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NBA Fantasy 2017/18

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spremio sam rostere i keepere. pogledajte, odlucite i javite do kraja nedelje.





redosled na draftu:


2. Alpe d'Huez
3. Sixers4guidos
4. Čuvari Tradicije
5. NYK
6. GBG Thunder
7. Banjica boys
8. 25_maj
9. leteci magarci
10. monopolisti
11. Granicar
12. Out indefinitely
13. SPark
14. Sindjelic Pticice


Ja ostavljam samo Harisona Barnsa i Rendla

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SPark i GBG Thunder jos nisu prijavili keepere.


za igrace zvanicne lige obavestenje da je draft pomeren sa 21:30h na 21:00h. dakle, pola sata ranije

Edited by Ros
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Potrebna mi je neko da dopunim NBA keeper fantasy ligu.

Head 2 head liga. Igra je 10 timova, koji imaju po 15 igrača u rosteru. Po dva PG, SG, SF, PF i C mesta i 5 BN. Nema Utila, G i F pozicija. Od tih 15 igrača pred početak sezone bira se tačno 10 igrača (keepera) za sezonu, dok se 5 odbacuje. Ako nekog igrača uzmeš jednom, možeš ga koristiti do penzije. 5 dodatnih igrača se bira svake godine na draftu. Live draft i najslabiji tim iz prethodne godine ima prvi pravo izbora.

Igra se na 13 kategorija (fgm, fg%, ft%, 3ptm, pts, oreb, dreb, reb, ast, st, blk, to i a/t). Playoffa nema. Imaš pravo na tri izmene u toku nedelje. Moraš da imaš yahoo! nalog da bi ovo igrao.

Ako je neko zainteresovan može slobodno da me kontaktira preko privatne poruke.


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Potrebna mi je neko da dopunim NBA keeper fantasy ligu.


Head 2 head liga. Igra je 10 timova, koji imaju po 15 igrača u rosteru. Po dva PG, SG, SF, PF i C mesta i 5 BN. Nema Utila, G i F pozicija. Od tih 15 igrača pred početak sezone bira se tačno 10 igrača (keepera) za sezonu, dok se 5 odbacuje. Ako nekog igrača uzmeš jednom, možeš ga koristiti do penzije. 5 dodatnih igrača se bira svake godine na draftu. Live draft i najslabiji tim iz prethodne godine ima prvi pravo izbora.


Igra se na 13 kategorija (fgm, fg%, ft%, 3ptm, pts, oreb, dreb, reb, ast, st, blk, to i a/t). Playoffa nema. Imaš pravo na tri izmene u toku nedelje. Moraš da imaš yahoo! nalog da bi ovo igrao.

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The 1-2 punch


In tennis, if you can start a point with an effective serve out wide, followed by a deadly groundstroke winner (usually forehand), you’re bound to get many “cheap” points. This quick and lethal combination is called a one-two punch. However, there is nothing cheap about it; it takes a vast amount of practice and talent (yup, practice is No. 1) to reach the level of having either of the two weapons in one’s repertoire, let along both of them.


The first thing most NBA fantasy enthusiasts start their draft preparation with is ranking the first rounders. “KD is the safe bet, I should put him 1st.” “Well, KAT killed it towards the end of the last season, his upside is huge, scratch KD!” “Wow, I forgot ‘bout Giannis, if he was to improve either his FT% or 3PT, with his crazy D stats… welcome to No. 1, Mr. Freak!” …  and that’s just the start of the thinking process for the top ranked player, which can take a while, believe me. For example, we did not mention Russ, who “has to be” in the conversation after the last season’s output. “The guy averaged a triple-double for the season! I should…” No, you shouldn’t draft Westbrook if you got the 1st pick. He does bring a lot to the table, but you just shouldn’t. We’ll later come to the reasons why.


But the purpose of this text is not to rank top fantasy players. There are more than enough sources online that analyze this issue and provide useful insight and guidelines. The question we’re targeting here is – who is my preferred choice in round two, in case I’ve picked player X with my first pick?


Our basic premise here is that the players you choose in rounds 1 and 2, since they are expected to be your team’s major contributors throughout the fantasy season, should have complementary skills. If you succeed in establishing a strong foundation across the board with your first two picks, you’ve not only provided flexibility for the later rounds of the draft, but are also on the path of building a team that will go to battle week after week with no obvious weaknesses opponents could exploit. We’ll call this the matching principle.


Ok, enough chit-chat, let us dive into the good stuff, shall we?


Bear in mind that, while writing the following lines, I had in mind the standard 9-cat 12-team H2H snake draft.


