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Davno me nije nesto tako slatko nasmejalo ko ovaj njegov pismeni iz Engleskog.

Posted (edited)

Hollande, Merkel discuss Brexit, agree on strategy: French source


French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed in a half-hour phone conversation on Sunday how to handle the aftermath of Britain's vote to leave the European Union, an aide to Hollande said.


Although Berlin and Paris have been sending conflicting signals on Brexit since Thursday's referendum, the aide said: "They noted their full agreement on how to handle the situation created by the British referendum."


They also discussed the need to act quickly on a set of specific priorities and "they hoped for full clarity to avoid uncertainties," the aide said, giving no further details.


Merkel will host talks in Berlin on Monday with Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.


Over the weekend, as Europe began digesting the prospect of an EU without Britain, a cacophony of conflicting signals were being sent out by Europe's politicians despite a joint paper from the German and French foreign ministers meant to minimize their differences and highlight common ground.



Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)

Cekajte, ako sam dobro razumeo plan je pristup jedinstvenom trzistu, slobodan protok britanaca i britanskog kapitala, a point-based system za EU drzavljane za UK, bez para za Brisel i bez ikakvog uticaja EU legislative na UK? Jel to bio skoro neki rat u kome je Britanija pobedila Francusku i Nemacku a da sam ja propustio?

Edited by MancMellow

Poludili ljudi, nema šta.

Moraće tetka i Amerikanci mnooogo da zavrću ruke zbog ovoga. Aj da vidimo.


"I suspect we will see significant downgrades to earnings over the coming weeks," says Dominic Rossi, chief investment officer at Fidelity Investments. 

This will send many UK shares down further, he tells Radio 5 Live's Wake up to Money. 

The relatively muted losses on the FTSE 100 on Friday weren't "a good barometer", he says, as London's benchmark index is dominated by global businesses, particularly oil and mining stocks.

Falls of 20% for UK banks were a better gauge and "pretty disastrous", he says.





Poludili ljudi, nema šta.

Moraće tetka i Amerikanci mnooogo da zavrću ruke zbog ovoga. Aj da vidimo.


Jasno je meni koji je plan - pregovarati i pregovarati sve dok se ne dogovore, a tek onda aktivirati article 50. Mislim, niko ne moye da spreci low-key pregovore i kontakte koji se možda već u nekoj formi dešavaju bilateralno. Fora je u tome što i norveški tip dila dobrano ugrožava EU, a nešto više od toga je de facto rastura. Ako neko na to pristane možemo da počnemo da se pozdravljamo sa EU. I u tom slučaju (i samo u tom slučaju) će Brexiters ispasti pametni i dalekovidi. 


Jasno je i meni to od sanog starta, zato i napisah, ako neko može da sahrani uniju onda su to Nemci.


Ako pristanu na tako nešto.


Svaki dogovor sa UK mora da bude konsenzualni unutar EU


by Tapatalk


A Skoti nesto poput Kurda u Siriji/Iraku.


Svaki dogovor sa UK mora da bude konsenzualni unutar EU


by Tapatalk

Ma nesporno, samo mislim da zarad dobrobiti EU nikako ne sme da dođe do Grčka v.2 situacije, gde će Švabo da tera neku svoju priču kontra svih ostalih.


A tetka opet ispušta disonantne tonove. Raduje me samo što ovaj put to radi samo CDU, SPD je jednako oštar kao Francuzi.


Brexit postaje farsa, a UK banana imperija


Stefan de Vries @stefandevries 20m

French minister of European Affairs @harlemdesir reconfirms French position: "Britain must leave EU as soon as possible." #Brexit





No countries, including the U.K., will join or re-join the EU any time soon, Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s defense minister, said Sunday.

“In my lifetime, there will be no re-entry of Britain in the European Union,” Von der Leyen said on a German TV program, adding that the Continent is facing a severe crisis, Die Welt reports.


Von der Leyen said it was “painful” that many seemed to have forgotten what has been achieved in Europe.


Von der Leyen echoed the sentiment of other senior EU leaders, saying Britain should quickly kick-start the so-called Article 50 procedure to leave the European Union, as waiting for months is “unacceptable,” she said.


Jasno je meni koji je plan - pregovarati i pregovarati sve dok se ne dogovore, a tek onda aktivirati article 50. Mislim, niko ne moye da spreci low-key pregovore i kontakte koji se možda već u nekoj formi dešavaju bilateralno. Fora je u tome što i norveški tip dila dobrano ugrožava EU, a nešto više od toga je de facto rastura. Ako neko na to pristane možemo da počnemo da se pozdravljamo sa EU. I u tom slučaju (i samo u tom slučaju) će Brexiters ispasti pametni i dalekovidi.

Nema se o čemu pregovarati do aktivacije tog članka jer se do toga ništa službeno nije ni dogodilo oko čega bi se pregovaralo. Ako popuste BoJou oko toga, mogu mu onda servirati i cijeli kolač i još mu popušiti pride.
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