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"No room" for excess meat in no-deal Brexit


Government plans to buy up hundreds of thousands of tonnes of unsold lamb in the event of a no-deal Brexit could be unworkable because there is nowhere to store it, BBC Newsnight has learned. The reported plan suggested excess meat would be bought at the point of slaughter. But figures from the industry body which represents businesses that store frozen and chilled food show they are at capacity and "full to bursting".



90% izvoza britanske jagnjetine ide u EU, što će verovatno prestati prvog novembra.





U bice svega kod Zlatiborca. 

Posted (edited)



Edited by Gandalf

Brexit je velika prilika za preporod države van okova evropske unije:






mozda i sankcije ujedinjenih nacija da se razmotre [emoji38]ol:

sent from bubamoto

2 hours ago, Marvin (Paranoid Android) said:

Brexit je velika prilika za preporod države van okova evropske unije:




Qq i lele :laugh:

Zvuči baš poznato :s_d:


Zamisli bude neki žešći pičvajz i krenu izbeglice... a onda im EU kaže e ne može, kad niste hteli da primite, sad niko neće vas...

Posted (edited)

I opet




A leading Tory rebel who voted down Theresa May’s Brexit deal has warned Boris Johnson that he and dozens of colleagues will block any attempt to pass the agreement again – even if the Irish backstop is removed.


Mark Francois, one of 28 Tory MPs who repeatedly held out against May’s deal, said Johnson had been very clear at a meeting of European Research Group MPs that the withdrawal agreement in its entirety was “dead”.



He told the Telegraph’s Chopper’s Brexit podcast: “He was absolutely emphatic about it, so we took him at his word. I don’t think you could revive the withdrawal agreement realistically. Even if you took the backstop out, there are too many other things that are wrong with it.




Backstop je samo lep izgovor. Ovo su jednostavno no-deal fanatici.





Backstop je samo lep izgovor. Ovo su jednostavno no-deal fanatici.

Edited by hazard




Boris Johnson has no intention of renegotiating Brexit deal, EU told

No-deal Brexit is British PM’s ‘central scenario’, chief Brussels envoy reportedly says


Boris Johnson has no intention of renegotiating the withdrawal agreement and a no-deal Brexit is his “central scenario”, European diplomats have been told, amid hardening evidence in Westminster that the government is expecting to crash out of the EU.


Brussels diplomats briefed after a meeting between the prime minister’s chief envoy and senior EU figures in Brussels said that Britain’s refusal to compromise was understood to have been clear to those attending.


Instead David Frost, the government’s new chief Europe adviser, is said to have sought discussions on how negotiations could be reset after the UK crashes out on 31 October.



“It was clear UK does not have another plan,” a senior EU diplomat said of the meetings with Frost. “No intention to negotiate, which would require a plan. A no deal now appears to be the UK government’s central scenario.”


The disclosure came as No 10 insisted the government was “ready to negotiate in good faith” but made clear that Johnson would only agree to a deal without what he refers to as the “undemocratic backstop” – the mechanism to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland that could keep the UK in a customs union. The EU has repeatedly said the backstop is not up for negotiation.


The UK’s failure to provide any proposals on how to deal with the controversial Irish backstop was felt to be significant by EU officials who spoke to the Guardian.


Frost was said to have told the officials that a technological solution to the Irish border was the UK’s preferred option before admitting that “it would not be ready now for Brexit”.


Even if EU gave up the backstop there is no alternative,a diplomat concluded of the discussion.


Boris = no deal



Welcome to the Rapture. Like religious cults waiting for the end of the world and the inauguration of the Kingdom of Heaven, political Utopians are waiting for the Great Disruption of a no-deal Brexit. But it is a sign of our weird times that there are three groups anticipating the Apocalypse, and each of them has a very different vision of the Utopia that lies beyond it. Those groups are the hard-right revolutionaries around Boris Johnson; the far-left revolutionaries around Jeremy Corbyn and, we can now say with some certainty, Sinn Féin. They do not want the same things, but if a no-deal Brexit happens it will be because their actions and inaction have coincided to bring it about.


 And what all Great Disruptors have in common is that they regard immediate damage to real people as “regrettable but necessary”. People, families, businesses and communities are the collateral damage of the Big Bang, their suffering justified in the long run by the Utopia that will emerge on the far side of pain.

