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1 hour ago, smooth.Op said:

Ništa ozbiljno, ali ga koristim svakodnevno i već sam se navikao da mi je kao neki asistent. Dosta konkretnije dolazim do rešenja, jer ne moram da otvaram tonu google rezultata ili diskusija na so.
Redovno greši, a uhvatio sam ga jednom da je baaš pogrešio i tek iz trećeg puta dao tačno rešenje (a bilo je u pitanju za njega jednostavno računanje hex u decimal, ne znam šta je zabrljao).

Kapiram da će uskoro uvesti neku pretplatu.


Vrlo moguce. Ovo su pustili da se ljudi navuku. Mada, upravo zbog tih gresaka ne znam koliko ce ljudi biti spremni da placaju nesto sto ce posle morati neminovno da popravljaju. S jedne strane ustedece im research vreme, s druge ne mogu da se oslone da ce dobiti tacne i precizne rezultate..

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1 hour ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Haifa - Tel Aviv

Definitivno je jedino da nedostaje još dosta primarne logike da bi se koristilo za ozbiljnije poduhvate koji su na liniji sa odlučivanjem. 




18 hours ago, Jimmy Kowalski said:

Osim iz zajebancije, jel neko koristio za nesto ozbiljnije u poslu?


Webmaster-i testiraju da im se pišu članci na sajtovima/blogovima (da znam).

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Zanimljivo je da aparat uspeo da izvuce tacne vrednosti za ovu jednacinu sa godinama, ali nije umeo da je resi. Verovatno su razvoj fokusirali na razumevanju verbalnog (tj. pisanog), a ove zanemarljive gluposti, tipa matematika, fizika, istorija ce doci kasnije.

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20 minutes ago, Tpojka said:

Webmaster-i testiraju da im se pišu članci na sajtovima/blogovima (da znam).


Ja generisao jedan probni od hiljadu reči na neku debilnu temu - sustainability in packaging - ispao je zabrinjavajuće dobro :unsure:

  • Haha 1
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7 minutes ago, goofs said:

Zanimljivo je da aparat uspeo da izvuce tacne vrednosti za ovu jednacinu sa godinama, ali nije umeo da je resi. Verovatno su razvoj fokusirali na razumevanju verbalnog (tj. pisanog), a ove zanemarljive gluposti, tipa matematika, fizika, istorija ce doci kasnije.


Meni je posebno interesantno kako je obrazložio ono sa kolima, tezu da duplo više automobila putuje duplo sporije. Zvuči savršeno razložno i samouvereno dok trtlja gluposti i pravi bazične logičke greške. Odakle li je izvukao tu tezu, iz sličnih zadataka gde se takva računska operacija očekuje?


Ovo da se ne seti da oduzme 6 od 70 pre nego što doda +3 mi je lakše da razumem.

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Pa da, verovatno su mu isprogramirali samo one najbazicnije uzrocno-posledicne veze, tipa ako cokolada kosta 100 dinara, 4 cokolade kostaju 400, i to je sve sto zna, i sve racuna tako. E ali je zato lepo srocio resenje, vrlo elokventno :thumbsup:

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On 26.12.2022. at 22:06, Jimmy Kowalski said:

Dali smo veštačkoj inteligenciji da napiše sastave iz srpskog i ostali u neverici


Ne znam sta da mislim o svemu ovome. Ranije je bilo prepisivanje sa wikipedije, sada ce direktno da se narucuje od AI. Nema vise neuradjenih domacih zadataka, sve gotovo za 5 minuta. :D


Na youtube gomila klipova kako koristiti ChatGPD za sve zivo. Naravno da rezultati nisu savrseni, ali definitivno stedi vreme koje bi se potrosilo za research i daje solidnu polaznu osnovu.


Osim iz zajebancije, jel neko koristio za nesto ozbiljnije u poslu?

Meni se čini da je poprilično ovladano formom i da poklapa netačne činjenice.


Roman govori o sudbini glavnog junaka, Mehmed-paše Sokolovića, koji se zaljubljuje u svoju rođaku Ajšu, ali njihova ljubav je nemoguća zbog razlike u društvenom statusu.

Sumnjam da je Sokolović, s obzirom na poreklo i mesto gde je živeo bio u prilici da se zaljubi u rođaku Ajšu, a ne sećam se da je to pominjanou romanu. Nisam siguran. Za Fatu bih isto rekao da nije bilo kao što je opisano. Treći primer nemaju.