The order at which the players are analyzed reflects the current Yahoo draft list, since this should (at least in theory) be closest to the scenario you will be facing during the draft. Hence, Kevin Durant is the first player on our list and, at the same time, the most difficult one to apply the matching principle to. Once again, it is not our goal to rank the players, but to find suitable “partners” in the first two rounds. KD ended up missing 20 games last season, but was the best player in fantasy on a per-game basis, having achieved above-average performance in all categories except for the turnovers (his TOs were just slightly worse than the league average, which is just crazy considering his output and usage rate). With him being your first pick, you can literally choose any possible path going forward, so the best decision would probably be to take the overall best available player in round two. Do pay attention to D stats with your second and third round picks though (they are likely coming very close together, if not right next to each other), since Durant’s steals are around the league average, while the last season’s surprisingly strong blocks are hardly replicable. Former Atlanta frontcourt partners, Millsap and Horford, seem to be amongst the interesting players that help in both categories, although I believe you would be reaching too early for the latter from position 22-24.


Russel Westbrook is a sizzling basketball player, both in real life and fantasy, with a record-book season behind him. Still, I somehow never end up drafting him. At the stage I might consider doing it, he’s already gone. His FG% and TO issues are just too much for me to swallow for a high first round pick. I do expect his TOs to come down a bit with the arrival of PG and Melo, but his assists and (especially) rebounds should suffer as well (not fighting for that triple-double average anymore). I’ve never been a fan of punting, but the very high volume makes his FG% a significant burden, that would require a lot of effort to be offset. If you do pick up Russ and accept his faults, it is more or less an open field for you in round two, since his popcorn stats is crazy good. One thing you should pay attention to is blocks, so the likes of Porzingis, Turner or maybe Draymond seem attractive. The Indiana prodigy helps the most if you still hope to save your FG%, but in that case your 3rd round pick should fit this scenario as well (Blake would be interesting here due to his shot volume, or maybe one of the high-FG% guards).


I would like you to meet Russel’s fantasy cousin, James. Harden and Westbrook are impressive basketball players, both of them very specific in their own ways. However, from the fantasy perspective, they share many more similarities. Harden’s FG% and TO issues are just too high for me to swallow for a high first round pick. Wait, this sounds familiar! His FG% has steadily hovered around 44% for three consecutive seasons. Again, with his shooting volume, successfully balancing this with subsequent draft picks is a rather challenging task. Same condition, same medicine. Should Harden be your choice for the first pick, you should consider solidifying your blocks in round 2, using one of the guys from the Westbrook section above. Similarities between former OKC teammates do not end here. The arrival of Chris Paul should trim Harden TOs to some extent and might also help his efficiency by setting him up with more open shots. Nevertheless, I believe the downsides remain sizeable and am therefore not prepared to pick Harden with a top-5 pick. If you are picking at 6 or 7, don’t lose too much time analyzing him as an option, he’s not likely to still be available.


25+ points and 4+ threes per game on a 47-50% field goal percentage – how’s that even possible? Yup, it’s Steph Curry, the player that dominated fantasy leagues two seasons ago with a ridiculous output. Alas, the last season’s arrival of KD hurt his usage rate, his volumes and bumped his rank all the way to numbeeer… 3? Do not sleep on Steph. If you get him with pick 5 or 6, you could hope for Whiteside in round 2, which is a very nice combo, as long as you pay attention to FT% going forward. In case you’ve reached for Steph from a higher position, Hassan is likely gone by your next pick. Hence, the usual suspects with BLK contribution ranked around the end of round 2, Kristaps and Myles, are yet again your targets. However, in this combo you do not have to worry about your FG%, nor the turnovers, as was the case with Harden or Westbrook. Sure, your rebounds and assists are not as strong, but compared to the high-volume low-FG% problem, the concern you are facing seems like a mild cold. And, as a bonus, there will be weeks when your first round pick wins you the 3PT category by himself. Do not sleep on Steph.


Expected to further improve on his already impressive last season’s performance, nobody really knows what is the ceiling for Giannis Antetokounmpo, the “NBA’s true unicorn”. But one thing is for sure – if you’re lucky enough to grab the Greek Freak in round one, it makes your life easier, since his contribution across the board provides flexibility in the second round. Nevertheless, there are a couple of categories in which he could use some help, at least that was the case last season. Therefore, in round two you should try to strengthen your FT% and 3PTs. Since you’ve likely taken Giannis with a top-5 pick, your second rounder is in the 20-24 range. There seems to be a plethora of convenient guys in that range, since threes and free throws often go hand in hand. If available, Lowry seems like a very nice choice, as a very strong contributor in both of these cats, with a high FT volume. Other than the Toronto PG, you may want to opt for one of the other guards (Kemba, Beal, CJ) or go down a different route with the likes of Porzingis or Love. This choice will likely depend on your plans and preferences for the 3rd pick, which is coming very shortly.


