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SS-GB Čovek u britanskom zamku


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19.februara počinje da se emituje još jedna visokobudžetna adaptacija knjige iz žanra alternativne istorije. Petodelna BBC serija je rađena na osnovu knjige SS-GB iz 1978.godine. Isti autor je napisao i seriju špijunskih romana o Hariju Palmeru koga je u filmskoj verziji glumio Majkl Kejn.  









SS-GB's dystopian parallel universe – a drama for our time
The BBC TV adaptation of Len Deighton’s novel about a Nazi-occupied Britain forces viewers to wonder: would we resist?
 SS-GB – Ultimate post-truth TV, according to its creators. Photograph: Screengrab/Sid Gentle Films
Hannah Ellis-Petersen
Friday 10 February 2017 17.43 GMT Last modified on Friday 10 February 2017 18.05 GMT
From the opening shot of SS-GB, it is clear this is a world that is both familiar but also arrestingly alien. There are the rolling hills of the South Downs, the dome of St Paul’s and opulent columns of Buckingham Palace – with a difference: they are all emblazoned with swastikas.
The series is the newest ambitious, big-budget drama from the BBC. Based on the bestselling novel by Len Deighton, SS-GB envisions a world in 1941 in which the Nazis won the Battle of Britain and took full control of the UK. It is, according to the creators, “the ultimate post-truth drama – what could be more fitting for this moment in time?”
The show, which begins on 19 February, is also the BBC’s latest attempt to maintain its hold over crucial Sunday night ratings. It follows on from a successful run of dramas, beginning the year with Sherlock, which at its peak drew in 8.1 million viewers on New Year’s Day, and then the critically lauded thriller Apple Tree Yard, starring Samantha Morton, which drew in 7 million for its first episode on 22 January.
For the show’s producers Sally Woodward Gentle and Lee Morris, adapting Deighton’s book has been decades in the making. Woodward Gentle met Deighton, considered alongside John le Carré and Ian Fleming to be among the great British spy thriller authors, 20 years ago and the pair remained friends.
“Len actually suggested it as a good one to adapt, but he wanted it to be done by the right people – other people had tried before and failed,” she said. “It’s too nuanced and complicated to do as a film so it made sense for it to be done as television, but it’s only recently that television has been ambitious enough to take on something like that.”
Like the BBC’s previous global drama success, The Night Manager, it has attracted high-calibre talent. The central character of Det Supt Douglas Archer, who grapples with having the Nazis as his bosses while also being embroiled in the resistance, is played by Sam Riley, who starred in films such as Control and On the Road, while Kate Bosworth plays the American reporter who becomes his love interest.
The script has been written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who co-wrote five James Bond films including Skyfall. Deighton, now 87, read the final script before production began but made no changes.
While it is a drama firmly set in the past, Morris and Woodward Gentle said they could never have anticipated how many of the themes it touches on, and the climate of fear it evokes, would become so relevant to the world today.
“In this post-truth, selfish, populist, moment SS-GB raises important questions,” said Woodward Gentle. “We see people scared and vulnerable, they feel under attack, they are torn because people they loved and they thought they knew, aren’t doing what they consider to be the right thing. People who they thought they could trust have affiliations elsewhere. People are driven by self-interest. So in that sense the show feels topical.”
Morris agreed. “It now feels like we have entered into some kind of dystopian parallel universe,” he said, adding with a laugh: “So who would have developed this show apart from people with great foresight?”
 Sam Riley and Kate Bosworth, who plays an American reporter, at the world premiere of SS-GB on 30 January. Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images
The appetite for drama around the world means the BBC can afford to give creators such as Woodward Gentle and Morris a larger budget, as profits from selling the show through BBC Worldwide have soared. The pair also said that while SS-GB was “very different”, they would happily build on the success of The Night Manager, which recently won three Golden Globes.
For Morris, the draw of SS-GB comes from the watertight plotting of Deighton’s book but also the moral questions the setting of Nazi-occupied Britain inevitably raises in the minds of those watching.
“We all like to think we would resist but history tells us that not everybody does,” he said. “When you look at the central character Archer, and the compromised position that he’s in, you inevitably ask yourself what would you do, what would we all do? Would we all be in the resistance or would we have to be pragmatic? That’s all part of the brilliance.”
While the story is concluded over five episodes, the writers have left it possible for it to continue if there is an appetite for more.
“The series is left quite open-ended enough that we can do a second series if we need to,” said Woodward Gentle. “We’d love to take it on again.”



Edited by bigvlada
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Trejler je kao da gledam sf seriju Colony, samo je u pitanju GB, a ne Los Angeles i nacisti umasto alijena. Kolaboratori, otpor. Čak će i ovaj lik da bude neki pandur.

Edited by Arkadija
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Odgledao sam i ja, pre nego što krenem sa utiscima samo da kažem da generalno nisam fan ovakvih distopijsko-alternativnih istorija, uglavnom zato što se fokusiraju na (meni) dosadne aspekte.



Što se tiče same serije, deluje OK, mada strašno predvidivo. Glumci su dobri (posebno Sam Riley, inspektor Gestapoa, i iritantna Silvija) koliko im scenario dozvoljava, a ubodena je mračna i turobna atmosfera "paralelne" 1941 godine.




Možda bi moj savet bio da kada se želi kreirati konzistentno mračna i klaustrofobična atmosfera, onda se ne treba igrati kulturnim referencama (u ovom slučaju, "Winter is coming" iz GoT).





Edited by Jeremija
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Britanski otpisani. Jedino što je umesto Tihog glavni lik Kosmajac.


Послато са SM-G900F уз помоћ Тапатока

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Pogledao prvu epizodu, sumnjam da ću dalje.


Fantastično je glupava ideja da Nemci dobiju WW2 a onda se pomire sa Rusima, pa pored kukastog krsta kače Marksov portret :blink: Godišnjica prijateljstva između SSSR i Trećeg Rajha proslavlja se naravno u Londonu, because why not.


Inače, slutim da će se do kraja ispostaviti da ceo jebeni London radi za pokret otpora osim mučenog Iana Curtisa. U prvoj epizodi ko god je nešto guknuo bez faux-nemačkog akcenta, taj se ispostavilo da je Otporaš. Ili Amerikanac. Ili nedužno dete.

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