Siguran sam da bi onaj ko napiše takav sastav dobio keca.


Što se tiče drugih primera, koje ste vi nabrojali, opasno je što daju poprilićno uverljiva objašnjenja za netačne rezultate. Ljudi danas sve manje kritički razmatraju ono što im se govori. Objašnjenje matematičkih zadataka prošla bi kod većine.

Edited by duma
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  • 2 weeks later...

I asked Chat GPT to write a song in the style of Nick Cave and this is what it produced. What do you think?


Verse 1:
In the depths of the night, I hear a call
A voice that echoes, through the hall
It’s a siren’s song, that pulls me in
Takes me to a place, where I can’t begin


I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior


Verse 2:
I walk the streets, with my head held high
I’ve got my demons, but I’ll make them fly
I’ll dance with the devil, and I’ll play his game
I’ll be the one, to call his name


I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior


I’ve got the blood of angels, on my hands
I’ve got the fire of hell, in my eyes
I’m the king of the abyss, I’m the ruler of the dark
I’m the one that they fear, in the shadows they hark


I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior


So come with me, to the edge of the night
Where the darkness and the light collide
We’ll walk the line, between the good and the bad
And we’ll see, who comes out on top in the end.


Sranje je, ali komotno bi moglo da prođe kao Kejv iz ovih poznih "Miley Cyrus has a virus" dana.


A evo šta i NC mislli o ovom uratku:


Dear Mark,


Since its launch in November last year many people, most buzzing with a kind of algorithmic awe, have sent me songs ‘in the style of Nick Cave’ created by ChatGPT. There have been dozens of them. Suffice to say, I do not feel the same enthusiasm around this technology. I understand that ChatGPT is in its infancy but perhaps that is the emerging horror of AI – that it will forever be in its infancy, as it will always have further to go, and the direction is always forward, always faster. It can never be rolled back, or slowed down, as it moves us toward a utopian future, maybe, or our total destruction. Who can possibly say which? Judging by this song ‘in the style of Nick Cave’ though, it doesn’t look good, Mark. The apocalypse is well on its way. This song sucks.


What ChatGPT is, in this instance, is replication as travesty. ChatGPT may be able to write a speech or an essay or a sermon or an obituary but it cannot create a genuine song. It could perhaps in time create a song that is, on the surface, indistinguishable from an original, but it will always be a replication, a kind of burlesque.

Songs arise out of suffering, by which I mean they are predicated upon the complex, internal human struggle of creation and, well, as far as I know, algorithms don’t feel. Data doesn’t suffer. ChatGPT has no inner being, it has been nowhere, it has endured nothing, it has not had the audacity to reach beyond its limitations, and hence it doesn’t have the capacity for a shared transcendent experience, as it has no limitations from which to transcend. ChatGPT’s melancholy role is that it is destined to imitate and can never have an authentic human experience, no matter how devalued and inconsequential the human experience may in time become.


What makes a great song great is not its close resemblance to a recognizable work. Writing a good song is not mimicry, or replication, or pastiche, it is the opposite. It is an act of self-murder that destroys all one has strived to produce in the past. It is those dangerous, heart-stopping departures that catapult the artist beyond the limits of what he or she recognises as their known self. This is part of the authentic creative struggle that precedes the invention of a unique lyric of actual value; it is the breathless confrontation with one’s vulnerability, one’s perilousness, one’s smallness, pitted against a sense of sudden shocking discovery; it is the redemptive artistic act that stirs the heart of the listener, where the listener recognizes in the inner workings of the song their own blood, their own struggle, their own suffering. This is what we humble humans can offer, that AI can only mimic, the transcendent journey of the artist that forever grapples with his or her own shortcomings. This is where human genius resides, deeply embedded within, yet reaching beyond, those limitations.


It may sound like I’m taking all this a little too personally, but I’m a songwriter who is engaged, at this very moment, in the process of songwriting. It’s a blood and guts business, here at my desk, that requires something of me to initiate the new and fresh idea. It requires my humanness. What that new idea is, I don’t know, but it is out there somewhere, searching for me. In time, we will find each other.


Mark, thanks for the song, but with all the love and respect in the world, this song is bullshit, a grotesque mockery of what it is to be human, and, well, I don’t much like it — although, hang on!, rereading it, there is a line in there that speaks to me —

‘I’ve got the fire of hell in my eyes’

— says the song ‘in the style of Nick Cave’, and that’s kind of true. I have got the fire of hell in my eyes – and it’s ChatGPT.