Although in reality his defense can use a lot of improvement, Karl-Anthony Towns was the best player in fantasy in the second half of last season, which clearly puts him in the conversation for the top-3 pick. If he ends up being your choice, the matching principle clearly suggests a PG in the second round, in order to solidify your assist. Lowry, Kemba and Conley are possible targets here (bear in mind Lowry’s less-than-perfect playoff schedule for the final week, in standard settings), or maybe Draymond with huge out-of-position assists, although he’ll likely be off the board by now. If you went with a point guard here, one of the recommended routes in round 3 would be to add some more BLKs with Marc Gasol, Horford or (if you are more risk-prone) Embiid, since Towns’  block average dropped to 1.3 per game last season.


The Anthony Davis vs KAT dilemma is, more or less, choosing between D stats and efficiency. In a H2H league, I tend to go for STLs and BLKs, as I believe percentages to be more volatile, and therefore less reliable, on a week-to-week basis. Also, I’d rather bet on Davis closing the gap in percentages this upcoming season, than Towns significantly improving his stocks. On the other hand, Towns has not missed a game in his 2-year NBA career, while Davis is considered a walking injury by many. Yes, yes, we’re not here to rank the first rounders, we will leave that to you. Whether it’s because of the injury issue or not, Davis seems to be a bit undervalued this year, so you might end up getting him with seventh or eighth pick, sometimes even lower. If you’re lucky enough to have Lillard waiting for you in the second round, you’ve probably hit a jackpot, since he fits very well with AD, providing strong threes and assists. If not, the likes of Irving or Butler are also nice choices here, although not as complementary to AD as Dame D.O.L.L.A. In case you’ve reached for Davis with an earlier pick, there’s good chance neither of these guys is available anymore. If that is so, you should probably pick from the Lowry-Walker-Conley trio again. Nevertheless, this time you do not have to worry about blocks in round 3 and can go for the best available player.


Kawhi Leonard has quietly become crazy good, both in real life and fantasy, having finished last two seasons with a top-4 rank on the per game basis. There is a good chance you can get him with a discount near the end of round 1, due to his current quad injury. This seems to be a risk worth taking since, if the quad issue does not keep lingering for a longer period of time, he’s likely gonna kick ass yet again. Kawhi is yet another “Swiss army knife” in the first round, with no obvious deficiencies. Based on the matching principle, you want to shoot for a point guard and a blocker in rounds 2 and 3, not necessarily in that order. My preferred choice would be Lillard in round 2 (Butler and Irving are also options here), followed by Marc Gasol (if he’s not available and you’re shooting for blocks, you would likely have to reach for Brook). If you decide to solidify your BLKs with Whiteside in round 2, you will be hoping that Bledsoe is still on the board next time around. If not, I’d consider reaching for Rubio since I have high expectations for him this season. Damn, the Leonard-Whiteside-Rubio combo sounds appealing… D stats – check, assists – check, rebounds – check, you even have two FT% anchors to offset Hassan’s issues with this category… just don’t lose PTS from your sight in subsequent rounds and you are good to go; threes are not a problem to find late in the draft, or even from the waivers.


All hail the king! We saw Lebron James’ FT percentage plummet to 67% last season, which kicked him out of the top-10 in ranking. On the other hand, threes were back to 1.7 per game, while he quietly boosted both his rebounds and assists to career highs of 8.6 and 8.7, respectively. And all that at the age of 32. Yes, he is bionic. Since in most cases I avoid punting, the goal in the next couple of rounds would be to solidify FT% and blocks, but this combo is not easy to achieve. Lillard or Butler in round 2, followed by Marc Gasol or Brook Lopez, sounds appealing. To hell with it, maybe the best idea would be to take Gobert (if you’re lucky enough) or Whiteside in round 2, boost the blocks, mitigate Lebron’s TOs and sacrifice that FT% after all…


In season 2014/2015, Nikola Jokic played for a small Serbian club, Mega Leks. By the end of the 2016/2017 NBA season, he’s established himself as one of the best passing bigs and young prospects in the league. As if somebody pressed the fast-forward button on his career. Wall would fit perfectly with the Joker, with his strong steals and out-of-position blocks. The problem here is that Wall is popular amongst fantasy enthusiasts and seems to often be off the board by the end of round 1. Hell, he is more likely to be picked before Jokic, for that matter. If you’re lucky enough to pick the pair from 12 and 13, bingo. Anyhow, if Wall is not an option, I suggest shooting for Butler and paying closer attention to blocks in the following rounds. George is another good option here with equaly nice steals, although you would be swapping some of Butler’s assists for threes, and that puts him below Jimmy on my list. Lillard would strengthen your points and threes, but in that case both defensive categories would have to be chased later in the draft and I’m not a fan of that strategy.


