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Ovo ce da bude cirkus samo takav - pet dana debata, onda glasanje 11., a kako izgleda, zurka tek onda pocinje i tako sve do marta.

A za to vreme, ekipa vredno radi na post-EU planovima koji su prilicno zanimljivi:




The priority areas for removing “anti-competitive” EU regulations articulated in Plan A+ are unpicking data protection rules (GDPR) introduced by the EU to ensure privacy, and allowing the free flow of data across borders, which would let big tech companies use our data – or abuse it. EU regulations that require exporters using chemicals to present safety data to the European commission before obtaining authorisation for imports are a burden on business, including the plastics sector, the thinktanks say, and should go. Likewise pharmaceuticals companies find the requirements on transparency around clinical trials onerous and should be allowed longer patents – that is, more expensive drugs for the rest of us.

All services and government procurement should be opened to international competition. While these thinktanks acknowledge that opening up the NHS might be too controversial, they think it a good idea. And protections designed to avoid workers being exploited or undercut by cheap migrant labour, which, for example, limit the number of hours people can be asked to work, or require parity of pay with local workers for those posted abroad, should be removed, says Plan A+. The same goes for environmental protections, food standards and the precautionary principle that the EU favours when assessing risk.

The US sees many of these rules as protectionist, Plan A+ explains. It says that in order to persuade the US to make concessions that would allow the UK’s services sector greater access to its markets, Britain will have to make concessions on standards the Americans find irksome, especially in food, agriculture and other goods. The things the US complains about and wants conceded include limits on pesticide residues and hormone-disrupting chemicals in food, nutritional labelling, the use of genetically modified organisms, the export of animal byproducts including some specified risk material for BSE, food additives such as flavourings that the EU has banned because of concerns over safety, hygiene rules including chlorine treatments on poultry and other meats, and animal-rearing standards such as the use of growth-promoting chemicals in pork and hormones in beef production.

Plan A+ is most detailed on financial services after Brexit, where it suggests a wide range of deregulatory measures. Suddenly the agenda is not general at all, but very specific indeed. It reads like special pleading for particular bank, hedge fund and wealth manager interests. Proposals include reducing some of the capital requirements on banks, and lifting several controls on asset managers’ trading. The bank surcharge, which claws back some of the huge cost to the taxpayer of bailing out the sector after the 2007-08 financial crash, and was introduced to deter banks taking on riskier debt, should be cut. Controls on CFDs (contracts for difference – a form of algorithmic trading in which funds trade on the small fluctuations in asset prices without ever owning the assets) should be scrapped, as should some controls on short-selling, and caps on large fund trading volumes designed to prevent excessive swings in markets, especially in vital commodities. The EU directive on markets in financial instruments is described as burdensome to wealth managers because it requires extensive trade-tracking data to be provided to regulators. Although regulation is mostly inimical to free markets, the US will want stronger intellectual property rights regulation to encourage venture capital.


3 hours ago, Marvin (Paranoid Android) said:

U poslednjih 20 minuta, vladu su iscipelarili pozamašno. Kao prvo, prvi put u istoriji (hehe), parlament je izglasao da ga je vlada izneverila (moj prevod) većinom 311-293, brojke su važne jer pokazuju da je i dobar deo torijevaca bio uzdržan, a pre minut, amandman Dominika Griva o tome da ako se predlog vlade obori 11-tog decembra, da parlament može da da instrukcije vladi kako da nastavi je upravo prošao sa 321-299.



(I guess) ova razlika je DUPe?

15 hours ago, jms_uk said:

(I guess) ova razlika je DUPe?


Ne samo oni, mislim da je bilo i rebela u njihovim redovima.

Ali ako već pričamo o njima, šiznuli su na ovaj full legal advice AG-a koji je morao biti objavljen danas.






Nema kraja...sad su i Norvežani počeli da se bune za eventualno tzv Norway+ rešenje putem članstva u EFTA,  u stilu - čekaj, a ko je nas pitao dal je to u našem interesu?




To je bilo potpuno očekivano.

Ja i dalje ne verujem da će se zaista naći 320 baš toliko beskrupoloznih bitangi koji će do te mere osakatiti dugoročni status države samo da bi progurali ovo što je ova veštica sklopila a što je potpuni poraz i samih onih koji su ikada iz bilo kojih fantazijskih razloga želeli izlazak iz Unije. Zarad čega jebo te? So that we don't look stupid? Pa u narednih 7-10 godina poješće ih unija, u pregovorima oko bilo čega, baš bilo čega.


Evo resenja ...


Sent from my iTelephone using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Skyhighatrist said:

Evo ga na YT




Ovo je genijalno - Andy Serkins at his best. 

Edited by Anduril
17 hours ago, Skyhighatrist said:

Evo ga na YT




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