Love, Nick


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2 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:

I asked Chat GPT to write a song in the style of Nick Cave and this is what it produced. What do you think?


Verse 1:
In the depths of the night, I hear a call
A voice that echoes, through the hall
It’s a siren’s song, that pulls me in
Takes me to a place, where I can’t begin


I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior


Verse 2:
I walk the streets, with my head held high
I’ve got my demons, but I’ll make them fly
I’ll dance with the devil, and I’ll play his game
I’ll be the one, to call his name


I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior


I’ve got the blood of angels, on my hands
I’ve got the fire of hell, in my eyes
I’m the king of the abyss, I’m the ruler of the dark
I’m the one that they fear, in the shadows they hark


I am the sinner, I am the saint
I am the darkness, I am the light
I am the hunter, I am the prey
I am the devil, I am the savior


So come with me, to the edge of the night
Where the darkness and the light collide
We’ll walk the line, between the good and the bad
And we’ll see, who comes out on top in the end.


Sranje je, ali komotno bi moglo da prođe kao Kejv iz ovih poznih "Miley Cyrus has a virus" dana.


A evo šta i NC mislli o ovom uratku:

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Dear Mark,


Since its launch in November last year many people, most buzzing with a kind of algorithmic awe, have sent me songs ‘in the style of Nick Cave’ created by ChatGPT. There have been dozens of them. Suffice to say, I do not feel the same enthusiasm around this technology. I understand that ChatGPT is in its infancy but perhaps that is the emerging horror of AI – that it will forever be in its infancy, as it will always have further to go, and the direction is always forward, always faster. It can never be rolled back, or slowed down, as it moves us toward a utopian future, maybe, or our total destruction. Who can possibly say which? Judging by this song ‘in the style of Nick Cave’ though, it doesn’t look good, Mark. The apocalypse is well on its way. This song sucks.


What ChatGPT is, in this instance, is replication as travesty. ChatGPT may be able to write a speech or an essay or a sermon or an obituary but it cannot create a genuine song. It could perhaps in time create a song that is, on the surface, indistinguishable from an original, but it will always be a replication, a kind of burlesque.

Songs arise out of suffering, by which I mean they are predicated upon the complex, internal human struggle of creation and, well, as far as I know, algorithms don’t feel. Data doesn’t suffer. ChatGPT has no inner being, it has been nowhere, it has endured nothing, it has not had the audacity to reach beyond its limitations, and hence it doesn’t have the capacity for a shared transcendent experience, as it has no limitations from which to transcend. ChatGPT’s melancholy role is that it is destined to imitate and can never have an authentic human experience, no matter how devalued and inconsequential the human experience may in time become.


What makes a great song great is not its close resemblance to a recognizable work. Writing a good song is not mimicry, or replication, or pastiche, it is the opposite. It is an act of self-murder that destroys all one has strived to produce in the past. It is those dangerous, heart-stopping departures that catapult the artist beyond the limits of what he or she recognises as their known self. This is part of the authentic creative struggle that precedes the invention of a unique lyric of actual value; it is the breathless confrontation with one’s vulnerability, one’s perilousness, one’s smallness, pitted against a sense of sudden shocking discovery; it is the redemptive artistic act that stirs the heart of the listener, where the listener recognizes in the inner workings of the song their own blood, their own struggle, their own suffering. This is what we humble humans can offer, that AI can only mimic, the transcendent journey of the artist that forever grapples with his or her own shortcomings. This is where human genius resides, deeply embedded within, yet reaching beyond, those limitations.


It may sound like I’m taking all this a little too personally, but I’m a songwriter who is engaged, at this very moment, in the process of songwriting. It’s a blood and guts business, here at my desk, that requires something of me to initiate the new and fresh idea. It requires my humanness. What that new idea is, I don’t know, but it is out there somewhere, searching for me. In time, we will find each other.


Mark, thanks for the song, but with all the love and respect in the world, this song is bullshit, a grotesque mockery of what it is to be human, and, well, I don’t much like it — although, hang on!, rereading it, there is a line in there that speaks to me —

‘I’ve got the fire of hell in my eyes’

— says the song ‘in the style of Nick Cave’, and that’s kind of true. I have got the fire of hell in my eyes – and it’s ChatGPT.


Love, Nick


Bolje mu je bilo ono otvoreno pismo MTVu zasto ne zeli da bude artist of the year ili tako nesto. Ovo je rambling u fazonu old men yells at clouds.

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