OPERATIONAL TOWERS;8/10 CARRIER CRESCENT,COTONOU.BENIN REPUBLIC. DIRECT LINE:+229-62-42-98-31 EMAIL;[email protected] Attn:Sir/Madam. I am;Dr.Mohamed Ahmed, minister of finance (M.A.R),I monitor offices and control the affairs of all banks and financial institutions in Benin republic concerned foreign contract payments. I am the final signatory to all foreign transfers of huge funds moving within banks both the local and international levels in line to foreign contracts settlement. I have before me the list of foreign contract payment files, which are due to be transferred to their nominated accounts. Meanwhile, we identified some of these accounts to be ghost accounts, unclaimed deposits and over invoiced sum etc. I wish to have a deal with you as regards to the unpaid fund. I have a file before me and hope the date's are correct and UN-tampered. As it is my duty to recommend the transfer of these surplus fund to the Federal Government Treasury and Reserve Accounts as unclaimed deposit. I have the opportunity to write you based on the instruction I received two days ago from the senate committee on contract payment/foreign debts to submit the list of payment reports expenditures and audited reports of revenues. Among several others, I have decided to remit the total sum of USD18.2 million following the idea that we have a deal/agreement and I am going to per fact the paperwork legally. MY CONDITIONS 1.You will have to provide foreign account where the funds will be transferred. 2.This deal must be kept secret forever, and all correspondence will be strictly by private email /telephone for security purposes. 3.There should be no other third parties as most problems associated with such payments are caused by their agents or representatives. If you AGREE with my Conditions, contact me directly through this email address;([email protected]) will advise you on the next line of action and immediately the funds transfer will commence without further delay as I would proceed to fix your name on the payment schedule instantly within the next 5 working days. NOTE:DUE TO THE HIGH RATES OF INTERNET SCANNERS,IF YOU ARE REPLYING TO THIS EMAIL,DO WRITE "YOUR BROTHER" AT THE SUBJECT OF YOUR REPLY ,THAT SERVES AS OUR SECRET CODE FOR THIS TRANSACTION,BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT YOU TO FALL VICTIM OF ANY CIRCUMSTANCES THANKS YOURS FAITHFULLY Dr.Mohamed Ahmed. Jedino sam se zeznuo sto sam prekrsio drugi uslov :( Al ovo mi je carski Quote NOTE:DUE TO THE HIGH RATES OF INTERNET SCANNERS,IF YOU ARE REPLYING TO THIS EMAIL,DO WRITE "YOUR BROTHER" AT THE SUBJECT OF YOUR REPLY ,THAT SERVES AS OUR SECRET CODE FOR THIS TRANSACTION,BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT YOU TO FALL VICTIM OF ANY CIRCUMSTANCES THANKS
April 16, 20186 yr Author edit: obrisao. Nije previse smesno + zarazen sajt Edited April 16, 20186 yr by katamaran
April 16, 20186 yr Mislim da sam skoro sprečio jednu preveru mene samog pa da opišem. Možda bude od koristi i drugima. Prodajem nešto (štence) preko kupujemprodajem i javlja mi se neko sa molbom da se javim na adresu [email protected] Javim se i on galantno ponudi da kupi celo leglo po ceni koja mi je zadnja. Da mu dostavim PayPal detalje, da plaća sve troškove prevoza štenaca, takse, konverzije itd ... Pristanem, dam cenu, pošaljem detalje za transakciju. Večeras zvoni Viber, neko mi priča na engleskom brzo i sa arapskim naglaskom, ne mogu da povežem, spustim slušalicu, ali je on uporan. Kažem da mi je engleski slabiji, da ne mogu da ga razumem i da je bolje pređemo na kucanje poruka. Pristane i počne da mi piše da su nam pare blokirane, da jedino ja mogu da ih odblokiram, da mi je uplatio šta je dogovoreno itd... Pogledeam u sanduče, kad tamo ima stvarno 3 poruke, id njega, od navodno PP i neke unije trgovaca: 1. On moli da što pre odblokiram hitno pare koje čekaju moj odgovor na poruku od PP. 2. Neki navodni agent sigurnosti PP traži da samo slanjem odgovora na poruku potbrdim da očekujem pare iz Gruzije i da opravdam transakciju. 