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CrowdFlower znate li ?


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Tad sam otprilike i dobio level 1 što će reći da ovaj skor od stotinak taskova od ukupno ≈240 i nije nešto. Mora bolje sad sa ovim novim. :D

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Pozdrav svima, ja sam novi clan :D. U pricu oko crowdflowera sam usao pre nekih 10ak dana, stigao do levela 2 ali su mi skinuli ubrzo oba, srecom nisam 

i ban dobio. Problem je bio sto sam imao tri contributor id sa neobuxa haha, znam strasno. Uglavnom dao sam im neke dokaze da su mi obrisali te neobux 

acc i izgleda da ce mi vratiti levele ali danas vidim da im support ne radi, pitao sam jos par ljudi, kazu da je neki problem do njih.


Inace moja preporuka su one biznis adrese, 8 centi a uradi se za 3 min posao, sifra 881333. 

Nisam uspeo da prodjem par tih unosnijih zadataka, uglavnom radujem se razmeni iskustava sa ostalim clanovima  :lala: .

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Šta je ovo kog đavola? Em počeo da daje duple testove, em ti ne da da vidiš gde si pogrešio. A i da ti da ne možeš da se žališ jer help ne radi.

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ne daje nista uber picka, ali zao sam uradio 17 ovih 

853734 Place Labeling - Version 3.1a

i to je bas moglo jos da da, ali nije lose

pomagaj, na sta obrattit paznju na testu? :)



isto pitanje za sve za "uber"

koliki je procenat " None of the above"?

meni svi skoro deluju tako


hvala unapred. ako propustim uber i ovaj put, silno cu se razocarati :)

Edited by pbg12345
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ma mnogo je lako, obrati paznju da ne klinkes nesto pogresno, sto se meni desilo dva puta u testu pa za malo da ispadnem. inace, 90 posto odgovora ce ti biti isti, samo treba vidis da li je biznis i da li ima ulicu i broj u adresi i da li je neki biznis.

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ok hvala



kod ubera, mi dosta daje da se zale na predugu voznju ili pogresan put,a koliko ja vidim to nemam izdvojeno kao opciju

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hvala jos jednom


i jos samo ovo. znam da sam dosadan, ali ako je neko imao slicno i ako ga ne mrzi nek pomaze:


Nauseous after poor manual car control, constant jolting of car even at the red light


This ticket has been routed to ANZ Urgent.


Rider’s allegations: Summary:

Rider’s allegations: "UNSAFE DRIVING"

Brief summary of communication with rider so far: Escalated ticket to Critical Support

Communication with rider: Escalated to queue

Recommended next steps: Escalated to queue

Relevant Links:

Zendesk Ticket:https://ubercab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/99983241

Trip page in Tools:https://toolshed.uberinternal.com/t2/trips/311666ea-17a3-4fbc-8e85-c15689c6ef60

Driver profile in Tools:https://toolshed.uberinternal.com/tools/drivers/2a7b82f9-40ad-4bc7-b2e4-e97ea0a987f1

Rider profile in Tools: https://toolshed.uberinternal.com/t2/clients/c77d8676-54ca-429b-b190-e179c3878e6b

Requester profile in Tools (if different from rider)https://ubercab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/99983241


Michael Quach 1 minute ago NEW

Nauseous after poor manual car control, constant jolting of car even at the red light


Hi Michael,

My name is Danica reaching out from the Community Operations Team at Uber, let me help you.

I'm sincerely sorry to hear about your Uber driver driving behaviour during this trip. Under no circumstances should your driver drive in a way that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. I hope you're well. However, this is something that we don't take lightly.

No worries, I will be forwarding this feedback to our Driver Operations Team so they can check in with your driver, Basant, and remind him of the safety standards that riders seek when riding with Uber.

This feedback is highly appreciated and will not go unnoticed as it helps us maintain the quality of the Uber experience, Michael. Thank you for taking the time to write in.

Again, apologies for this. Please let me know if there is something else I can help with. I'm more than happy to assist further.




Hi Danica,

I appreciate your prompt response to the matter and as long as the driver is educated I am happy with how you have handled the situation. There were 4 passengers all together (including myself) who ended up getting nauseous, we have used uber 3 times today and understand it is a one off occasion (extremely good service other 2 times). Thanks for the great service and will continue using Uber!




jel ovo staviti pod opasnu voznju, nesigurno i nebezbedno (jer to se pominje u odgovoru ovog ""kontrolora"" ili nesto trece?

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