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Izuzetno mi je zabavno da citam ovakve mejlove i uvek im se obradujem ko da sam stvarno dobio lovu. Ako smeta topik brisite...


Stipsa. Daje samo 30% 

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr. Babou Janha of the Republic Of Gambia, personal assistance to Yahya Jammeh, Ex President of Gambia , who is exiled in Equatorial Guinea, a nation known for its own brutal government. Your contact details were given to me at {JCC} Johannesburg Chamber of commerce as reliable and trustworthy individual to deal with.Months before the election that ousted him, we both went to SOUTH AFRICA to deposit the sum of Twelve Million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars ($12.5M) with a finance company, he knew he could lose election. the money was map out for the purchase of mining machinery, equipment and chemicals for establishment of new mines in SOUTH AFRICA. I am here in South Africa as an  asylum seeker (Refugee Status) and he made me beneficiary of the funds.
I have decided to transfer this money to a foreign country where we can invest since I do not have the technical knowledge on mining. I am faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in South Africa considering the failing economy and corruption in government. May it please you to know that this transaction is 100% risk free.  Therefore, if you are willing to be part of this noble transaction I am willing to give you 30% of the total sum while 70% will be for me and my family which we shall also invest in your country.Finally, should you be interested indicate by replying this mail, may I have your personal email address and direct mobile number. I await your reply via [email protected]
Kind Regards.  
Mr. Babou Janha.


pa imamo temu od pre hrista


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Ko ce se svega setiti...


prijavicu se sam za brisanje...

Edited by katamaran

  • 5 weeks later...
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Nikan Zouma <[email protected]>

Feb 22 at 2:57 PM

Hello I need your help, 

My name is Nikan Zouma. I am working with Financial Institution in North Congo an account manager to late Abba who died in gold mining collapsed. I'm here to inform you that after several attempts to locate any of my client relatives, family members since 2012 practically proved abortive, I am delighted to locate you. I will like us to discuss about my client finances amounted to US$9,100,000.00 with us and his gold deposit with Gold Planet Negoce. I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin to my client so that his fund/40 Kilos of Gold will be transferred to you. You will get 60% for your participation to secure the fund/gold, while 40% will be for me. 

Kindly get back to me as soon as you get this message


Cunning plan. Nije nasao nikog od rodbine pa ce random personu sa interneta da predstavi kao rodju. Cak i za phishing mejlove ovo je glupa prica.


edit: vidim da je prethodnom nudio samo 60% od 7 100 000



Verovatno niko nije naseo na 7 100 000 pa je povecao cifru da navuce ljude :)


edit: ovo na outlook mu je valjda pravi mail. Sad cu da mu pisem sa neke disposable adrese.



Thu, 22 Feb 2018 05:56:28 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
From: "Nikan Zouma"<[email protected]>


Edited by katamaran


53 minutes ago, renne said:


ahahaha, ovo je vrh, mislim na ovo ''nije mi bilo dobro'' :lol:

mene zanima, da li je moguće da ima bilo ko na belom svetu ko bi na ovakvu glupost naseo :unsure:

verovatno ima

I meni je to stiglo... Isti čovek... Samo tad nije bio taksista :)

Ih otkad sam ja to dobio...




Ima dosta, znam ovog lika, godinama vara ljude. Pošalje nekoliko hiljada poruka i dosta ih nasedne, uglavnom stariji ljudi. Oslobodjen na sudu za istu stvar pre par godina, nije uspelo da se dokaze da se u ovim radnjama stiču obeležja KD prevara.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11 hours ago, katamaran said:

Cunning plan. Nije nasao nikog od rodbine pa ce random personu sa interneta da predstavi kao rodju. Cak i za phishing mejlove ovo je glupa prica.


edit: vidim da je prethodnom nudio samo 60% od 7 100 000



Verovatno niko nije naseo na 7 100 000 pa je povecao cifru da navuce ljude :)


edit: ovo na outlook mu je valjda pravi mail. Sad cu da mu pisem sa neke disposable adrese.


  Reveal hidden contents

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 05:56:28 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
From: "Nikan Zouma"<[email protected]>



Mada mislim da je bilo već:



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Mislim da sam bas ja i kacio. Ne znam da li gerila mejl dobro radi al za sad nista od mog zlata.


Interesantno da je onaj mejl poslat sa US ip adrese mada mozda je koristio vpn kao i ja posle.




Skoro u Americi uhvatise Nigerijskog princa


Edited by katamaran

6 hours ago, renne said:


ma da li je realno ovo? :D

kad sam video post, prva reakcija da je neko omasio broj, posle vidim da je to 1 razradjena taktika

ovaj jelić minimum 4-5 godine salje sms-ove.

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