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How I lost my religion


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Ima i nešto friško.







Sabby Sagall, a former senior lecturer in sociology at the University of East London and a lifelong revolutionary activist, was prompted to write Final Solutions by the approaching sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp in 2005. He was persuaded to expand the remit to genocide in general, and the result, seven years in the writing, is a comprehensive survey of relevant Marxist and Freudian theories along with four excellent case-studies covering the Native American, Armenian, Nazi, and Rwandan Holocausts.


Freud’s ‘discontents’ remain. They have been reconfigured as class society evolves. But they continue to provide the psychic seed-bed of reactionary politics, and, at the worst of times, should they recur, the psychic material for genocide. This is a brilliant book of Marxist-Freudian synthesis and analysis. It offers a cutting-edge explanation of genocide. And it provides a grim warning of the immense destructive forces that lie latent in a collective psyche made sick by capitalism.

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Posted (edited)
  On 21. 9. 2016. at 21:44, miki.bg said:

Veza između kapitalizma, fašizma i religije, masterpis Vilhelma Rajha: http://switzerland.indymedia.org/media/2013/01/88466.pdf



Čisto da ako se neko pita zašto se sad u vreme krize javlja uspon fašova i nacoša. Kako kaže Bendžamin, ko ne želi da priča o kapitalizmu nek ćuti o fašizmu.


Rajh je šarlatan



Edited by slow
Posted (edited)

Jeste probali™ nešto od njegovih metoda vas dvojica možda?

Edited by miki.bg



 Sexual liberation and political control


Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but, what is worse, as many masters as he has vices. St. Augustine, City of God


Writing at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire, St. Augustine both revolutionized and brought to a close antiquitys idea of freedom. A man was not a slave by nature or by law, as Aristotle claimed. His freedom was a function of his moral state. A man had as many masters as he had vices. This insight would provide the basis for the most sophisticated form of social control known to man.


Fourteen hundred years later, a decadent French aristocrat turned that tradition on its head when he wrote that the freest of people are they who are most friendly to murder. Like St. Augustine, the Marquis de Sade would agree that freedom was a function of morals. Unlike St. Augustine, Sade proposed a revolution in sexual morals to accompany the political revolution then taking place in France. 


Unlike the standard version of the sexual revolution, it shows how sexual liberation was from its inception a form of control. Those who wished to liberate man from the moral order needed to impose social controls as soon as they succeeded because liberated libido led inevitably to anarchy. Aldous Huxley wrote in his preface to the 1946 edition of Brave New World that as political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. 


Sta si ovim polednjim hteo da kazes i kakve to veze ima sa religijom?

  On 21. 9. 2016. at 21:44, miki.bg said:


Čisto da ako se neko pita zašto se sad u vreme krize javlja uspon fašova i nacoša. Kako kaže Bendžamin, ko ne želi da priča o kapitalizmu nek ćuti o fašizmu.


Klasicna levicarska/komunjarska podvala, ta tvrdnja da je fasizam neka vrsta neizbezne posledice kapitalizma i da kapitalizam nuzno zavrsi u fasizmu. Gluposti.


Fasizam jeste bio jedan od ,,odgovora" na modernost i sve promene prouzrokovane industrijskom revolucijom (sto nije nuzno isto sto i kapitalizam, ali jeste islo zajedno). Samo sto je komunizam takodje jedan takav odgovor.


Jednako promasen.

Posted (edited)

levićarska podvala :D 

Ako komunizam misliš na Staljinov SSSR i derivate, daleko je od toga, SSSR je rigidni državni kapitalizam ako se prati Marksova misao. Još je veća podvala misliti da se nekakav pad "komunizma" i "kraj istorije“ desio sa padom zida, na žalost raznih fela od postmodernista do neocona koji iskreno i očajnički žele da veruju u to.


Kapitalizam će sam sebe da uništi i planetu sa njim ako se nastavi business as usual. Sve im diraj samo religiju i kapitalizam ne diraj, to su svetinje.

Edited by miki.bg

Bilo bi lepo da i napises nesto svojim recima, gadjanje linkovima nije rasprava.

Posted (edited)

Šta, kakvo gađanje linkovima? Ko hoće da čita bilo šta iz teme nek čita, baš me briga

Edited by miki.bg
Posted (edited)
  On 23. 9. 2016. at 15:14, IndridCold said:

Sta si ovim polednjim hteo da kazes i kakve to veze ima sa religijom?

U vezi je sa Rajhom i religijom. Oslobođeni, nekontrolisani libido porobljava a ne oslobađa. Suprotno od preporuka Rajha i sledbenika. Ne postoji seksualna revolucija koja bi oslobodila čoveka, ona ga čini samo robom svojih poroka i podložnim političkoj, ekonomskoj i svakoj drugoj vrsti manipulacije i kontrole. Izvorište slobode čoveka je moralni integritet a ne seksualna anarhija i rajhovska slobodna "ljubav". Edited by slow
  On 24. 9. 2016. at 12:18, slow said:

Oslobođeni, nekontrolisani libido porobljava a ne oslobađa.


Libido treba da bude kontrolisan, problem nastaje kad se on vestacki suzbija (upravo je to problem kod nekih religija). Verovanja da su seks pre braka i masturbacija smrtni greh su veoma stetna.

  On 24. 9. 2016. at 12:37, IndridCold said:

Libido treba da bude kontrolisan, problem nastaje kad se on vestacki suzbija (upravo je to problem kod nekih religija). Verovanja da su seks pre braka i masturbacija smrtni greh su veoma stetna.

Ne radi se samo o tome, to je banalno, ovde se radi o modernoj seksualizaciji i pornografskoj manipulaciji celim društvom totalitarnog tipa.

  On 24. 9. 2016. at 12:50, slow said:

Ne radi se samo o tome, to je banalno, ovde se radi o modernoj seksualizaciji i pornografskoj manipulaciji celim društvom totalitarnog tipa.


Gde ovde?

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