Posted (edited)

Ako niste pogledali izasla je mislim BCC serija Years and Years (Godine i godine bila je na HBO), distopijska vizija nakon nekog Brexita i slicnih desavanja i dolaska likova poput Farage-a (ili Borisa ili Trumpa) na vlast... ima dosta nekih off prica ali odlicna je serija i otvara dobra pitanja...

Edited by mozzer
On 1.8.2019. at 18:29, Gandalf said:




Za nekoga ko navodno mnogo proučava istoriju i opsednut je matematikom i naučnim pristupom logika ume da mu bude prilično šuplja:





He describes himself as “not a Tory, libertarian, ‘populist’ or anything else” and in a January 2017 essay outlined his reasoning for joining the Brexit campaign. “I thought very strongly that 1) a return to 1930s protectionism would be disastrous, 2) the fastest route to this is continuing with no democratic control over immigration or human rights policies for terrorists and other serious criminals, therefore 3) the best practical policy is to reduce (for a while) unskilled immigration and increase high skills immigration ... 4) this requires getting out of the EU, 5) hopefully it will prod the rest of Europe to limit immigration and therefore limit the extremist forces that otherwise will try to rip down free trade.”


Amerika nije imala ugovor o slobodnom kretanju sa bilo kojom drugom državom (najbliži ekvivalent je tzv. NAFTA viza za Kanađane koja se dobija na granici uz ugovor o zaposlenju, ali koja je ograničena u praksi na godinu-dve, eksplicitno ne može da se iskoristi za trajni ostanak, i ne omogućava porodici nosioca vize da rade u SAD - mogu da borave, ali bez mogućnosti zaposlenja) pa se opet dogodio veliki anti-globalizacioni i anti-free trade backlash koji je između ostalog i doveo Trampa na vlast.


Fundamentalni problem je manjak radnih mesta (i dobro plaćenih poslova, jer nije isto raditi u fabrici za $18 na sat i Volmartu za $8 na sat) za radničku i nižu srednju klasu na Zapadu usred upravo slobodne trgovine sa zemljama koje imaju mnogo jeftiniju radnu snagu. Da su svi srećno zaposleni daleko manje bi se žalili na imigrante.


A ovo teroristima mi nije jasno uopšte, kako to EU ograničava Britaniju u tretmanu terorista?


Možda mu treba poverovati kada kaže za sebe da nije preterano pametan i nešto naročito dobar u bilo čemu...


Pritom, EU je upravo mehanizam koji omogućava širenje slobodne trgovine sa što manje nus-efekata. Primena jedinstvenih, što uglavnom znači zapadnih, standarda u svim zemljama (Poljska i Rumunija moraju da ispunjavaju standarde o pravima zaposlenih, očuvanju životne sredine, itd., koje Kina ili Bangladeš ne moraju). Strukturna pomoć siromašnijim zemljama kako bi dostigle vremenom nivo bogatijih. Potpuno otvaranje tržišta tih siromašnijih zemalja (što nije slučaj npr. sa Kinom, Indijom) prema zapadnim bogatijim. I na kraju, samo slobodno kretanje utiče na to da radna snaga u istočnoj Evropi postane skuplja - kada veliki broj radnika ode na Zapad, a ekonomija raste, skaču plate na lokalu.


E sad to što je Britanija sama pod Blerom odlučila da 2004. ne primeni period od 7 godina ograničenja za slobodni protok ljudi iz novih članica, to je samo njen problem i njena suverena odluka, niko je nije terao.


E sad to što je Britanija sama pod Blerom odlučila da 2004. ne primeni period od 7 godina ograničenja za slobodni protok ljudi iz novih članica, to je samo njen problem i njena suverena odluka, niko je nije terao.

A bilo lepo kad su Polish plumbers radili za sitne pare, a posla bilo u izobilju za sve.

Poslato sa HUAWEI VNS-L21 pomoću Tapatoka


The Remain alliance that could spoil Boris Johnson’s party

On 15 August, the attempt to build an effective remain force will begin when the Liberal Democrats, Greens and Plaid Cymru agree a non-aggression pact in 30 constituencies. They will back one candidate in each seat who will stand as X Liberal Democrat (Unite to Remain) or Y Green (Unite to Remain) and so on. The “Unite to Remain” title has already been agreed with the Electoral Commission so the problems found in running unity candidates in the European elections shouldn’t trouble us next time.


A second tranche of 30 or so constituencies will be settled on 22 August. As the parties move down the list of target seats, the task becomes harder. In each constituency they are asking activists to step aside for a rival, a hard concession for many to make.


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