If you go for John Wall as your round one pick, you’re again hoping for the aforementioned Wall-Jokic combo. But don’t worry too much if that is not possible. The matching principle suggests another very appealing combination with Rudy Gobert. This 1-2 secures dominant D stats after first two rounds and strong across-the-board performance on a weekly basis. You do, though, want to improve FT% with the following picks. I’ve never been a fan of DeRozan in fantasy, but he might fit nicely with this build, with high-volume/high-percentage free throws and his lack of stocks being offset by your first two picks.


Chris Paul is the last player in this analysis, being currently ranked 12th by Yahoo. In terms of compatibility, his preferred matches are similar to Wall’s, i.e. Jokic and Gobert. Paul is a nice value pick at this point, as many fantasy projections put him several places above Wall, due to his remarkably low TOs and more threes. Having to share the ball with Harden, his assists are bound to decrease a bit, but one should expect more threes and likely improved FG%, although it was already impressive for a point guard. Whether you pair him with Jokic or Gobert, try to strengthen your PTS in rounds 3 and 4.


I’ve just realized we went through numerous 1-2 combinations without ever mentioning Boogie. But that’s neither a mistake, nor a coincidence. Similar to Westbrook and Harden, his low-FG%/high-TOs output has never seemed very appealing to me, no matter how good the rest of the board might look. On top of that, his FT% is kind of a burden as well, although not equally worrying. If I was a Cousins fan, I’d be forced to go for one of the punt builds with him. The problem in that scenario is that, if you pair him with a point guard (which is a reasonable plan), you’ll likely end up being in very deep trouble with both FG% and TOs. CP3 might help a bit with his amazing AST/TO ratio, but there are just too many downsides for Cousins to be my cup of tea.


That would be the matching principle applied on the first two rounds of the NBA fantasy draft. If you keep it in mind for later rounds as well, you should be in a position to build a solid and flexible fantasy team, with no obvious weaknesses your opponents could exploit. This is clearly not nuclear physics. Neither is it set in stone. You do not want to get sucked into this approach so much that you pass on a second rounder that is, although not a perfect match for your first pick, by far the best available player on the board. Furthermore, there are other legitimate approaches to drafting, of course. For example, punt-prone players have probably found very little joy reading this analysis, but that’s just fine. The intention was not to present a perfect draft strategy (there is no such thing anyhow), but rather explore a methodology that has won NBA fantasy leagues for the author and will hopefully do the same for you should it end up being your choice.


A powerful one-two punch will, by itself, not win you a tennis match, nor an NBA fantasy duel, but will definitely give you a nice head start. If you don’t believe me, ask Pit Sampras.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Sutra cu da izbacim sugavog Crowdera iz tima i da ubacim Aarona Gordona. Ako veceras izgubim, to ce biti zbog Crowdera koji ne moze ni slobodno bacanje da pogodi, a kamo li sta drugo. 

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Gledam, gledam nedeljni raspored zbog broja utakmica. :D


Evo mi tima: Lillard, Brad Beal, Crowder, Embiid, Darren Collison, James Johnson, Kelly Olynik, Lou Will, Robin Lopez, Aaron Gordon, Taurean Prince, Dillon Brooks i povredjeni Valančijunas. Preliminarno, na klupu mi idu Crowder, Brooks dok se malo ne zalaufa i ovaj mučenik povredjeni. Kasnije uveče ću da skautiram protivnika.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Je l biste menjali Lilarda za Obrvu? Ponudjen mi trejd, a ja sam u emotivnoj blokadi. Meni je Lilard uz Embiida, B. Bila i Aarona G (i donekle my sweet Lou Willa) čovek najzaslužniji što suvereno dominiram u stilu zvanom broj poena. Sa deset igrača ja nikad ne završim ispod 600 poena i meni je to lepo da vidim, kako god. Uglavnom, pošto moj tim čine prangijaši, tu niko ne asistira i tu mogu da tankujem. E sad, u rebs bih mogla da se malo unapredim i neke neprijatelje tu da pobedim potencijalno. I Obrva je u rebs bolji od Lilarda. Jaooo, teško mi i da pomislim da nemam Lilarda, a ako bi Dejvis bio zdrav, on mi je možda bolje rešenje. Šta da radim? Šta mislite o njegovom zdravstvenom biltenu?

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9-cat liga?

Ako puntuješ asiste uzimaj Davisa.  Dobijaš veliki upgrade na FG%, REB i BLK, imaćeš i manje TO i dobijaš nešto malo bonus stealsa. Plus igrač na C poziciji uvek ima mali bonus value, bar u mojim ćitapima.

Gubiš samo FT% (i to ne drastično jer je Davis dosta dobar u FT%) i 3PTS

zdravlje...Davis svake godine propusti 10-15 utakmica, ali ne sećam se da je nekad bio oziljnije povređen već ga Pelicansi čuvaju kao da je od stakla i ne daju mu da igra čim nije 100%. Ali nije to ništa strašno. Ja ga imam u Dynasty ligi još od rookie sezone i nisam zbog toga nikad bio u problemu.

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