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Nema dobrog resenja, ali postoji najbolje resenje, a to je sut u but izvesnost, pa sta kosta da kosta.



Njabolje je da vrate sat u Grinicu 7 dana i da se ovo nije ni dogodilo. 


Pa ne bi, jer bi se krckanje nastavilo do sledece situacije. Problem ovde je sto je politicki (ili ideoloski) cilj suprotstavljen ekonomskom i tu jednostavno nema win-win situacije (sem famoznog 'good deal' predloga koji je 'good' samo za UK).


There will be referendums anyway.


There will be referendums anyway.


verovatno u zavisnosti od toga sta uk dobije. ako dobiju ono sto hoce, tj. ako se izlazak ne odrazi na ekonomiju, onda ce danac i holandjanin po'itati na referendum, jedina sansa za spas eu je da kontinentalni evropljani vide kako se uk muci ekonomski zbog izlaska, da im je standard losiji, pa da kazu da je ipak bolje da nista ne diraju da se i oni ne bi zajebali.


Ja sam ubeđen da će ih biti kako god se oni dogovorili, čak i nezavisno od dogovora.

Pozitivniji dogovor po UK a negativniji po EU može samo uticati na njihov ishod, u tom smislu im treba zavrnuti šiju koliko god može, plus (koliko to može, zbog Španaca) podržati Škotsku.



Pa onda pregovarati.

Posted (edited)

Tusk nakon sastanka 27 lidera EU:

Donald Tusk, the European council president, said all 27 leaders had agreed that Britain would have to accept freedom of movement if it wanted to maintain access to the single market as a non-member.

Leaders made it crystal clear that access to the single market requires acceptance of all four freedoms – including freedom of movement. There will be no single market a la carte.


Junker nakon sastanka sa Sterdžonovom:

I will listen carefully to what the first minister will tell me, but we don’t have the intention – neither Donald [Tusk] nor myself – to interfere in the British process. That is not our duty and not my job.

Edited by vememah

Unija se sasvim brzo, fino i dosljedno dogovorila što hoće. Ovi na Otoku...not so much.


Mariann Őry @otmarianna 4h4 hours ago

Orbán: If the UK would like to have the access to the internal market, it will have to respect the 4 freedoms #euco


Paul Mason Verified account @paulmasonnews 4h4 hours ago

The EUCO “all four freedoms” line is not for show. I seen draft and it was an addition. It means they are determined for showdown w Boris


Alberto Nardelli Verified account @AlbertoNardelli 4h4 hours ago

Italy PM Renzi: "Brits made a choice, we are sorry. But let's be clear: They will be worse off, not Europe." #EUCO


Sweden in EU Verified account @SwedeninEU 5h5 hours ago

"The UK referendum serves as a wake-up call. Added value of EU must be evident" says @SwedishPM after #EUCO #eupol


i šta kažete nema brexit dobrih strana a :fantom:


'I'm grieving for our loss of cultural enrichment': :lol: :lol: :lol:


Students claim they will fail their exams because they are so DEPRESSED about Brexit :thumbup: :ziga: :ajde:

    Students took to the web to bemoan the result of last week's referendum
    Some blamed older people for voting the leave the EU and reducing Britain's 'cultural enrichment'
    A few even suggested they could fail exams because of the 'depression'
    Under-25s voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU despite overall result


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3666112/Students-claim-suffering-depression-Brexit.html#ixzz4CzH9T4cY


ovo drugo pitanje nije bas najjasnije



Mariann Őry ‏@otmarianna 4h4 hours ago

Orbán: If the UK would like to have the access to the internal market, it will have to respect the 4 freedoms #euco


Paul Mason Verified account ‏@paulmasonnews 4h4 hours ago

The EUCO “all four freedoms” line is not for show. I seen draft and it was an addition. It means they are determined for showdown w Boris


Alberto Nardelli Verified account ‏@AlbertoNardelli 4h4 hours ago

Italy PM Renzi: "Brits made a choice, we are sorry. But let's be clear: They will be worse off, not Europe." #EUCO


Sweden in EU Verified account ‏@SwedeninEU 5h5 hours ago

"The UK referendum serves as a wake-up call. Added value of EU must be evident" says @SwedishPM after #EUCO #eupol



To je danas. Videcemo za godinu, godinu i po... No jasno je da ce tesko popustiti upravo iz svojih unutrasnjih razloga. Svedi i Madjari su rano neprijatno iznenadjenje za London, verujem. Ono sto ce biti interesantno je sto ce novinari odnah sa tim pitanjima pohitati kod kandidata za lidere stranke/stranaka


ovo drugo pitanje nije bas najjasnije


Novi referendum nakon škotskog izlaska, da ili ne?


Novi referendum nakon škotskog izlaska, da ili ne?


pa ne znam, valjda bi trebalo pitati da li su za Ref Vol.2 ako bi Skotska otisla u slucaju da ga ne bude. Uglavnom, ako od toga zavisi ocuvanje cele zemlje.

Posted (edited)

FTSE100 se vratio gde je bio pre referenduma, cak i porastao. Nije najvaznije, ali je dobar indikator i dobra vest


On jeste, ali 250 nije.




pa ne znam, valjda bi trebalo pitati da li su za Ref Vol.2 ako bi Skotska otisla u slucaju da ga ne bude. Uglavnom, ako od toga zavisi ocuvanje cele zemlje.


I meni je to logičnije, ali nisu to pitali, imaš na linku detaljan PDF.

Edited by vememah
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