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Jedan totalni :heart: za ekipu Newsnighta. Kirsti Wark odjavljuje večerašnju, rečima da je neka budala Andrew Rosindell (Tory) pokrenuo inicijativu da BBC na kraju svakog dana, u čast skorašnjeg Brexita, pusti "God Save The Queen".


I pustili su, na kraju večerašnje emisije.


Zna se koju.



Evo i kako je to izgledalo:


Edited by burekdzija

Nisu još isterali sve Drugobritanijance iz državnih medija  :fantom:


s tim u vezi, očekivao bih da glavna debata bude oko formulisanja uk platforme, da će laburisti terati torijevce da u platformu uključuju xyz stavove zarad podrške. naravno, mogućnost uslovljavanja će zavisiti od stanja kod konzervi, tj homogenosti stava.



Labour will block the UK’s exit from the European Union if the Government is unable to guarantee access to the single market, Jeremy Corbyn has said.

The opposition will join forces with Tory Remain supporters and other parties to prevent Article 50 from being triggered if this trade access is not assured, the Labour leader told the Sunday Mirror. 


Mr Corbyn suggested Prime Minister Theresa May, who has a slim Commons majority, would be forced into an early general election if she fails to meet Labour’s “Brexit bottom line”.


"We accept the result of the referendum. We are not challenging the referendum. We are not calling for a second referendum. We're calling for market access for British industry to Europe."






stranački rat ispred svega :D


traženjem pristupa jedinstvenom tržištu kao stuba brexit platforme laburisti naravno drndaju poveliko desno krilo konzi i ceo narativ o zaustavljanju imigracije (zbog povezanosti 4 slobode) kao pitanja prvog reda.


da podsetimo - niko ne može ništa garantovati pre završetka pregovora (inače to ne bi bili pregovori), i malo mi je čudno da to stalno slušam kod brita da "ishod pregovora mora biti takav i takav". ne mora.


moj nos kaže da je eu uglavnom zainteresovana za izbalansiran pristup - svake slobode po malo, uz verovatno neka plaćanja u eu, što je kontra do sada iznetom skupu stavova vladajućeg dela konzi. ovim stavovima laburisti će i sa britanske strane uguravati vladu u poziciju bez saveznika.


Hagueov predlog je najbolji. Izdaju se radne dozvole s tim sto se po zakonu svakom EU drzavljninu automatski izdaje posto je doneo potvrdu da je zaposlen tj da je dobio posao. Postoji "kontrola", ali sustinski se nista ne menja. 


Corbyn se setio da nema politike bez para  :fantom:


Ovo je sada odlicna strategija Korbina - divide and rule naspram torijevaca. Bice Mej na kraju u istoj situaciji kao Kameron i svi lideri torijevaca od Hita naovamo - unutrasnje cerecenje oko pitanja odnosa prema Evropi.


Confusion surrounds the Labour position on Brexit after seemingly contradictory positions emerged from the most senior members of the party.


On Sunday, deputy leader Tom Watson made clear the party would not block the result of the referendum vote, after Jeremy Corbyn appeared to suggest he could oppose the Prime Minister’s attempts to trigger Article 50.


The Labour leader told the Sunday Mirror he would be demanding Theresa May seeks to keep Britain in the EU’s single market and may vote against triggering Article 50 if she does not.


However, Mr Watson told BBC Radio 5 Live: “We’re not going to hold this up. The British people have spoken and Article 50 will be triggered when it comes to Westminster.”


"I think it's important the country needs to hear this because most people think that that court judgment meant that the referendum result has fallen. It hasn't, it will go through."


"We want Theresa May to be accountable to Parliament, but the people have spoken and we will respect their decision."


Mr Watson, who is also the shadow Culture, Media and Sport secretary, added: "We want to protect workers' rights, we want to protect companies' right to trade in the single market, tariff-free, we want to support jobs, we want to make sure people don't lose out, but we're certainly not going to hold up Article 50 if we don't get the deal.”


"We think the referendum was very clear and Article 50 will be triggered when it's brought to Parliament. We've got a lot to say, but ultimately when the vote comes Labour will support Theresa May to trigger Article 50.”


"We are very, very clear we will trigger Article 50 when it comes to Parliament, so there is no need for people to be in any doubt about that."


Sources close to Mr Corbyn have also attempted to clarify the position, saying: "We won't be seeking to block Article 50, only amend or influence the Government's negotiating terms if they do not meet our red lines. Our support for invoking article 50 is unconditional, but we would seek to amend or influence the Government's negotiating terms."







Plan je sledeći: ili usvojite naše predloge ili ćemo majci glasati za aktiviranje a50. Boldrikovski lukavo.


pa dobro, mislim da ovo nije tako veliki "zaokret" u retorici tj ni laburisti verovatno nemaju pojma šta bi sve uradili i šta sve hoće, poput konzi.


stoga i ovo prskanje na sve strane.


plus, da ponovim 352356. put - to što uk hoće, sve i da se ujedini oko jedinstvene platforme, je i dalje samo deo priče i polazna tačka pregovora, a ne njihov ishod.


Dobro, naravno. Ali polazna platforma ima uticaja na kona;ni ishod. E sad, sto je za uspesno (sa britanskog stanovista) privodjenje kraju pregovora esencijalno upravo to da se ne znaju njihove crvene linije i u jednom i drugom smeru, o tome je trebalo da misli ona strana kojoj je prvo palo na pamet da se spoljna politika vodi referendumima. 


Scottish government to intervene in Brexit case



The Scottish government is to seek to intervene against the UK government's appeal to the Supreme Court over the triggering of Article 50.


The High Court ruled last week that MPs must vote on whether the UK can start the process of leaving the EU.


The UK government immediately said it would appeal to the Supreme Court, with a hearing due next month.


The Lord Advocate, Scotland's most senior law officer, will now apply to be heard in the case.

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