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pozdrav .povezao sam pay pal sa neobux i skinuo par dolara da probam prvu isplatu ,isti tren novac je isplacen sa neobux-a i dobio potvrdu al novca nema na racunu..zna li ko da li sam ja nesto pogresno uradio il trebam jos nesto povezati da bi imao na racunu....kartica za kupovinu radi jer sam vec nesto narucio preko pay pal..ako ko zna puno hvala unaprijed

 najbolje je da vidis na neobuxy FAQ sekciju

ako ti to ne pomogne imas support tamo


a mozda netko ovde ima takvu kombinaciju ..



FAQ ... gore desno



First, shut down the panic alert.

Done? Ok, let's continue...


Whether you've cashed out to Payza or PayPal, these causes are similar between both:


Accept the payment: Sometimes users have to accept payments before they actually get them credited to their accounts.

Just follow the instructions on the email you received from your payment processor or the instructions in your account's movements.


Verify the email address: Even though you have to confirm your email address when cashing out, there are times that a "whatever" button would work better than a "yes" one. If you have cashed out to the wrong email address, we have two options. First, if that email address is really yours, you can add it to your payment processor's main account and you'll receive the associated payment. The second option is for you to contact us using a support ticket so that we can try to cancel the transfer but it's not always possible.


Contact us: If none of the above works, please contact us. Problems may occur during the transfer and we'll try our best to make it right.


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875390 Help Us Determine Age And Gender Of Twitter Users.







For the question titled "What is the gender of the person pictured?" you answered: "Female" but the correct answer was: "Can't Tell".


The reason for this is: "Business"




For the question titled "What is the gender of the person pictured?" you answered: "Female" but the correct answer was: "Can't Tell".


The reason for this is: "Business"







For the question titled "How old is the person pictured?" you answered: "30-39" but the correct answer was: "Can't Tell".


The reason for this is: "Body builder picture"






For the question titled "How old is the person pictured?" you answered: "30-39" but the correct answer was: "20-29".


The reason for this is: "link to website (with age listed as 27)"







For the question titled "How old is the person pictured?" you answered: "30-39" but the correct answer was: "50-59".




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čestitke! :)


šta je s vinima, ljudi?

kome cestitas? ne valjda meni? :mad:

ovo gore lvl 1 sam slucajno kpirao, odavno sam ja dobio "bedzeve", nije mi trebalo ni puna tri meseca :D

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dok ja pocnem da vadim pare ima fee da bude zero :)


ako prezivi neobux :P



This is just to announce a reduction in NETELLER's withdrawal fees.
Starting now all withdrawals through NETELLER will have a fixed 2% fee with a minimum $1 fee.

For example:

Before: $1.29 fee
Now: $1.00 Fee

Before: $2.45 fee
Now $1.00 fee

Before: $3.18 fee
Now: $1.50 fee

Edited by cedo
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