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The French president, François Hollande, has stepped up the pressure on the UK over its timetable to leave the EU, insisting that Brexit cannot be cancelled or delayed, and that Britain will have to live with the consequences.


His hardline comments came after a meeting with David Cameron in northern France at the Battle of the Somme centenary commemorations. “The decision has been taken; it cannot be delayed and it cannot be cancelled. Now [the British] have to face the consequences,” Hollande told reporters.


“Being in the European Union has advantages. And that’s … what the British are starting to understand,” added the president, alluding to voters who opted to leave but had since expressed regrets. “Those who were tempted by the Brexit are starting to think it over.”


Hollande said a speedy Brexit “would avert all the uncertainties and instability, especially in the economic and financial domains. The faster it goes, the better it will be for them.”



Pa kako nisu - ne cak ni toliko direktno za US nego indirektno kroz sistematsko razbijanje EU.


Nije novost da Kremlj otvoreno podrzava ekstremnije desicarske i levicarske organizacije sirom Evrope i da sistematski sire dezinformacije medju stanovnistvom.


Onaj primer Lavrova kad otvoreno laze o silovanju devojcice u Berlinu od strane izbeglica na vrhuncu krize je samo vrh ledenog brega - ali za mene recimo jasan indikator.


Problem je vise sto iako Amerikanci shvataju koliko je sati, EU to jos ne shvata i nema adekvatan odgovor na medijskom, obavestajnom i spoljnopolitickom nivou.



sa zakasnjenjem procitah ovo i pade mi na pamet, kremlj ima visedecenijsko iskustvo sa tom praksom, ihaj kada su oni imali svog kima filbija medju obavestajnom elitom britanije :lolol:



The French president, François Hollande, has stepped up the pressure on the UK over its timetable to leave the EU, insisting that Brexit cannot be cancelled or delayed, and that Britain will have to live with the consequences.


His hardline comments came after a meeting with David Cameron in northern France at the Battle of the Somme centenary commemorations. “The decision has been taken; it cannot be delayed and it cannot be cancelled. Now [the British] have to face the consequences,” Hollande told reporters.


“Being in the European Union has advantages. And that’s … what the British are starting to understand,” added the president, alluding to voters who opted to leave but had since expressed regrets. “Those who were tempted by the Brexit are starting to think it over.”


Hollande said a speedy Brexit “would avert all the uncertainties and instability, especially in the economic and financial domains. The faster it goes, the better it will be for them.”




totalno su ispizdeli. ali nece biti nista od brzog brexita to je savrseno jasno.


To će početi kad počne, meni se čini da je bitnije ovo "cannot be cancelled" pošto očigledno prate medije i poneki "hm, da vidimo načine da se Brexit ne desi" napis,

Posted (edited)

Meni je ovo ključno:




“Being in the European Union has advantages. And that’s … what the British are starting to understand,” added the president, alluding to voters who opted to leave but had since expressed regrets. “Those who were tempted by the Brexit are starting to think it over.”


Čini mi se da bi im oprostili glasanje za Brexit ali samo ako se pokaju i odustanu i od totalnog izlaska i od nekih planova za povlašćeni i ekskluzivni status unutar EU. Brexit nije sveta krava za EU. Vrlo rado bi prihvatili predreferendumsko stanje.

Edited by slow
Posted (edited)

To će početi kad počne, meni se čini da je bitnije ovo "cannot be cancelled" pošto očigledno prate medije i poneki "hm, da vidimo načine da se Brexit ne desi" napis,


Pa...to je ono, to je povratak evropske spoljne politike u politiku  ^_^ Ono sto smo pricali, oni su sad "Other" i to je potpuno drugacija i percepcija i tretman. Ono sto sam kacio na pm - u Sitiju su sve bankare svih drugih bitnih zemalja pozvali na konsultacije, osim - francuskih, jer im - ne veruju da nece obavestiti odmah vladu. Kad gledam iz francuskog ugla to verovatno sad izgleda kao da su ih ovi molili da se uclane, nikad nisu zapravo ucestvovali (osim mozda sto je to Bler hteo, ali nije uspeo da nametne cak ni Braunu) i sad izlaskom istinski destabilizuju ceo projekat koji Francuzi smatraju (najvise) svojim. To sto su se dva drugara igrali konja vranih, mislim da ih malo interesuje.