3. United Shipping Agency, traži da joj javim da je sve između mene i kupca u redu, a oni će doćo do mene da pokupe to što trebaju kako bi i ja i kupac bili zadovoljni. Sad pada u oči nekoliko stvari: - uplaćeno za trećinu više para, - PP servis se javlja sa stvarne adrese: [email protected] - kupac vapi da što pre odblokiram pare, jer su to moje pare. U početku ne primećujem da je pogrešna adresa sa PP i da fale tačke i da treba u stvari da piše intl.paypal.com, ali mi bude sumljiva ova unija sa adresom [email protected], baš deluje poslovno. Pošaljem odgovor, i kreće prepiska preko Vibera. On bravo, sad je OK, samo sledi moje korake, poslao sam ti više jer tako traže, u Gruziji je to mnogo para i sada trebaš da uplatiš 260€ preko WU na sledeću adresu i čim to obaviš oslobodiće se lova na PP nalogu itd ... Počnem da ih zajebavam da nema WU u blizini - u sekundu dobijam adresu poslovnice u susednoj ulici u mom gradu, Kad kažem da su im velike provizije odma mi se nudi da uplatim sa neke svoje kartice, i tako jedno pola sata ubeđivanja. Kad mi dosadi i kažem da su provaljeni, da mi ne pada na pamet više da gubim vreme nastavljaju u istom stilu .. baš uporan prevarant/prevaranti... Malo iz prepiske: Quote - As per the e-mail paypal sent to you, you have to pay €260 out of your own pocket through western union to the shipping address given to you by paypal.... After you send the money €260 through western union a receipt will be given to you at the western union office. So you will scan the western union receipt and send paypal. Once you do that then PayPal verify the western union detail and confirm everything valid then they will release your total amount of €1,010 into your account including the western union charges charges. I hope you understand now. do you know this address it very close toyou - I understand BUT I do not have anything for now, just the obligation to pay ... - once you make the payment and get back to paypal with the western union details needed for verification and once it been verify your account will be credited immediately without no delay wait I need you to understand the money is still on hold all you have to do to get the money in yor account if you to go to a western uion store close to you and make the payment of the shipping agent fee and get back to paypal with the details needed for verification - Who guarantees, WU? - you are safe you need to check your email for the guarantee paypal is is a safe oreganization you have nothing to be worried about - over Gmail, do not fuck me ... Better luck next time! Good bye - and once it been verify and you get the total money in your account - I will like to explain everything to you in details, according to the email confirmation you received from PayPal,the payment as already been made and money as been deducted from my PayPal account and it is now confirmed and approved in your pending balance but cannot reflect in your Account presently because the money is placed on hold due to the extra €260 added to the payment for security reasons.All you need to do now to get the money released to your PayPal account is to proceed with the €260 payment Via western union to the shipping company's address and send the confirmation to PayPal by replying the email confirmation you received for the verification and activation of the full funds of €1,010 to your PayPal account.I want you to be aware that this transaction cannot be cancelled or reversed as it is still on hold.Kindly let me know when the payment will be made and reply to paypal with the payment confirmation, or the receipt of the payment you made in western union, so that paypal can immediately release your full fund for you without no delay. i hope you understand now? - [email protected] not PP adress ! - that is our paypal - missing points in some positions - how - true adrss is [email protected] - yes that is the paypal - I do not believe. Let me send a notice to another email, they have it, and nobody knows it except for them! - okay - Ciao! - what so what ?? Preopširan sam ali mislim da će nekome koristiti u budućnosti.
November 3, 20204 yr Je l' neko iskusio posljednjih dana pokušaj phishing/scamming/spamming-a kroz Google Drive? Meni prije par dana počelo sa aplikacije na telefonu. Evo maloprije vidim i na kompjuteru. Evo kako izgleda na Android notifikaciji: Vidim da su se pojavili i artikli o ovoj vrsti napada: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/google-drive-spam-comments-phishing Pretpostavljam šta se može uraditi je prijaviti ih putem 2 klika: Svakako ne klikćite nepoznate linkove.
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