Edited by MancMellow

To će početi kad počne, meni se čini da je bitnije ovo "cannot be cancelled" pošto očigledno prate medije i poneki "hm, da vidimo načine da se Brexit ne desi" napis,


Tako on poručuje, ali svi imaju neke svoje poruke. Realno nemaju mehanizam da ih nateraju ni da započnu proces što pre, ni da ga završe što pre. Biće "zaniljivo" gledati kako će to na kraju ispasti i kako će Evropa izgledati za 3 i za 6-7 godina.


Pa...to je ono, to je povratak evropske spoljne politike u politiku  ^_^ Ono sto smo pricali, oni su sad "Other" i to je potpuno drugacija i percepcija i tretman. Ono sto sam kacio na pm - u Sitiju su sve bankare svih drugih bitnih zemalja pozvali na konsultacije, osim - francuskih, jer im - ne veruju da nece obavestiti odmah vladu. Kad gledam iz francuskog ugla to verovatno sad izgleda kao da su ih ovi molili da se uclane, nikad nisu zapravo ucestvovali (osim mozda sto je to Bler hteo, ali nije uspeo da nametne cak ni Braunu) i sad izlaskom istinski destabilizuju ceo projekat koji Francuzi smatraju (najvise) svojim. To sto su se dva drugara igrali konja vranih, mislim da ih malo interesuje.


Šta je poenta konsultacija?


Šta je poenta konsultacija?


pa neam pojma valjda - sta da se radi. nije pisalo u delu koji je slobodan za citanje :D 



French bankers snubbed from Brexit talks

  • Katherine Griffiths
  • The Times
  • 3:10PM July 1, 2016

The entente is not very cordiale among big banks as friction builds in London about where thousands of jobs will be based after Britain’s exit from the European Union.

French bank bosses were snubbed this week when they were not directly invited to a meeting of financiers to discuss Brexit because of concerns that they are working with their government to ensure that well-paid City jobs move to Paris.

Representatives from American and other continental banks attended the meeting with senior staff from British banks, but representatives of Societe Generale and BNP Paribas, which together employ more than 10,000 people in the UK, were excluded.

Their absence from the gathering on Tuesday, which was convened by the British Bankers’ Association and led by Baroness Vadera, chairwoman of the UK division of the Spanish bank Santander, came as City insiders said they were worried that their French counterparts would channel information to Paris about how UK-based institutions were going to cope with Brexit.

The view has been fuelled by the push that France has made to direct jobs to its home market. President Hollande added his voice on Tuesday to calls for euro-denominated clearing to move out of London. “The City, which could make its clearing operations in euro, won’t be able to do so any more,” Mr Hollande said. He added that if the UK abandoned the EU’s pillars of free movement of goods, capital, workers and services, “you lose the advantages that come with it”.

The French government is encouraging its banks to bring staff back to Paris, an initiative that has been resisted so far, according to sources. French banks are in a difficult position of having to show solidarity with politicians at home while wanting to remain competitive in the City’s large financial markets, they added.
Frederic Oudea, chief executive of Societe Generale, said that after Brexit “a new balance must be found between the European financial markets, with a more diverse base. I hope that Paris, today a challenger, will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

“I recently reminded everyone of the need for all of us to work together coherently to enhance the appeal of the financial market in Paris.”
However, Ian Fisher, Societe Generale’s UK chief executive, said this week: “I would like to reconfirm our very strong commitment to the UK, our UK platform and to all our UK stakeholders.” The bank, which employs 4000 people in Britain, bought Kleinwort Benson this year to enhance its UK wealth management business.

Politicians and bankers in France believe that their government will not make any progress in winning significant business until its tax regime and employment laws are relaxed to make it more competitive to move significant operations to the country. After comments from French politicians that France would give a special welcome to City bankers, one UK banker said: “What are they going to do with all that red carpet?”

However, French banks were represented at the BBA meeting through the Association for Financial Markets in Europe, the voice of Europe’s wholesale financial markets. Other attendees were Ewen Stevenson, finance director of Royal Bank of Scotland, and Bob Hoyt, general counsel of Barclays. The group intends to form a working party to come up with specific issues that are important to banks as part of the Brexit negotiations.

Among the issues raised at the meeting this week were whether European companies would have sufficient access to credit, given that they borrow significant sums through London. There was also a view that Dublin would not want to take on responsibility for international banks if they wanted to move to Ireland to remain in the EU.

Despite the volatile movements in bank share prices, bankers believe that issues such as liquidity and capital and their ability to serve customers have remained solid over the past few days.


prijateljski razvod my ass 

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